Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 657 Mid-Autumn Festival

Bai Shan started school the next day, and before he had time to go to the classroom, Wei Chen who was waiting on the road stopped him and asked, "You told the Ji family about Ji Hao's injury yesterday?"

"No, I'm not familiar with Ji Hao, and I haven't visited the door before, what's the matter?"

Wei Chen said: "Yesterday, not long after you left, someone from Ji's family came to take Ji Hao back. Before he left, he said that he wanted you to look good when he came back."

Bai Shan snorted and said, "When I left yesterday, County Magistrate Tang was also going out."

He didn't finish his sentence, but the meaning couldn't be more obvious, Wei Chen smiled and said: "I guess it's not you, after he recovers from his injury, he will definitely find out about it, so you two don't quarrel. You are still in the same class, shouldn't your relationship be better than mine?"

Bai Shan snorted, turned around and left.

Wei Chen didn't chase him, and waved to him, "I'll go to the library with you after school this afternoon."

It's not that Weichen got excited all of a sudden, but as a resident student, he has limited things to play with. Recently, he found that there are some good books in the library.

And this is one of the reasons why Bai Erlang climbs the wall and sneaks into the library with Man Bao and the others from time to time.

In the afternoon, Man Bao slipped into the library alone, and Wei Chen asked her in a low voice, "Why didn't Bai Er come?"

"He said he has too much homework and won't come today."

Wei Chen contemptuously said in a low voice: "Are you scared? Don't worry, Mr. Wu has bad eyesight, so he won't notice."

Man Bao looked up at him, and said in the same low voice: "Should you already know?"

Wei Chen blinked, "Who knows? Know what?"

Man Bao glanced at him and said, "Nothing."

Wei Chen hated people who left half of their words the most. Just as he was about to get angry, he saw Mr. Wu patrolling over. He straightened his sitting posture and obediently lowered his head to read a book.

Mr. Wu turned a corner and came to them, looked down at the books, pens and paper spread out in front of Man Bao, and nodded approvingly.

Then he left with his book on his back.

Wei Chen quietly raised his head and watched Mr. Wu's back disappear between the bookshelves. He couldn't help swallowing, and asked in a low voice, "Why, why?"

Man Bao didn't answer, no matter what it was for, they accepted Mr. Wu's affection, Man Bao decided to ask Aunt Rong to make some delicious snacks tomorrow.

Shanbao said that Mr. Wu seems to like to eat sweet things, but the book said that eating too sweet things is not good for your health when you are old...

While copying the book, Man Bao was thinking about snacks, and immediately forgot about Wei Chen.

When Bai Shan came back from looking for a book, he saw that he was still sitting beside him muttering softly, so he patted him with the book, "Go quickly."

Dislike him for noisy ears.

Wei Chen whispered, "I don't want to be with you yet."

After that, he turned and left.

The days passed by quietly, and within a few days it was the Mid-Autumn Festival holiday. Ji Hao hadn't been able to go back to school from Ji's house, and everything was calm.

The Mid-Autumn Festival holiday was with Xiumu, and the prefectural schools had a total of five days of vacation. The large and small colleges in Yizhou City generally followed the steps of the prefectural and county schools, and the holidays were generally only more or less.

During the Mid-Autumn Festival, Man Bao and the others naturally went home.

This time, because the weather was not so hot, they went out early, and they returned home faster than last time. Zhou Zhou Lang then sent Mr. Zhuang to the dealer in the county town first, and then turned around to inform Xiaoqian that they were back.

Xiaoqian closed the store, and went back to the village with them with her things.

Xiaoqian quietly said to Man Bao: "Is there a happy event at home?"

"What happy event?"

"Your eldest sister is pregnant, and the family was planning to send you a letter when the fourth child comes back, but you came back, how long can you stay at home this time?"

Man Bao was happy, "Elder Sister is going to have a child?"

"Yeah, it's just been diagnosed, and the days are still short. Parents don't ask to go out and talk about it. After two months, the fetus is stable." Xiaoqian is also very happy, "This time, parents' worries have gone away Half a child, your fifth sister-in-law is about to give birth, but the sixth wife is worrying, the former son-in-law asked him to visit a girl, but he didn't go, and my father is still angry with him."

Zhou Lijun said: "Uncle Six doesn't want to marry a wife yet."

"Your elder brother can talk about kissing. If he doesn't marry a wife again, does he want to be a bachelor for the rest of his life?"

Zhou Lijun and Man Bao looked at each other and smiled gloatingly.

This time when he came home, Saturday Lang was very honest, he hid in the kitchen to help Little Qian prepare meals when he had something to do, he is now the best cook in the family except for his sister-in-law.

Still above several sister-in-laws.

If you have nothing to do, hide next to Man Bao. Basically, as long as Man Bao is around, even if Lao Zhoutou and Qian want to talk about him, they will restrain themselves.

Man Bao said: "Sixth brother, you can't always hide from your parents, what will you do if I leave?"

"I'll go to the county seat after you leave, and I won't go home." Saturday Lang paused, looked outside cautiously, and asked Man Bao in a low voice: "Man Bao, how much money do I keep with you?"

Man Bao took out a booklet, flipped through it, and said, "There are twenty-eight taels of silver and sixty-two copper plates."

"Are the shops in Yizhou City expensive? How much does it cost to rent one?"

Man Bao looked at him with raised eyebrows, and Liu Liulang smiled at her.

Man Bao pondered: "I haven't asked, but it must be much more expensive than the county town, but the food in the restaurant there is also more expensive than the county town. If you want to know the details, ask the fourth brother, or Li Junbi Say hello to me."

Man Bao thought of something, and said in a low voice: "Li Jun is now helping the fourth brother to manage the accounts, and he is very familiar with the outside world, and she also wants to find a job in the account house."

Saturday Lang rolled his eyes.

The two brothers and sisters looked at each other, and they both laughed happily, tacit understanding.

The two of them were sitting in Man Bao's room to dodge. Through the window, they saw Wu Wu Lang helping Fifth Sister-in-law back to the house.

Liu Liulang said: "As soon as the autumn harvest was over, Fifth Brother told Dad that he wanted to clear out the mountain of the eldest brother and the mountain of the third brother, and plant all of them with privet seeds. Dad said he was crazy, so he didn't agree."

Man Bao asked: "And then?"

"Then the fifth brother found the eldest brother and the others. They paid for people together. Now they have started to clean up the weeds on the mountain. I think they mean to keep some of this year's privet seeds as seeds and directly sow them on the ground. On the mountain."

"Sixth brother, why don't you come together?"

Saturday Lang said: "I prefer to cook, and I'm not interested in growing medicinal materials. When I become an adult next year, I will plant all the land and mountains I get."

Man Bao disliked him, "I don't know where your mountain will go. The mountains of fifth brother and fourth brother are useless."

"That's not necessarily true. This year, the village has taken back two shares of the mountain."

Speaking of this, Man Bao was a little silent. Only when a person dies can the mountain be taken back. Yongye Tian can inherit it, but Koufen Tian cannot.

Liu Liulang was also silent for a while and then said: "Mother said, summer and winter are hard for the old man, basically if he can survive the winter, he will have an extra half a year of work."

"What are you talking about?"

"Man Bao, father and mother are getting older, you have to learn medical skills well, and when they are old, if praying to God doesn't work, you can still use medical skills to save their lives, by the way, Master Tianzun can't do it either. Neglect, gods are always more effective than mortal arts, did you pay homage to Lord Tianzun when you came back?"

Next update around 6pm

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