Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 598 It's More Fun in the City

Knowing the reason, Bai Shan became more fearless and studied harder. Not only the students in Class C and No. 1 felt the pressure, but even Man Bao, who had never fallen behind him, felt the strain.

So after weighing it up, she put the courses in the system aside first, and took a long vacation with Teacher Mo. Every day, apart from reading medical books before going to bed, and reviewing the past to learn new things, she devoted all her mind to learning the current ones. Knowledge.

In addition to learning the same books as Bai Shan, Mr. Zhuang taught her two extra courses, which were what she should have learned.

Seeing her read so many books and do so much homework every day, Bai Erlang felt bald for her.

Man Bao is very used to it, mainly because there is nothing interesting recently.

Moreover, she thinks it is very interesting to help Bai Shanbao and those people from the government school to fight in the ring. In addition, Bai Shan is as excited as if he had been beaten every morning, so she is also very passionate.

Bai Erlang was flanked by two big mountains, and Mr. Zhuang was on his head. He was tense every day, trying to find time to be lazy, but at the same time he was guilty and afraid, forcing himself to study.

After a few days, he couldn't stand it anymore. Taking advantage of Mr. Zhuang's teaching Man Bao, he sneaked out of the study under the pretext of going to the toilet, and then turned a corner in the yard, where the area next to the utility room was full of flowers and plants. squat down on the ground.

This happened to be a blind corner of the study, and no one would be able to see him unless he stood at the gate of the courtyard and looked in.

Bai Erlang sighed deeply, Zhou Lijun, who was weeding with a small flower hoe, raised his head to look at him, and asked, "What are you doing?"

Bai Erlang didn't notice that there were people here, so he was startled and sat down on the ground.

He looked up, only to find that there was a wooden barrel beside Zhou Lijun, which just blocked most of her figure.

He was so distracted just now that he didn't notice her at all.

Bai Erlang patted his chest and let out a breath: "Can't you make a sound? I don't know that people will die if they scare people."

Zhou Lijun was speechless: "I've been weeding here all the time, and there's still no sound. How loud do you want to be? You're the one who came later, okay?"

Bai Erlang waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it, I don't blame you anymore."

Zhou Lijun looked him up and down, and asked, "Are you playing truant?"

"What are you running away from? It's just in a courtyard, where can I escape to?" Bai Erlang said: "Even if I play truant, I'm also fleeing abroad. Will I squat here?"

Anyway, he had already sat down on the ground, and Bai Erlang didn't bother to get up, so he simply sat on the ground with his legs crossed, and sighed, "I just came out to rest, your sister-in-law is terrible, I really don't want to be a classmate with her. "

Zhou Lijun lowered his head and continued weeding, saying, "You are too lazy."

"I'm much more diligent now than when I was at home," Bai Erlang said unconvinced, "They didn't learn like this before."

Zhou Lijun didn't feel how hard it was to study, and said: "My aunt will come out every half hour to play for a while, and have snacks from time to time. You have more rest time than my aunt. What's so tiring?"

She said: "When the farming season is busy, we go to the fields before dawn, and we don't go home until the sun goes down. That's tiring."

Bai Erlang thought about it for a while, but felt that something was wrong, "You are not always busy with farming."

"You guys haven't been studying all the time, it's only been a few days since then," Zhou Lijun said, "I heard what my sister said, after the mid-year exam is over, this matter will be settled."

"It's been a long time in the middle of the year."

Zhou Lijun rolled his eyes and said, "It's only a month or so, what's the long time, I'm not in a hurry to find a job for so long."

"Don't look for it, you won't be able to find a job as an accountant. It's possible to be an embroiderer."

"That's even more impossible," Zhou Lijun said, "I can still settle accounts as an accountant, and as an embroiderer, should I tie myself or Zhabu?"

Bai Erlang laughed out loud when he heard the words, he couldn't be happier.

Mr. Zhuang didn't know where the kid was hiding at first, so he stood at the door of the study and looked around after teaching Man Bao, but he knew where he was hiding when he heard the laughter.

He shook his head, but didn't call him back.

Learning also pays attention to relaxation.

Both Shanbao and Manbao are smart and resilient, so they can be a little bit tighter and more rewarding that way.

But Bai Er...

If the boy stretched too tightly, he might break, so he should loosen it appropriately.

Just like this, under the atmosphere where you are studying hard and I am working hard to play truant, the middle of the year is still coming, and the Dragon Boat Festival is coming first (isn’t this nonsense).

The Dragon Boat Festival is a big festival, and the school is closed for three days, and some outstanding students are organized to participate in official activities in the government office.

Of course Bai Shanbao was not on this list, and all the students in Class C and Class One were not on this list, so he happily put away his book basket and went home.

Kang Xiaodong's family is in Yizhou, so he naturally went back to spend the holidays with his family.

Wei Chen came to look for Bai Shanbao, and asked enthusiastically, "Brother Bai, how did you spend the Dragon Boat Festival?"

Bai Shan, a frog in a well who has been living in Qili Village for many years, took it for granted, "Let's eat zongzi."

Wei Chen: " didn't think about going somewhere to play?"

"Oh, yes, Man Bao has long said that during the Dragon Boat Festival, we will go to play by the river with many flowers and plants. We should go out of the city."

"What's so fun about going out of the city?" Wei Chen said, "From tomorrow onwards, there will be a Nuo opera in the city. I heard that the government paid for a team, and they will fight along the main street to the moat. There are still people competing in the river." The boat is fun."

Bai Shanbao was very moved when he heard it, and asked, "Is it so lively?"

"Isn't it? Everyone outside the city wants to come in, but you want to go out of the city. There are no interesting things outside the city." Wei Chen warmly invited, "How about it, let's go to the street together tomorrow, and you too You know, I don’t have any other friends in Yizhou City.”

Bai Shanbao thought about it for a while, and felt that it should not be difficult to convince Man Bao. As for Bai Er, he didn't think about it, as long as there was something to play with, he would do it.

So he nodded, and made an appointment with Wei Chen for the time and place to meet the next day.

All the way home, he found that there were more pedestrians on the street than usual, and there were a lot of sachets and various ghost masks hanging on the small stalls on the road.

Bai Shan is a little stronger than Man Bao, and occasionally he can go to Luojiang County to play during the Dragon Boat Festival, but most of them spend time in the village.

After all, in May Doer, the old people don't like their children traveling far away.

As for the liveliness of Luojiang County, at most, there are more people on the street and more things for sale, and the colors are not as bright as they are now.

Bai Shan watched the excitement all the way back home, he jumped out of the carriage and ran into the yard without even taking his own book basket.

But Man Bao and Bai Erlang, who had been studying at home, knew nothing about the excitement outside. When Bai Shan ran back, Man Bao was still holding a book in the yard, shaking his head and reading.

Next update around 6pm

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