Man Bao didn't dare to go too far. Under Ke Ke's guidance, she dug up several plants that she had never seen before, picked up one of each and put it quietly into the system, and then went back with a basket on her back .

Because the sun was so bright, everyone swayed from morning to noon, not only the males were tired, but also the people were tired, so at this time everyone was sitting in the tea house to rest under the shade.

Because Bai Shanbao was reading, Bai Erlang was forced to read a collection of poems, which was the collection of poems that Mr. Zhuang was teaching them recently.

Seeing Man Bao coming back, he immediately dropped his book and ran to join in the fun, asking, "What medicine did you dig up?"

Man Bao is a bachelor, "I don't know you yet, wait for me to look up the book when I go back."

"You are like this every time. You only pick and dig things you don't know, and you say you are digging medicinal herbs. You are obviously digging weeds."

"Most of the herbs are wild, and they are also weeds." Man Bao took out the dug plants and cleaned them up, and hung them on the shaft of the car, planning to put them away when they were about to go on the road.

For the grass dug along the way, she intends to deal with it in this way, regardless of whether they are medicinal herbs or not, since she doesn't know them, she should stay and identify them more, and I will know them in the future.

Mr. Zhuang was dozing off with his arms propped up, and when he heard Man Bao's movement, he opened his eyes and said, "Zhou Man, go and ask where this is, how we are going to go next, and we may find a place to stay at night."

Man Bao responded, turned around and went to chat with the boy in the teahouse.

But after a while, Man Bao knew everything he wanted to know from the boy.

She ran back and said, "Sir, this is within the territory of Maozhou. Three miles from here is their village. If you go further, you have to walk fifty miles to enter the city. I'm afraid we won't be able to catch up now."

"But the buddy said, there is a Taoist temple outside the city, the incense is good, and sometimes travelers who can't keep up with the city rest there, I think we can live in the Taoist temple directly."

Mr. Zhuang nodded, got up and said, "Then let's go."

He got up and nodded to the five people at the next table, and then took the three disciples into the car and left.

The five people watched them leave, and the middle-aged man who led them chuckled and said, "Let's take a rest and go on the road, otherwise I'm afraid we won't even be able to keep up with the Taoist temple."


The car was shaking, and the three of them didn't like to read books in the car. At most, they checked each other and recited the textbooks. Bai Shanbao opened the curtain and looked out, "I'm afraid we will bump into them again at night."

"I'll just hit it, what's the big deal?" Bai Erlang was just a little sad, "It's true, Mr. Luojiang County is only one day away from Yizhou, so he has to go north and west to Maozhou, Why bother?"

"To check your homework, hahaha..." Man Bao laughed loudly and asked, "Mr. will definitely check your homework in the evening. Did you memorize your poems today?"

"I recited it just now, and I'm about to remember it. Come on, let's check each other." Bai Erlang focused on Man Bao, "Did you remember it?"

"I recited it."

Bai Erlang didn't believe it, "I've never seen you take a book."

"I haven't taken the book, but I heard you recite it, read it twice before, and heard you read it so many times, I can understand it."

Bai Shanbao nodded approvingly.

This is also the reason why the two of them like to sit with Bai Erlang very much. The poems that the husband asked to recite, they only need to read it two or three times in advance, and then listen to Bai Erlang recite it in the car, and they can basically recite it. It will be very familiar.

They're happy not to have to flip through a book in a rickety car to confirm.

Bai Erlang was very angry with the two, turned around and snorted.

But after a while, he still had to turn around and come back to find the two of them to help check the endorsement.

Listening to them reciting books in the car, Zhou Zhou Lang shook his head and shook his whip, and headed southwest all the way with the sound of reading in the car.

Sure enough, as Man Bao said, they were too late to enter the city, and when they arrived outside the city, the city gate had been closed for a quarter of an hour.

Zhou Zhoulang stood on the shaft of the car and looked around, then pointed in one direction and said, "I saw the Taoist temple, it's there."

Mr. Zhuang only took one look and said, "Go up and borrow the night."

The gate of the Taoist temple has been closed, but the small door next to it is open. Inside is a quite spacious quiet room, where many farmers with burdens or baskets sit.

Daji stopped the carriage, did not let Zhou Zhoulang go forward, but went up and knocked on the door of the Taoist temple himself.

The people standing inside the door looked at them, but did not stop them.

Soon a Taoist boy came to open the door, and Daji said he wanted to stay overnight.

Daotong glanced at the carriage behind them, saluted and said: "Forgive me, the laymen, the guest rooms in the temple are all full today, so I can only wrong the laymen to stay in the quiet room for the time being."

Dao Tong pointed to the quiet room next to him and said: "This is the residence specially carved out by our Taoist temple to protect the travelers in the past. If you don't mind the few laymen, you can rest here for the time being."

Daji asked: "Can't we make another room? It's because my husband is old and lives in a quiet room, so I'm afraid he'll catch cold."

Daotong said regretfully: "The guest rooms in Guanzhong are really full, and there is really no room for them. I'm really sorry."

As soon as the words fell, the five horses came to the front in an instant, and the five people on the horse also heard the words. A white-faced middle-aged man was about to speak, and the leading middle-aged man raised his hand and said with a smile: "Then it seems that we It's also a bit late, so I can only take a rest in Guiguan's quiet room tonight."

Seeing that they were easy to talk to, Dao Tong also breathed a sigh of relief, and said sideways: "Thank you laymen for your understanding, please take care of yourself in the quiet room."

The middle-aged man nodded slightly, and after nodding to Mr. Zhuang, he led the people into the quiet room first.

Zhou Zhoulang and Daji tied the horse outside, and then took all the valuables in the carriage into the quiet room.

The quiet room is very clean, but too clean, not even a futon.

Before going out, the old Zhou's family was very worried that Manbao would catch cold and get sick outside, so they prepared a lot of things, such as a small quilt.

But Bai Shanbao and the others prepared to have mats.

Everyone spread the mat on the ground together, and then sat on it.

Zhou Zhou Lang took out the naan cakes he bought from the teahouse at noon and distributed them to everyone, saying: "Let's just have dinner for dinner, and eat delicious food when we go to the city tomorrow."

Man Bao said: "I want to eat stewed chicken tomorrow."

The five people who forgot to buy dinner: ...

But they have dry food, but the taste of the dry food that has been cooked for several days is really not very good.

Mr. Zhuang could see that they didn't like it very much, so he couldn't help smiling, took three pieces of naan bread from the bag and handed them to Man Bao, and said with a smile, "Give it to those gentlemen."

Man Bao put down his naan bread, and took the three pieces to them, "Our master invited you to eat."

The next chapter is around ten o'clock in the evening

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