Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 667 Gifts

The two old doctors and Dr. Chen and Dr. Ding picked up all the clothes on Ji Hao's body, treated some minor injuries that had not been treated in time, and then put a clean cloth on his wound.

Physician Fan said: "This bandage must be scalded with boiling water, exposed to the hot sun, and salt water should be used to scrub the wound every time."

The old mother felt distressed, "It hurts so much to use salt water, Mr. Fan, do you think there is any other better way?"

Before Imperial Physician Fan could speak, Doctor Ji said indifferently: "Yes, replace it with the strongest baijiu, the effect is no worse than salt water."

The old mother immediately dared not speak.

Doctor Fan turned his head and joked with Doctor Ji, "You are not afraid of really waking up the child."

"It's a good thing to wake up, it's better than not to wake up." Doctor Ji glanced back at the bloodless Ji Hao, sighed and said, "I prescribed a prescription for nourishing blood, his breath is weak now, so he has to find a way to replenish blood .”

As for people not waking up, there is naturally a feeding method for not waking up, this is not in the care of their doctors.

In terms of internal adjustment, Doctor Ji was obviously better than Imperial Physician Fan, so the old lady respectfully accepted the prescription and left.

The four doctors were also very tired. After discussing it, they decided to take turns to be on duty, with an old doctor leading a young one.

Physician Fan chose Dr. Chen to follow, and Dr. Ji took Dr. Ding with him. After the appointment, they went down to wash and rest. If something happened, they would send someone to find the person on duty.

But Doctor Ji, who returned to his room, was not sleepy. After eating, he hesitated and knocked on the door next door.

Physician Fan opened the door for him to come in, poured him a cup of tea and sighed, "I've been crying for half an hour."

It refers to the crying sound from the main room, since he took a bath, he was still crying after eating.

Doctor Ji asked: "Didn't the people from Yizhou Palace come to pick you up?"

Physician Fan smiled and shook his head, quite accustomed to it, "People like us are masters when we need it, and ordinary people without names and surnames when we don't need it."

He said with a smile: "Now that Young Master Ji's life or death is uncertain, the Yizhou Palace naturally avoids it as much as it can."

Doctor Ji glanced at him and said, "You can think about it."

"I'm different from you. I'm a military doctor. I was able to enter the Tai Hospital because of luck. I've experienced this kind of thing a lot. What can't you think about it?" Doctor Fan said, "I'm fifty-four this year. I'll wait until later." Two years later, if the child in my family breaks out, I can report my illness and leave my job.”

Imperial Physician Fan paused and then smiled: "I think your Jishitang is good, I will also go to your place to be a sitting doctor to earn some extra money then?"

Doctor Ji smiled and said, "It's what I wish for. With you as an imperial doctor, our Jishitang's business will definitely be better."

Physician Fan smiled and shook his hands, "Don't bury me, you Ji Shitang can still find someone with a broken bone or cut open stomach to treat me every day?"

"It's good to have your name here."

Physician Fan choked for a moment and asked, "Is that little girl your apprentice today?"

Doctor Ji smiled and said nothing.

Physician Fan said, "Although she is a woman, she is very talented. Who taught her the acupuncture technique to stop bleeding?"

Doctor Ji said: "Self-study."

Physician Fan didn't quite believe it, "Is it a family tradition? Is it a descendant of a famous doctor in our Yizhou?"

Doctor Ji just shook his head and didn't speak. Physician Fan was a little dissatisfied, pushed him and said, "What are you afraid of? I won't fight with you."

Doctor Ji sighed and said, "Let's talk about it after this matter is over. When the time comes, you come to Jishitang to find me, and I'll show you that child."

Physician Fan was finally reconciled, and sighed: "Her acupuncture method to stop bleeding is well used, and I don't know how many people can be saved."

Doctor Ji nodded and said with a smile: "Actually, I have also learned it, but after all, I am old and lack energy, so I am not as good as her."

Fan Yu said: "You haven't learned everything yet."

Otherwise, I would have been groping for a needle by myself.

The two old doctors joked with each other for a while, then Doctor Ji went back to his room and fell asleep to the sound of crying from the main room.

Mrs. Ji Er stood by Ji Hao's bed and cried, watching the girl feed him medicine with a reed tube. Mrs. Ji didn't stop her from crying, she couldn't help wiping her tears.

The old mother stood behind her, and whispered what she had found and the treatment at that time, and said: "The man who saved the young master is a classmate of the young master. According to Mr. Wei, his name is Bai Shan. Not from Yizhou, but from Longzhou in Guannei Road."

"Longzhou?" Mrs. Ji frowned and thought for a long time before saying, "I vaguely remember that someone's family is also from Longzhou."

The old mother smiled and said: "Old lady forgot, Qiao Changshi, the old lady of Qiao's family is from Longzhou. In May, old lady Qiao's natal nephew also went to Yizhou to take up a post. You even sent someone to give you a gift."

After she said this, Mrs. Ji remembered and asked, "Are they from the same family?"

"I don't know yet, but I have already sent someone to ask Mr. Fu Xue for the address. After all, he saved our young master's life."

Mrs. Ji nodded and said: "Let someone send a generous gift first. When Hao'er wakes up, we will have a good banquet and invite him to come and have fun."

The old lady agreed.

"And the little lady you mentioned, also prepare a generous gift and send it to Jishitang to find out which family she is from, and write it down. When Hao'er wakes up later, please come here together."


The old lady retreated to make arrangements, so before nightfall, Bai Shan received a generous gift from Ji's family. The table was piled up with gift boxes, and the table was put on the ground when it couldn't fit.

The servant who was sent to give the gift happened to be in Qixia Mountain today. When he saw Man Bao coming out of the house with Bai Shan, he was shocked, then laughed, and said: "It's a coincidence, I didn't expect the little lady to be there too." Here, we are about to send a gift to Jishitang. Since we met the young lady here, why don't the young lady tell you the address of your home, and the little ones will send the gift directly to the house, so that you won't have to go back and forth to get it. .”

Man Bao was stunned for a while, and asked: "I am also polite?"

"Of course, everyone who saved the young master today is polite."

Only then did Man Bao nod and said, "My family lives here, you just have to get people to move things in."

servant: ...

He looked at Bai Shan, then at Man Bao, and said hesitantly, "The two of you are..."

Zhou Zhou Lang sent Mr. Zhuang out to find someone, and now the master of the family is of course the senior sister Man Bao, so she stood up and smiled: "I am his senior sister, our husband has gone out, there is no adult at home, so we are neglecting."

The servant immediately bowed his head, wiped his sweat and said, "Where, where, that little one will ask someone to bring the things in."

He followed and walked out. Originally, the gift to Man Bao was lighter than Bai Shan's. After all, their definition at the beginning was that Bai Shan was the young master's classmate, while Man Bao was Doctor Ji's apprentice.

But at this moment, the servant thought about it, and took some out of the appeasement gifts given to the Ji family, Chen family, and Ding family on his own initiative.

Then let the servants go in together.

The next update will be around 8pm

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