Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 526 Suggestion

Man Bao sincerely gave them advice, saying: "The wheat is changed. Planting winter wheat every year after the Double Ninth Festival will be tiring, but it is not worth the extra income for another season. And the flour of winter wheat is better than that of spring wheat. "

"Planting winter wheat means two seasons a year, and the soil will not be able to keep up."

"Put more fertilizer and change the crop rotation. It's not two seasons a year, but three seasons every two years." Man Bao said: "Our village has tried it, and the soil fertility can keep up."

"There are also plow tools that can be changed," Bai Shanbao also said, "The current plow tools in Luojiang County are more labor-saving. Since you can't afford cattle, why not change to a pair of plow tools, which can make people feel more relaxed .”

Bai Shanbao thought for a while and asked the farmer, "How do you all fertilize?"

The people in the quiet room saw that they were talking about farming, so they gathered around one after another, talking in a hurry, and then someone asked the two of them, "Young master and young lady, do they know how to farm when they are young? "

Seeing doubts on everyone's faces, Bai Shanbao raised his head slightly proudly and said: "That's natural. The matter of farming and mulberry is written in the book. Besides, we also have land. After years of cultivation, it will naturally be settled."

Someone laughed and said, "Young master, I have been planting the land for more than 20 years. If you count from the age of 6 or 7, it has been nearly 30 years. Am I better than you?"

"However, the output of our farm is higher than that of yours," Bai Shanbao said, "it's not that the longer you do something, the better you will be. The land is the world's least lying existence. On the same piece of land, how much do you pay? How much you can gain, how much you can harvest."

Man Bao nodded again and again, "Luojiang County is not far from here, and there is not much difference between the two places. Since the new wheat is planted in our county, it can also be harvested in other places, so it is naturally feasible for you."

"I've never heard of any new wheat seeds. Where did your wheat seeds come from?" The surrounding farmers squeezed in and pushed Li Erlang aside.

Li Erlang glanced at Bai Shanbao and Man Bao, moved silently, and sat beside them.

Man Bao was surprised, "Hey" and said: "Didn't you go to the grain shop to look for it? Are there no new wheat seeds listed?"

"The wheat seeds I keep at home are enough, why go to the grain store to find wheat seeds? The wheat seeds there may not be better than ours, but they are extremely expensive."

"That's right, seeds are generally three or four times more expensive than grain. If the grain shop directly sells wheat as wheat, then we won't be able to see it."

"I've never bought wheat seeds at a grain shop..."

"I bought it, but it was only one or two buckets. I planted a piece of land first to try the yield."

Man Bao nodded, "That's it, how can you not buy seeds? The seeds outside are very different from the ones left at home. You should try more, in case there are seeds more suitable for your own land. ?”

The person who bought grain seeds said: "But I haven't seen the kind of wheat seeds you mentioned in the grain shop."

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao looked at each other, both a little puzzled, "Luojiang County is not far from here, Wu grain merchants shipped wheat seeds from us, and they should be sold here."

"Little lady, you say that the new wheat seeds come from your county, but I don't know where the new wheat seeds in your county come from?"

"It came from my family." Man Bao said: "The new wheat seeds were first planted by my family."

When everyone heard this, they couldn't help but hissed and dispersed.

Man Bao didn't mind, he shrugged and shook his head, "It's a pity."

Li Erlang didn't leave. He sat opposite Man Bao with great interest and asked, "Did your family grow the new wheat seeds? But I don't know how your family grew them?"

"Because of the flood in Yizhou, the grain production in the field was reduced that year. Although my family's wheat was also affected by the disaster, it was the best growing in the village. People in the village said that it was the blessing of the gods. I think it was because the environment changed and mutated. .”

This is the best excuse that Manbao summed up after studying, and I think it is more reliable than the favor of gods.

But apart from them, no one in the village accepted her statement.

"That year, people in the village wanted to grow winter wheat, so they exchanged wheat seeds with my family, and then new wheat seeds were planted. Even our county magistrate bought wheat seeds from us. Now the new wheat seeds are in Longzhou , Yizhou can grow very well, so I think it should be possible in Maozhou.”

Master Bai and Mrs. Liu both planted new wheat for their family farms, and their farms were scattered all over the country. After two seasons of planting, they found that although the yield was different, it was indeed better than the old wheat.

So this new wheat variety has been spread long ago, and it’s not just a Wu grain merchant and Yang Heshu who are buying and reselling it. Outside Luojiang County, there are still many places that are spreading these new wheat varieties. Way.

And Maozhou is not far from Luojiang County, so Manbao and the others take it for granted that there should also be new wheat varieties here.

Bai Erlang made tea for his husband, and ran over to join in the fun. He also took care of the farm affairs, so he knew a lot.

Seeing that they spoke clearly and clearly, Li Erlang obviously knew a lot about farming, so he couldn't help asking, "Is the new plow you're talking about a Quyuan plow?"

"Yeah, because it was changed from a straight line to a song, so it's called this name, does Mr. Li Er know?"

"I know, the plow tools advertised by Sinong Temple this year are from Yang Heshu, the county magistrate of Luojiang County." Li Erlang asked with a smile, "You seem to be familiar with Yang Heshu?"

The three teenagers nodded together and said, "It's so-so."

"Oh? What kind of general law?"

Man Bao tilted his head and thought for a while, "I only meet a few times a year."

Bai Shanbao: "Eat and drink tea every time we meet."

Bai Erlang: "It's just talking, so friendship is normal."

It sounds like they are very friendly, but considering that the three of them are still young, Yang and Shu can meet with them several times a year, eat a few meals, and talk to them, which is considered a good relationship.

Li Erlang leaned back against the wall, bent his leg and asked with a smile, "Then what do you think of Yang Heshu being an official?"


"It's okay?" Li Erlang laughed loudly, and said cheerfully, "Aren't you afraid that your friends will blame you for saying this?"

"Why is he blaming us?"

Li Erlang didn't answer, but instead asked: "Yang Heshu came from a family, and the children of the family are proud. Will he be able to adapt to a low-rank county?"

"It's a bit difficult," Man Bao said, "Fortunately, he has money."

But Bai Shanbao said: "It's because he has money that he has difficulties, okay?"

"It's not good to have money. I think Mr. Yang spends money very happily, and then we are happy too. Isn't that a good thing?"

Bai Shanbao said: "It's a good thing, but it won't last long. There are so many officials in this world, not everyone can do this. He set a precedent, and this is the only example. Who is willing to use their own money to subsidize the county government? "

The next chapter is around nine o'clock in the evening

I am so happy, I received a painting from Jinyiwei: Rongrong as a gift today, thank you

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