Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 647 Stealing the Lotus Pod

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao sat in the study, each occupying a small desk, looked out of the window at Bai Erlang who was talking to his husband, and sighed together.

Then he bowed his head resignedly to write.

They were fined. In addition to the original homework, they had to write three Chinese characters. In the words of Mr. Zhuang, "If you don't carve a jade, you can't make it. You may not be able to carve these two pieces of jade for a long time."

After writing three Chinese characters, the two honestly took the characters to the husband for comments.

Mr. Zhuang took it with his hand, looked at it for a while and then shook his head, "It's still a bit late. From now on, I have to write two Chinese characters every day, so I don't need to practice the big characters."

The two bowed down.

Mr. Zhuang waved his hand and said, "Go and play."

Man Bao and Bai Shan breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward, supported Bai Er on the left and right, and pulled him out the door.

Bai Er was caught off guard, and was carried out of the courtyard by them, and asked, "What are you doing?"

"Go practice climbing the wall."

"Don't we have ladders, why do we need to practice climbing walls?"

Man Bao said: "Are you stupid? We were supposed to learn how to climb the wall. If the ladder is found, we can run or go in again. The ladder is just a solution to the urgent need."

Bai Shandao: "You still think that I will build and move ladders for you every day, it's a beautiful idea."

Shirajiro thought so.

But he is weak alone, and he watched Bai Shan and Man Bao stretch their legs, bounce, and then brush their heroic postures that can walk two steps on the wall under Daji's guidance, so he practiced together.

Bai Erlang found that sneaking into the library to read books was an interesting but tiring game.

Although the miscellaneous books in the library are interesting, they are not as good as playing outside.

So after being honest for a few days, he finally couldn't help but quietly played with Wei Chen, leaving Bai Shan and Man Bao behind.

In the beginning, the two were just playing in the government school.

Anyway, there are many students in the government school, and not everyone knows everyone, let alone the officials and school officials.

So he is very safe in the government school.

Later, Wei Chen saw that they could enter and exit so conveniently, so instead he used their ladder to sneak out and took Bai Erlang out to play.

Of course, Man Bao and the others occasionally join in.

It's just a pity that Mr. Zhuang held on to the two of them very tightly, and the reading task assigned was very heavy, and every time they went home, Mr. Zhuang would ask questions.

Ask about the contents of the book, ask what they got, ask them what questions they have...

He said to Bai Shan: "Originally, we planned to go to the capital to try six schools after three or two years of schooling, so your time is very tight. I don't want you to play, but we must also pay attention to time, and play for you every day. Not much time."

Turning around, he said to Man Bao: "What you learn is different from Shan Bao Erlang. Generally speaking, what you have to learn is more in-depth. Although you only know some medical principles as a teacher, you also know that the medical skill of curing diseases and saving lives does not happen overnight. If you can learn it, you have to persevere every day and never slack off.”

"So I allow you to spend half of your time every day studying medicine at the pharmacy. You study less time than them, but you learn as much as them. Where does that time come from? You can only squeeze it by yourself. "Mr. Zhuang said something that he and Zhou Zhoulang talked about most often, "Work harder now, and wait for you to grow up and achieve something in college."

I don't know whether Mr. Zhuang believed it or not, but Man Bao did.

With the urging of Mr. Zhuang, coupled with autumn, the weather gradually cools down, and Manbao's reading is not so depressed and irritable.

And after persistent exercise, they have been able to climb up the wall without using a ladder, and jump off the wall with support.

Not only the somewhat low wall to the west of the Fuxue, but also the relatively high wall of Yan's house, they can also jump up and jump off it safely.

So, after stepping on the wall for the first time, Man Bao climbed onto the top of the wall and jumped up. She glanced at the lotus pond hidden behind the tree. She couldn't hold back, and jumped towards the side of Yan's house.

Bai Shan and Bai Erlang, who were still cheering for her, were stunned, and then immediately took a few steps back, jumped up to the top of the wall, and then jumped down there.

Daji: ...

He followed helplessly, and when he passed, the three of them had already run some distance away.

The three ran to the lotus pond. The lotus pod was just right, but there was no boat and no water skills. The three could only stand by the side and stare blankly. After stretching out their hands a few times, they found that they couldn't reach them, and then looked at Daji.

Daji moved his head aside, his eyes paused slightly.

Everyone followed his gaze and saw the abandoned boat on the shore. The three of them cheered and ran towards the boat, not afraid of being heard by others.

Bai Erlang was the fastest runner, stretching out his hand to drag the boat, but he felt that it was as heavy as a thousand catties, he dragged it hard, it didn't move at all, and pushed it harder, it still didn't move at all.

Bai Erlang straightened up involuntarily and looked at Bai Shan and Man Bao.

The two of them had already bent down to look for the reason. The three of them went around and realized that the boat ran aground on the shore because it had been parked for too long. move.

Bai Shan touched the wooden boat, tapped it again and said, "It looks pretty solid, how about we turn it over?"

This method is good, the three of them went to the top, and directly turned the whole boat over with force, only then did they see a ridge at the bottom of the boat, and the bottom was directly stuck.

Seeing that the wooden boat had been turned over, the three of them had a good time, turned it over again, and pushed it into the water.

The three rushed up like this, and after sitting for a while, they found that the boat was swinging on the water but did not move, and they were stunned for a while.

Daji found two planks from nowhere, and boarded the boat.

The three of them were not very old, and it was impossible for him to let them run into the water to play by themselves.

After giving them the plank, Daji went to the end of the boat and sat down. Man Bao who took the plank rowed in the water and asked, "How do you row this?"

Bai Erlang went to snatch the plank from her hand, and said, "Just row whatever you want, as long as you can move it."

Man Bao slapped his hand away unceremoniously, and shouted: "I know, if you want to row backwards, I will go first."

Bai Shan had already put the plank into the water and started paddling. It was the first time for everyone. With this paddle, the wooden boat started to spin around on the spot.

Daji didn't care about them and let them make trouble, anyway, if it was dark, they would have to go back.

The three of them paddled happily for a while, and slowly found the feeling and rhythm, and rowed the boat to the middle of the lotus pond.

It was the end of summer at this time, when the lotus pods were ripe, Man Bao and the others specifically picked out the large and mature lotus pods and folded them. The three of them worked together and picked twenty or so in a short time.

Daji saw that their interest was not diminished, but that they were getting more and more excited, so he reminded: "If you pick too much, you can't finish it."

Bai Shan glanced at the lotus pods piled up at his feet, and said, "Pick a few more, we have a large family, so everyone can eat a few and we'll be done."

Man Bao nodded repeatedly, pointed to one and said, "That's big, that's big, let's go there quickly."

Bai Erlang pointed to another place and said: "There are many and big ones over there, let's go there first..."

happy mid-autumn festival

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