Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 676 Prescriptions

"It is recorded in ancient books that in ancient times, humans generally believed that the two most precious medicinal materials in the world, northern ginseng and southern notoginseng, but notoginseng was really discovered its magical effect later. At first, it was only used It is used as a holy medicine for wounded sores, and is rarely used for body repair.”

Teacher Mo's reading speed is faster than Man Bao's, and his comprehension is perfect. He recorded a video and sent it to Man Bao while reading, saying: "You want to use it to stop bleeding, to replenish blood, and to reduce inflammation. Then it has to be divided into two kinds of usage, I have just sorted it out for you, basically there are five prescriptions that can be used, divided into external use and internal use."

Teacher Mo recorded the video while sliding the optical brain in his hand, and said, "Not to mention the external use, it can be applied to the wound, and there are two types of internal use, the first is to replenish blood, and the second is to stop bleeding and reduce inflammation. Their compatibility is very different, so you have to take it at a different time..."

Man Bao stayed in the system for half the night, and when she came out, she didn't care about the darkness in the room. She got out of bed in the dark, opened the door quietly and went out. In the dim moonlight, she went to the study room, lit the lamp and lit it. Then she began to grind ink to write down the prescription that she had discussed with Teacher Mo for half the night.

Daji stood in front of the window silently watching for a long while, then rubbed his swollen eyes and went back to the bed. Zhou Zhoulang on the other side of the bed turned over muttering and continued to sleep soundly.

Daji sighed, even though he was lying on the bed, it was difficult to fall back asleep.

Meeting a little master who can stay up all night reading is quite a headache. He closed his eyes and remained motionless, but listened to the movement outside with his ears open.

Man Bao wrote down all the prescriptions, taking methods and contraindications one by one. After thinking about it, he took out another piece of paper to write down a set of acupuncture methods.

This is the result of her whole afternoon this afternoon. The acupuncture method with the best effect was obtained through continuous experimentation. Although it is not as good as the fever-reducing medicines that Teacher Mo said, it is still somewhat effective.

This set of needles is not difficult, and the time requirement for the middle of the needle drop is not so strict, Dr. Ji should be able to do it.

After Man Bao finished writing, he blew on the ink, and waited until it was almost dry before putting it away and going back to the house.

She was about to wash the brush, but found that there was no water in the brush wash.

Man Bao glanced outside, only to realize that the crescent moon was covered by dark clouds outside, and it was dark outside, and the autumn wind blew, and the shadows of the trees shook...

Man Bao stared at it with wide eyes for a while, then looked at the brush in his hand, put it down decisively, and decided to wash it tomorrow.

Man Bao took the lamp on the table, guarded the light, and quietly went to his own room, so Bai Shan, who was the first to enter the study the next day, found that the pens on the next table were messed up without washing. Just then, the lampstand that was originally on his desk disappeared.

Man Bao slept late, so naturally he woke up a bit later. By the time she finished washing and rushed into the study, Bai Shan had already wiped her hands and sat behind the desk. Mr. Zhuang also stepped into the study and saw Man Bao standing Silly at the table, he asked, "What's wrong?"

Man Bao shook his head immediately, if he let her husband know that she didn't wash the pen after using it, she would definitely be punished.

Man Bao tilted his head quietly and smiled at Bai Shan, who glanced at her secretly and hummed softly.

Bai Erlang walked in with a yawn and asked, "Sir, aren't we still on vacation today?"

Mr. Zhuang patted him on the head and said: "You have to study morning classes during the holidays. After morning classes, I don't care what you want to do."

Bai Erlang resented getting up so early during the holidays, but he didn't dare to make a fuss in front of his husband, so he could only ask Bai Shan and Man Bao: "Are you going out to play today?"

Man Bao had already slipped to his seat and sat down, saying: "I'm going to visit Ji Shi Tang, and when I come back, I can buy some Double Ninth Cakes and Chrysanthemum Cakes."

Bai Shan thought for a while and said, "I'll go with you."

Although Bai Erlang didn't really want to go to the pharmacy, he really wanted to eat delicious food, so he also raised his hand, "I'll go too, I'll go too, since I want to buy Chongyang cake, let's buy some Jiupin soup by the way."

Mr. Zhuang who was sitting at the top also put down his book with a smile, and said: "Then I will buy a jar of chrysanthemum wine for my teacher and come back."

Man Bao swallowed immediately and asked, "Sir, can we drink?"

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang also looked over eagerly. Mr. Zhuang looked at the three disciples and pondered for a while, then stroked his beard and said, "You are too old, you can't drink too much, one or two glasses should be fine."

The three cheered immediately.

Seeing that they were so happy, Mr. Zhuang was also happy, and said with a smile: "Well, you guys go to buy pastries and wine, and I will ask Aunt Rong to buy some crabs and steam them. This is the last time to eat crabs. I missed it." In the past few days, I will have to wait a year to eat next time."

The three were even happier.

Crabs are not easy to buy, they are expensive, and they are very particular about cooking.

Because there are few people who buy it, it is basically not seen in the vegetable market, and you have to find a specific person to buy it.

When I was in Qili Village, Manbao was eaten at Bai Shan and Bai Erlang's house every year around the Mid-Autumn Festival, but the adults always treat them like porcelain dolls, and they definitely don't eat much.

But people are like this, the more they can't eat the more they want to eat, the more they like to eat.

Because they wanted to eat crabs, Man Bao and the others finished the morning class with great vigor, and then went to pick a basket to go out.

After all, there are a lot of things to buy, especially wine. Of course, it would be better to bring a basket.

So on the issue of who should carry the basket, the three of them were at a stalemate for a while.

Man Bao glared hard at Bai Shan, and Bai Shan glared hard at Bai Erlang. Bai Erlang was so angry that he looked left and right, and shouted, "I'm the younger brother!"

Bai Shan and Man Bao specially emphasized: "Yes, you are the younger brother!"

Bai Erlang gritted his teeth, rolled up his sleeves and said, "I'm not convinced, let's guess punches."

Man Bao said: "Guess, guess, who is afraid of you, rock-paper-scissors."

Bai Erlang said harshly: "Okay, rock paper scissors—"

The three shot at the same time, two rocks against one scissors, Man Bao and Bai Shan raised their heads and laughed, turned and left.

Bai Erlang looked at his scissors, gritted his teeth angrily, picked up the pannier and followed, only to be picked up by Daji as soon as he left the yard.

Daji glanced at the three young masters, and put the basket on the car.

Shirajiro: ...

Zhou Zhou Lang stood at the door to see them off, "Go early and come back early, Man Bao, besides chrysanthemum wine, buy another jar of rice wine, Daji and I want to drink."

Man Bao: "I know."

Zhou Zhoulang is only satisfied now, flower wine or something, only young girls drink it, why does Mr. Zhuang like to drink this kind of wine with no alcohol taste?

The four of them went directly to Jishitang. Man Bao jumped out of the carriage, handed the few pieces of paper he had put away in his arms to the shopkeeper Lao Zheng, and said, "I found this last night, shopkeeper, you can send it to Doctor Ji." .”

When I saw your tip, it was already the 17th, so I'm really sorry.

The book review section of Yunqi’s website has been closed for several months, and the book review section in the backstage has six books together, and the news is suppressed after a quick swipe. It’s only when a book friend, a green leaf, finds out a screenshot and shows me the screenshot to find out who you are. For your daughter's reward, so the next chapter will be added to your daughter, although it is a belated blessing

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