Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 671 Change

Five large ingots of gold, one ingot worth about ten taels, Man Bao opened his mouth wide, and looked at each other with his friends.

Bai Shan's face darkened, Man Bao closed the box, thought for a moment and said: "You will not be rewarded for your merits, return it."

Bai Shan nodded, "Mine, just let Daji send it back. How do you return yours?"

Man Bao pondered for a moment, then said: "Send it to Ji Shi Tang, and let the shopkeeper Lao Zheng return it."

She looked down at the box of gold, "I have given away the gold, and I have to tell the shopkeeper Lao Zheng about it."

After all, she was able to go in because of Dr. Ji, and Dr. Ji was a doctor of Ji Shitang. She didn't know what the meaning of the gold was, and she didn't want to know.

Man Bao hugged the box and called Zhou Zhou Lang and Zhou Lijun: "Fourth brother, take all the things out, let's go to Jishitang."

Zhou Zhou Lang reluctantly took his eyes away from the gold box, knowing that it was too hot to touch, so he quickly took out the other gift boxes.

Bai Shan and Daji also took out their gift boxes, and Bai Erlang and the cook rushed to help.

Fortunately, the cook also knew that gifts should not be mixed, so although the gifts of the two of them were piled in the main room, they were divided into two piles, so that they would not be messed up when everyone moved them.

Putting all the presents on the car, Bai Shan wrote a post back, saying that he would not be rewarded for his merits, and he deserved these things.

"Send something, if they don't accept it, just put it down and leave just like their Ying family." Bai Shan was very rude to Ying Jia who caused him trouble for no reason, and he was a little depressed. At this time, they should prepare Take a bath, and then go to the river to wash clothes while playing in the water.

Come back and read a book, write, or play on the wall, and then you can get ready for sleep.

As a result, when Ying's family came, their plans were completely messed up.

Bai Shan has always been not very polite to those who make trouble for him.

Man Bao is not as easy as him, he can just hand in the post, but Man Bao wants to follow Zhou Zhoulang to Jishitang in person.

After all, compared to Zhou Zhoulang, shopkeeper Lao Zheng will definitely trust her more, and this matter is not small, Man Bao is a little worried about Dr. Ji.

She climbed into the carriage, and Zhou Zhoulang's carriage left first.

After leaving the alley, the two cars separated, one was heading north and the other was heading south.

When we arrived at Jishitang, the shopkeeper Old Zheng was not in the front hall, so Man Bao asked Xiao Gu who was guarding the counter, "Brother Xiao Gu, where is the shopkeeper Old Zheng?"

Xiao Gu quietly pointed to the backyard.

Man Bao paused, leaned forward and asked in a low voice, "What's wrong?"

"Old shopkeeper Zheng is in a bad mood," Xiao Gu asked in a low voice, "Why are you here at this time?"

"It's something," Man Bao replied vaguely, and asked, "Why are you in a bad mood?"

Xiao Gu shook his head, "Someone gave the shopkeeper a generous gift at noon, and then the shopkeeper became unhappy."

Man Bao frowned slightly, took the gold box from Zhou Zhoulang and went to the backyard.

Although it only has five ingots, it is actually quite heavy.

In the backyard, old shopkeeper Zheng was sitting silently with Doctor Xiao Ji.

Seeing Man Bao come in, both of them were a little surprised, "Why are you here at this time?"

Man Bao put the box on the table between the two of them, opened it and said, "It's a gift from Ying's family."

Seeing the familiar gold ingot and the familiar box, Doctor Xiao Ji slapped the table angrily, stood up, turned around and was about to rush out.

Old Zheng shopkeeper hurriedly shouted: "Stop, what are you going to do?"

Doctor Xiao Ji was so angry that his chest heaved, and he said, "Where else can I go? Throw those things at the door of Ying's house."

"Nonsense," Old Zheng shopkeeper shouted: "Don't you think it's not chaotic enough now? How do you compare with Yizhou Palace, and how do you compare with Ji's family?"

Zhou Zhoulang stood aside and stared at them blankly.

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng also saw him, but he regarded him as one of his own, and he didn't shy away from it. He sighed deeply and said, "I have to return things, but that's not how I return them."

He frowned and said: "You bring the things in a while, together with Man Bao's, I will deliver them to Ying's family myself."

Man Bao looked at this, then at that, scratched his head and asked, "It's just a gift, why are you so angry? Although it's annoying to force a gift like this."

Doctor Xiao Ji clenched his fists and said, "What do you know, the Ying family even gave me a post."

"What post?"

"A post about entering Taitai Hospital!"

Man Bao let out a "wow", and then looked at him suspiciously, "Will you be able to enter the Tai Hospital with the post?"

Doctor Xiao Ji blushed and said: "Naturally, you have to take the exam, but if you fail the exam, you can go to the Imperial Hospital to help, and then slowly learn from the imperial doctors of the Imperial Hospital."

"Then why is it for you and not for Doctor Ji?" Man Bao paused, rubbed his chin and said, "Even if this post is to be given, it should be given by the Ji family. Why is the Ying family so active?"

She opened her mouth slightly and asked, "Is Ji Hao dead?"

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng glared at her and said, "Keep your voice down."

He paused and said: "He didn't die, but he had a fever. Once a traumatic patient has a fever, the chance of surviving is less than 20%. The Ying family is looking for a scapegoat in advance."

Man Bao frowned, and asked, "They want to find Doctor Ji as a scapegoat?"

"I don't know which one it is, and the Ying family won't discuss it with us, but there are four doctors who treat the disease, one of them is an imperial doctor, and besides him, Doctor Ji's medical skills are the best."

Man Bao was angry: "The Ji family will not agree."

"The Yamen's sentence is fine, and the Ying family didn't expect the Ji family to agree." After Lao Zheng's shopkeeper looked at Man Bao, he said, "You should go out of the city if you are fine, go home, or go anywhere. Are you Do you want to see how the medicinal materials look when they are fresh? How about I give you the addresses of a few medicinal farmers, and you can find them?"

Man Bao turned around and left, "Fourth brother, let's bring all the presents in."

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng snorted, and said to Dr. Ji, "This little thing doesn't appreciate it. If she hadn't been dragged into this vortex by Lao Ji, I wouldn't bother to worry about it."

Man Bao and Zhou Zhou Lang brought all the presents in, and the shopkeeper Lao Zheng mixed up the presents and asked, "When will you send them?"

Shopkeeper Lao Zheng: "Hurry up sooner rather than later, deliver now."

Man Bao said: "Then you didn't say it earlier, I'll just put it outside the door, and if we move in, we have to move out again."

"You didn't ask me." Lao Zheng, the shopkeeper, was used to bickering with her. After talking about it, he felt a little better, and the stone on his heart seemed to be less heavy.

Man Bao and Zhou Zhou Lang resigned to their fate and moved out all the gifts.

Xiao Gu behind the counter watched them move things in and out, as if they were idiots, who knew that after a while, shopkeeper Lao Zheng and doctor Xiao Ji also moved things out, so Xiao Gu couldn’t sit still Live, quickly out of the counter to help.

The next update will be around 8pm

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