Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 604: Is it an accident?

Although it is a bit vulgar for scholars to talk about money, the two reminded him, and Mr. Lan turned around and went in to find Mr. Zhuang.

He thought it was a good idea to let Senior Brother Zhuang give lectures, not for Shu Xiu, but mainly to repair his relationship with the Huang family, right?

But he didn't expect that Shu Xiu was really important to Mr. Zhuang.

It's not particularly hard, it won't delay the study of the three disciples, and it has money, and it can expand the relationship between people. It seems that there are many benefits.

Mr. Zhuang hesitated for a while, and when he saw the three little heads lying on the window, he nodded in agreement.

Forget it, let's go.

The three disciples are newcomers, and every day besides playing by themselves, they are studying. Although they are still naughty, they are not as lively as before.

It's good for him to go to Dazhi Academy to take classes, and he can bring them to meet a few more friends.

Thinking about it this way, Mr. Zhuang agreed, and said: "If you only teach big lectures, it's okay."

After thinking for a while, he said, "You also know that I know Lao Zhuang the most, and I can focus on this for my lectures."

Lan Cheng was happy, "I'll go and talk to Senior Brother Huang."

He didn't stay for dinner anymore, and left happily.

The three little heads kept watching him go out, and then they slipped into the study together and lined up in a row. Man Bao asked, "Sir, do we have a good relationship with Mr. Huang and the others?"

Mr. Zhuang knocked her on the head with his hand and said: "You have only met twice, why is your relationship not good?"

Bai Shanbao said: "Sir, you ask the question knowingly, we are with you."

Bai Erlang nodded repeatedly.

Mr. Zhuang laughed and said, "Don't meddle in adults' affairs, children, just do your own thing well."

He paused, thinking that with the mischievousness of the three disciples, maybe they would really cause something to happen because of this, and said: "That was an old grievance decades ago, and my husband has forgotten it, so you don't have to. Get entangled in this matter, and do what you have to do."

The three of them understood after hearing this, "Then shall we continue to play with Qi Jue and the others tomorrow?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled, "Go, go, make more friends."

But they didn't go looking for Qi Jue and the others on purpose.

The next day was the Dragon Boat Festival, Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Lijun stopped going out to earn money, and drove out with Man Bao and the others.

Even Mr. Zhuang went out with them, plus Wei Chen, and everyone went to the main street in a mighty manner.

They are mainly here today to watch the boat race, but the boat race will be after the big performance of the Nuo opera, and the big performance of the Nuo opera will be after the speech of the king of Yizhou.

Man Bao also wanted to see what the king of Yizhou looked like, but she didn't want to squeeze in the street, mainly because she was too short to stand in the crowd and couldn't see the front at all, even if the king of Yizhou stood on a high platform. .

Bai Shanbao was about the same height as her, and of course he didn't like to be squeezed in crowds, so after everyone discussed it, they went to sit or stand to watch in the nearby restaurant.

However, the second floors of the shops on both sides are all occupied.

Man Bao couldn't help looking at the roof of the shop, Bai Shanbao also looked over, and then kept peeking at Daji.

Daji didn't look sideways, and protected them to retreat to the corridor of a shop, and Zhou Zhoulang found a bench from nowhere.

Wei Chen couldn't help but gave him a thumbs up, and then stood on the bench with Man Bao and the others.

This station, the field of vision will be widened. Although they are standing in a remote position, they can still see the high platform clearly. The most important thing is that they can hide from the sun under the eaves and not be exposed to the sun.

Zhou Zhoulang disliked the four of them and took up a bench. He reached out and patted their buttocks and said, "Stand sideways, do you understand if you stand sideways? Make room for me and Er... Lijun."

Wei Chen carefully turned around on the stool and stood sideways.

Zhou Zhoulang and his niece also stood up, and the six of them looked forward together.

Mr. Zhuang, who was unwilling to stand up because of his image: ...

And Daji, who is thought not to need a stool:  …

The six people stood up, and the king of Yizhou just happened to lead all the officials of Yizhou city to appear on the stage.

Including Yizhou Jiedushi, Yizhou Governor and Tang County Magistrate of Huayang County and other chief officials.

They stood behind King Yizhou in a flash.

Then, as soon as the king of Yizhou came to power, the gongs and drums were rang with a bang, and the people onlookers on the street knelt down and shouted: "Meet the king of Yizhou——"

Scholars bowed and saluted, even those standing on the second floor of each shop bowed and saluted. The six people crowded on the stools:  …

Just when they were hesitating whether to jump down to salute, the king of Yizhou had already raised his hand to let everyone exempt, and everyone stood up again with a huff, or straightened their waists.

The six people standing on the stools breathed a sigh of relief, and continued to look ahead.

Mr. Zhuang straightened his back, and tiptoed slightly to look at the high platform.

No one noticed that Daji standing behind them didn't move, he didn't kneel, he didn't bow, he didn't even bend his waist.

The king of Yizhou was very pleased to see the dense crowd on the street. After three years of recuperation, Yizhou City finally restored its former prosperity.

He gave a speech, encouraged the people, and the most important thing was to look forward to the future, and then wished everyone good health during the Dragon Boat Festival. In addition to the boat race this year, their Yizhou Palace also invited people to perform Nuo opera to drive away ghosts and epidemics. In order to be healthy.

When the gongs and drums sound, it means that the activity has started.

The twenty or so people standing at the front of the crowd danced together, and with their movements, the masks on their faces seemed to come to life.

They stepped on the drums and spread out, approaching the crowd, causing everyone to scream, and then dispersed to make enough space for them.

In addition to the Nuo opera, the Yizhou Palace also prepared many small rice dumplings, which were distributed along the road by the servants of the Yizhou Palace, one for each person.

Zongzi is very small, so it is auspicious.

When it was sent to Man Bao and the others, the three of them held out their hands to the servants who had sent the zongzi, upholding the principle of not taking advantage of the advantage.

The servant saw that Man Bao and the others were handsome and elegant, so the beauty gave them one more, and smiled winkingly: "It's better to be in pairs."

Because of distributing zongzi, everyone's attention was turned away. The king of Yizhou on the high platform couldn't help hearing someone thanking him loudly, so he turned his head and laughed with Zhang Jiedu: "This way of enjoying the people is indeed true." Yes, we can do it again next year as usual.”

Zhang Jiedu envoy slightly bent over and said with a smile: "My lord is benevolent, this is the blessing of the people of Yizhou."

Magistrate Tang who was standing behind lowered his eyes, with a warm smile on his face. Since Ming Inspector was standing beside him, he happened to see the coldness in his eyes, so he couldn't help reaching out to poke him, and secretly warned: " You restrain yourself."

County magistrate Tang glanced at him, Shangguan, and thought to himself: Are you still restrained?

As soon as the thought flashed, a dazzling light hit his eyes, causing his eyes to squint subconsciously. County magistrate Tang felt a chill go down his spine, and subconsciously pulled him back, Shangguan, and when he looked up, he saw a man wearing a god mask. The person leaped forward, and he subconsciously shouted: "There are assassins—"

Really stuck baby

The next chapter is around six o'clock in the afternoon

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