Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 680 Survived

Ji Xiang immediately lay down on the bed and called him, "Hao'er, Hao'er wake up, I'm dad—"

Ji Hao, who was still moving his fingers, suddenly became silent. Seeing this, Ji Xiang was shocked and shouted anxiously: "Hao'er, Hao'er, wake up—"

Now Ji Hao didn't even tremble his eyelids.

Physician Fan \u0026 Doctor Chen: ...

Physician Fan hurriedly pulled Ji Xiang away, and said to the servant: "Go and invite your wife here."

Then he said to Dr. Chen: "Go and wake up Dr. Ji, he has been unconscious for a long time, it would be best if he can wake up and eat."

Dr. Chen responded and left.

Mrs. Ji Er was resting in the ear room, she would wake up whenever there was any movement outside, she didn't care about cleaning up, she ran over with her face disheveled, "What's the matter, what's the matter, what's the matter with Hao'er?"

Ji Xiang was a little depressed, and when he saw her, he immediately said: "Come and call Hao'er, I just saw his fingers move, wake him up..."

Mrs. Ji Er was startled, threw herself to the bedside and cried, "Is it a return to light?"

Ji Xiang stomped his feet and said, "What nonsense are you talking about? The medicine is effective, so you should call him."

"Hao'er, Hao'er," Mrs. Ji quickly held his hand and cried, "Mother's darling, you should wake up, wake up."

Ji Hao, who was not moving at first, trembled his eyelids again, and moved his fingers slightly...

Ji Xiang: ...

Mrs. Ji's spirits lifted, and she held his hand tightly, "Hao'er, Hao'er, wake up, mother won't hold you back anymore, you can play wherever you want."

Ji Xiang hesitated to speak, but he still didn't refute.

Doctor Ji walked in from the outside quickly, pushed Master Ji Er aside, took Ji Hao's hand from Mrs. Ji Er's hand and felt his pulse, his eyes were slightly bright, and he immediately asked Doctor Chen to go through the needle bag for an injection.

Ji Hao's eyelids trembled even more violently. After a while, he lifted his eyelids and looked at the people around the bed in confusion.

When Mrs. Ji saw this, she burst into tears. If Doctor Ji hadn't stopped her, she would have almost jumped on him and cried bitterly.

Mrs. Ji was also woken up, she only put on a coat and came to see her precious grandson.

Ji Hao just woke up, the whole person was still blindfolded, Doctor Ji only asked someone to drink some warm water for him, and then he glanced at his grandmother and mother, and fell asleep again with heavy eyelids.

Mrs. Ji and Mrs. Ji raised their hearts, but Doctor Ji comforted them: "This is a good thing. Now that he wakes up, he can wake up tomorrow. He is seriously injured now, so he needs to sleep more."

Sure enough, the next day, Ji Hao opened his eyes again in the anticipation of everyone, was fed half a bowl of porridge, drank two more bowls of medicine, and fell into a deep sleep.

But this time, everyone breathed a sigh of relief, Mrs. Ji kept chanting Buddha, and Doctor Ji and Doctor Fan also looked at each other and let out a sigh of relief.

Ji Hao's fever subsided, no matter what happened inside, the wound on the outside slowly disappeared and healed quickly.

After all, he is a sixteen-year-old young man, so the healing speed is quite fast.

The doctors who had been tense all the time finally felt relieved. After taking care of another complete person and confirming that he was completely out of danger, Doctor Fan, Doctor Ji and others bid farewell to Ji's family.

Doctor Ji smiled and said: "I haven't been home for a long time, so as not to worry my family, I will go home today. We have left a prescription for the young master's injury, and we can come to see him once a day."

Physician Fan nodded and said with a smile: "The lower officials are going to return to their orders."

He wasn't invited by Ji's family to see Ji Hao, but was sent by the Yizhou Palace to see Ji Hao. Now that Ji Hao is out of danger, he naturally has to go back and report.

Although Mrs. Ji doesn't like the Yizhou Palace very much, she won't embarrass Imperial Physician Fan. What's more, I have to ask Imperial Physician Fan for the recovery of my grandson afterward. She hastily said, "Then my grandson's leg..."

"Old Madam, don't worry, if you treat the young master better, I will come and set his bones."

Only then did Mrs. Ji let go, and said to Ji Zhong: "Hurry up and take the four doctors back."

Of course, it is impossible to send only four doctors and a large cart of gifts. No matter what, they have guarded Ji Hao for five days, and they are more tired than their family members.

Therefore, there must be no less gifts, nor less money.

As soon as the four doctors left the mansion, everyone who followed Ji's family knew that the dust had settled.

The Ying family heaved a sigh of relief knowing that the four doctors were followed by a car with gifts behind them. Ying Wei immediately said: "Take the car and go to Yizhou Palace."

He had to ask Doctor Fan about the specific situation.

Magistrate Tang also breathed a sigh of relief, he took a sip of tea and said: "Go and send Ying Wenhai back to the prison, the Ying family will send him something, check carefully, just keep him under surveillance, don't stop him gone."

"My lord, Ying Wenhai hasn't eaten for two days, look..."

Magistrate Tang waved his hand and said, "Just send the food, it's up to him to eat or not. He wants to starve himself, so can I force him to eat?"

The yamen servant responded and was about to leave, when County Magistrate Tang stopped him again. After thinking for a while, he stood up and sighed, "Forget it, if you don't have enough money, you'll have to serve as county magistrate here for four years."

Let's go for a better life in the future.

County magistrate Tang folded his hands behind his back and said, "Let the kitchen prepare some simple tea and light meals. Here, I'll go and have a look with you."

Talking about rough tea and light rice, it really is simple tea and light rice, a few steamed buns, two plates of vegetarian dishes, but it's just simple tea and light rice, the kitchen of the county magistrate is much better than the rice in the prison.

Ying Wenhai, who was just brought up from a small dark house, was put back in the prison. Because he didn't eat or drink for two days, he was a little dizzy before his eyes, and he staggered a bit when he was helped into the prison by the yamen servants.

The cell was still the same as when he left, with the quilt prepared for him by the Ying family, the tables and chairs were all new, and the floor was swept clean, which was quite different from other cells where there was only straw on the floor.

He looked at it and sneered.

Tang county magistrate brought the yamen servant into the door, asked him to take out the steamed buns and vegetables, and then waved him away.

Ying Wenhai leaned against the wall and watched Magistrate Tang remain silent. He has been like this ever since he was brought back by Magistrate Tang. Neither speak.

Magistrate Tang reached out to touch the stool and found that it was cleaned fairly cleanly, so he lifted up his robe and sat down, raised his chin and nodded to Ying Wenhai, saying, "Aren't you willing to eat?"

Ying Wenhai ignored him.

Magistrate Tang was not angry, he said: "Today, Doctor Fan and the others came out, Ji Hao should have survived."

Only then did Ying Wenhai look up at County Magistrate Tang, and something changed.

Magistrate Tang ordered the steamed buns and dishes on the table: "If you don't eat, do you want to come up with a trick, or do you want to starve yourself to death to pay for Ji Hao's life? However, whether it's the former or the latter, you're probably in vain , Ji Hao is not dead, there are many who will go back after you are dead; the former, don't tell me, I am really not afraid of your tricks, even if you faint from hunger, this official will not let you go, even if you In the end, I really starved to death, and you Ying family really can't do anything to me."

Ying Wenhai's face changed, and then he slowly got up, walked to the table and sat down, picked up the steamed buns and ate them.

The next chapter is around nine o'clock in the evening

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