Xiuya, Yang Heshu, the county government, had nothing to do these two days. When Man Bao and the others came to the door, he was playing the piano and making fun of himself at home.

As soon as they saw Manbao and the others, they immediately waved their hands and smiled: "You guys are here just in time, I just feel that no one is talking to me."

The three ran up, Yang Heshu was sitting in the open pavilion, but there was a brazier at his feet. Seeing Man Bao staring at his Qin with bright eyes, he asked with a smile, "Want to learn?"

Man Bao nodded, Bai Erlang shook his head, but Bai Shanbao said, "I will."

"Oh?" Yang Heshu looked at Bai Shanbao and said with a smile, "You really should learn rhythm at your age. Your husband hasn't started teaching you yet?"

The three shook their heads together, and Bai Shanbao said, "But my grandmother taught me, and I only learn it occasionally."

Yang Heshu nodded, "It's good to learn some rhythms, and you can express your mood in your spare time."

Bai Shanbao blinked, but his grandmother didn't say that when she taught him. What her grandmother said was that every scholar knows how to play musical instruments, otherwise he will be ridiculed when he goes out.

Yang Heshu became interested, and simply told them about the qin. After a while, he closed his mouth and asked, "Why do you have time to come and play with me today?"

Bai Shanbao took the gift from Daji and said, "We even brought you a gift."

The three told Yang Heshu of their decision to eat the entire county town. Yang Heshu looked at the three children and couldn't help laughing, saying, "It's a rare childish fun, what good things did you eat yesterday? "

The county town is so big, even if there are more stalls and hawkers now, there is not enough food for the county magistrate Yang who lives here, so no matter what food they talk about, Yang and Shu have eaten it.

The four of them opened the gift box while discussing the food.

Seeing the pen holder inside, Yang Heshu was startled.

The three children were very proud and asked Yang Heshu, "Isn't it nice? There is only one pen holder in Luojiang County. We spent a lot of money to buy it."

"..." Yang Heshu couldn't help but ask, "How much did it cost?"

"It's expensive anyway," Bai Shanbao said, "enough for me to buy ten sets of pen holders on weekdays."

Yang Heshu nodded, "That's quite expensive."

It's a pity that he can't appreciate it a little bit?

Yang Heshu stared at the childlike pen holder for a while, shook his head and laughed, handed it over to the servant, and said, "Let's put it in the study."

The next person should get down, and carefully hold the pen holder down.

Knowing that Manbao was going to buy a shop in the county town, Yang Heshu was happy, "Your life is getting better now, can you buy a shop?"

"I bought it for my sister-in-law, but my father is reluctant to buy it." Man Bao told the county magistrate Yang exactly what her father said, and said, "I guess, if you don't save for three or five years, money, my father would not be willing to spend money to buy a shop."

Yang Heshu smiled and said: "Your father's words are not wrong. There are natural disasters and man-made disasters in this world, and there are also sayings that there are disasters and blessings in the near future. It is always good to keep more cash at home. By the way, what is your sister-in-law's shop going to do? "

"Make food."

Yang Heshu clapped his hands, and said with great joy, "I guess that's the same, I'll be there to support you."

Man Bao laughed happily, "Master Yang, do you think my sister-in-law's cooking is particularly delicious, don't you?"

Yang Heshu thought for a while and said: "It's not very delicious, I've eaten better than your sister-in-law's cooking, and I don't know how many, but your sister-in-law's cooking is not bad, the most important thing is, I don't know. Why, it's so satisfying to eat."

Yang Heshu laughed and said, "It's also possible that every time you eat it, your family's food is sweet, and I think it tastes a little better when I look at it."

Yang and Shutong had eaten at Lao Zhou's house twice in total, but they only ate there because they wanted to buy wheat seeds with Lao Zhou's house.

To tell the truth, he still likes to eat the food made by Xiao Qian's.

Man Bao became proud and said, "When the time comes, my lord will go, and I will ask my sister-in-law to make it cheaper for you."

Yang Heshu smiled and nodded, "Okay."

The four of them chatted, and when it was time for lunch, Yang and Shu generously asked them to stay for lunch together.

The kitchen had known for a long time that there were guests today, so they set up a table with all their hearts.

There are too few masters in the backyard, Yang Heshu is the only one, and he has many demands. It is necessary to have a variety of types, but also to save money and not waste them. Every time the kitchen prepares food for him, he has to think and think again, and he is about to be bored.

Therefore, the kitchen is the favorite place for guests.

As soon as there are guests, they can cook more dishes, and they don't need to control the amount so much that they are handicapped when cooking.

It is precisely because of this that Man Bao and the others like to eat at Yang County Magistrate's house the most. Not only is the food delicious, but the servants in the kitchen are also very enthusiastic.

Because someone was there to accompany him, Yang Heshu had a great appetite and talked to them while eating, "The wheat seeds that you bought this spring and this autumn have been distributed to all households. I ordered the farmers who received the wheat seeds to plant winter wheat, but unfortunately there are not many. Still a little bit worse."

Man Bao said: "That's because the adults are too picky, and the rest of the wheat can also be wheat seeds. If you dislike the wheat seeds that you haven't picked out, we'll sell you cheaper."

However, Yang Heshu shook his head, "The wheat seeds were mutated in your Qili Village, and have not been tried in other places. It is better to be cautious and plant some per household first. If the output is really high in the coming year, then buy a lot of them. ."

Yang Heshu smiled and said, "So you shouldn't pre-order all the wheat seeds to Master Bai."

Bai Erlang said: "My family's village has also planted a lot of new wheat this year, and the yield is also very high, so there is no need to buy wheat seeds outside."

Yang Heshu asked with a smile, "Then if you have two harvests this year, why is your father still robbing me?"

Bai Erlang was about to speak when Bai Shanbao secretly kicked him, and when he reached his mouth, he stopped, blinked, and said nothing.

Yang Heshu didn't want his answer either, he just smiled at Man Bao: "I have to ask you to go back and talk to your father and the people in the village about this."

Man Bao looked at Bai Shanbao, nodded and said, "I will say, Mr. Yang, in fact, it is not only our village that is planting new wheat this year, but there are also people in other villages."

Yang Heshu nodded, "I know, those seeds are all from your village. I have already checked. The harvest of new wheat this year is indeed better than that of old wheat, but the area is still not outside Baimaguan Town, so we Not urgent."

"My father doesn't pay so much attention," Bai Erlang was trampled on by Bai Shanbao, and even Man Bao, who was sitting next to Bai Shanbao and a space away from him, stretched out his feet and kicked him. Bai Erlang instantly burst into tears. Aggrieved.

The movement under the three children's table was not big, but it was not small. Yang Heshu noticed it, and seeing the tears in Bai Erlang's eyes, he couldn't help laughing, and said happily, "I know, I know, but I'm different from your father. What he does is business, and what I do is official duty."

So he has to be more careful.

The next chapter is around 8pm

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