Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 568 Flying a Kite

Man Bao jumped out of the carriage, took his own kite and ran on the grass, Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang were not to be outdone, but after a while they chased after her to grab the best spot.

Mr. Zhuang got out of the car slowly, took his kite away from the three disciples, and found an open space to fly the kite.

Then he moved a big stone to tie the rope, and sat on the grass, watching the three disciples not far away laughing and trying to fly the kite.

Naturally, it is interesting to fly the kite by yourself, so Man Bao refused Zhou Zhou Lang's help, and ran back and forth twice with the kite, and on the third trip, a gust of wind happened to blow towards him, and the kite was blown towards him. Flying into the sky, she hastily pulled and unwound the thread.

The kites of Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang were also set up.

The three of them pulled their kite strings and shouted.

It is the time of spring, and there are blooming flowers everywhere, and the weather is fine today, so many people come to Qixia Mountain for outings and kite flying.

Not long after the kites of the three of them were put up, someone else put the kites into the sky like them. All kinds of kites were flying in the sky, and it was very pleasing to watch.

So Manbao and the others not only look at their own kites, but also look at other people's kites.

And commenting on other people's kites is originally an entertainment activity.

Mr. Zhuang, who was leaning on the grass, heard someone chattering and discussing, "Who belonged to those three big and ugly kites? That long one is a bug? Isn't it scary?"

"I just want to know why the tiger can fly after being cut like that?"

"The big kite next to it is also weird. Who would draw such a strange mountain on a kite?"

"Oh my God, look, look, those three ugly kites are flying higher and higher..."

"'s a pity. If it were made to look better, such a kite would be a commodity."

"This kite is quite good against the wind. I don't know if the kite stand is for sale."

Mr. Zhuang leaned on the grass with one hand, half-recumbent and looked up at the sky, turning a deaf ear to these arguments, as if they were not about his three disciples.

Man Bao and the others were all on the kite in the sky, and they didn't hear these words.

Moreover, the kite line in the sky was so faint that it was almost invisible. No one knew which kite belonged to it except myself and my friends.

And kite flying, in addition to fighting pictures, is to fight whose kite flies higher.

Man Bao let go of the string slowly, pulled it a little bit, and let it fly a little bit after it flew tightly. After a while, her kite flew to the highest point, directly overlooking the crowd.

She can't be proud.

Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang wanted to catch up with her, but they didn't know whether it was because their skeletons were not well-made, or their kite-flying skills were slightly inferior, anyway, their kites couldn't surpass hers.

Bai Erlang couldn't help pulling the thread and running, pulling and pulling, wanting it to fly higher.

As a result, his thread got tangled with someone else's in mid-air, and Bai Erlang exclaimed, and he seemed to hear an exclamation from afar.

Bai Erlang was reluctant to part with his big bug kite, and shouted: "Whose kite is it? Take it away!"

There was also a cry from a distance, "Whose kite is so ugly——"

Seeing that Bai Erlang was about to cry, Man Bao and Bai Shanbao immediately handed over the kite in their hands to Zhou Zhoulang and Daji, and ran to help.

But the thread is entangled in mid-air, it is very difficult to untie it, but it can be recovered slowly, but both of us need to recover it at the same time.

Bai Shanbao turned his head to find the owner of the kite, followed the sound and saw a group of people surrounding a young man.

The young man was holding a pair of scissors, and Bai Shanbao wanted to stop him when he saw it, and he saw that he raised and lowered the knife with a particularly sharp hand, and cut off the thread in his hand.

"It's really bad luck. It's fine if you're wrapped around a good-looking kite, but you're actually wrapped around such an ugly kite."

The voice came from afar, Bai Shanbao had no time to talk to him, and immediately found their scissors, and said to Bai Erlang: "His kite has been cut, you should hurry up and cut it too."

Bai Erlang tugged hard on the wooden stick wrapped in thread in his hand, unwilling to let go.

The opponent's cut kite was not bound by the string, and immediately flew into the sky, but because of the entangled kite string, it was dragged after flying upwards for a while, and almost collided with Bai Erlang's big bug.

But the focus of the two kites is on Bai Erlang's line, and because of the uneven force, the tiger is also on the verge of falling.

Fortunately, Bai Erlang has Man Bao to help him, and he has grown up, otherwise he would have to be pulled up by the kite.

Man Bao also persuaded him, "Cut it off, if you are reluctant, we will go find it with you."

"Where can I find this?"

"Anyway, it's just this area. After a while, we will find the right direction and look for it. We have nothing to do. If we have more time, we will definitely find it."

Bai Erlang was so comforted that he reluctantly agreed, took the scissors and picked up his own kite as well.

Everyone watched the two kites in the sky rolled over by the wind, and then fell towards the southeast together.

The three of them tiptoed together to look, and after confirming the direction, they went to look for it.

The boy over there was also staring at the two kites, and soon found the owner of the big bug, and came to the door angrily, "Hey, let me tell you, that ugly kite belongs to you, and what you did Isn't it too ugly?"

Man Bao said: "Kites are entwined by fate, why did you offend them so soon as you opened your mouth?"

"Why fate? Your kite is so ugly, I don't have fate with you."

Bai Erlang was also very upset when he saw him belittle his big bug like this, he pulled Man Bao away and said, "You think I want to have a relationship with you, your kite is ugly."

"My kite is ugly? My kite is a beauty kite!"

"Then it's called a beauty kite, I'm about to throw up," Bai Erlang said, "Mine is a big worm kite. Isn't your beauty panicked after seeing my big worm?"

"Fart panic, it's disgusting, disgusting!"

"It's strange, if you didn't panic, why did you cut the kite string?"

Boy: "I'm disgusted."

"My big worm is disgusted. Have you never seen a beauty? You actually drew such an ugly beauty!"

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao had already stepped aside, seeing that the people behind the young man did not help, they also stood obediently and did not help Bai Erlang.

Bai Erlang has a talent for quarreling, there's nothing he can do about it, he's had a lot of quarrels with Man Bao and Bai Shanbao over the years, and he's learned how to talk.

The young man was evenly matched with him at the beginning, but in the end he fell behind and was so angry with Bai Erlang that he simply rolled up his sleeves and gave Bai Erlang a push.

Bai Erlang pushed back unceremoniously.

"What are you doing?" People behind the boy gathered around him.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao also went up to meet them, rolled up their sleeves and asked, "What are you doing?"

The next chapter is around four o'clock in the afternoon

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