Friday Lang and Saturday Lang are still in shock, they are quite familiar with Shi Xiaoen, because in recent years, as long as their family can raise good roosters, or someone in the village has raised beautiful, strong and fierce roosters.

They will take it to the county seat and sell it to Shi Xiaoen.

Or when they took the money that Manbao entrusted to buy meat, they would go to the casino street to find those cockfighting people and buy the miserable rooster with them.

However, they usually look for acquaintances, and the so-called acquaintances are people with whom Uncle Shi once had business dealings.

As they come and go, they get to know each other better.

Like Wu Wulang and the others who went into the city to sell ginger and yam, they would also sell some to Shi Xiaoen, so even if they didn't know who the famous Uncle Shi in the county was at first, they all knew later.

The Shi family is neither the richest nor the most powerful in Luojiang County, but they must be able to rank first.

They never thought that Uncle Shi, who was always generous, would be blocked by the casino to collect debts, and he would sell the shop cheaply for fifty taels.

Friday Lang sighed, and the group of people following him couldn't help but sigh.

Shirou hugged the burden in his arms and sighed as well.

Man Bao looked back at the group of nephews and nieces, and said, "You have all seen it, this is the end of gambling, and you are not allowed to be gamblers in the future."

Everyone nodded together, and then glanced at Shirou.

Thurou:  …

Thursday Lang coughed lightly and changed the subject, "Actually, I also listened to my heart just now, if we can buy a shop for one hundred taels, then we will make a lot of money, but think about it, there were so many people at the time, we might grab it However, we also don't have enough money."

Man Bao said, "Why do you buy a shop?"

"Then there are too many things that can be done. If you rent it out, you will have a monthly income of one or two taels, right? Or if the second brother sells something in the future, he can put it in the shop and sell it, and there is no need to go there. The stalls are drenched by wind, sun and rain.”

Thursday Lang said: "And those things in our family, such as yam and ginger, can be sold in the shop, how wonderful."

Man Bao thought for a while and said, "It's a pity that we don't have a shop in the village. Otherwise, if I let my sister-in-law open a restaurant in the village, I can eat the meals made by my sister-in-law all the time."

Thursday Lang: "...why do you have to drive in the village, but can't you drive in the county?"

"I can't eat in the county seat."

On Thursday, Lang was not very happy to talk to Man Bao.

Although he was very sorry, but because he had no money in his hand, it was not a matter of his heart, and Thursday Lang quickly led everyone back to Zhou Lang, and then paid for Saturday Lang and the others to buy steamed buns and come back to eat.

The second one sat next to his father and told him with great interest what they did today, and by the way, he mentioned something about Uncle Shi just now.

On Tuesday, Lang's heart moved, "The original one hundred and eighty taels only cost one hundred taels?"

Two heads nodded.

Tuesday Lang looked at Thursday Lang and asked, "What kind of shop is that?"

Thursday Lang said: "Second brother, don't think about it, someone has already made an offer, and there are still a lot of people grabbing it. When we came back, the price was going up. Anyway, one hundred taels will definitely not be able to buy it."

Man Bao was curious, "Second brother, fourth brother, why do you want to buy a shop so much?"

"Why don't you buy a shop?" Chuu Lang said confidently: "You can't use so much money for the fifth and the sixth to be married, and it will take many years for them to marry a daughter-in-law, so it is better to use the money from the family to buy a shop, no matter what. You can rent it or use it yourself.”

Zhou Lang nodded, "The fifth child has also become a child. After the Double Ninth Festival this year, Lizheng will come to the village to unify the land, so there is no shortage of land in the family, and no one in the village can sell land, so what else can we buy besides buying a shop? ?"

Man Bao never thought about this, she was stunned for a while, and said, "Take it to buy meat to eat."

Brothers: "...Man Bao, do you think about anything other than food?"

"Others?" Man Bao thought for a while and said, "Save the money to send them to school. Mother always said that I can't be an official, but they can."

"They can't do it. They can't even read a finger of yours. How can the examiner be?"

Datou and Saturday Lang went to buy buns, but Ertou was here, so he spoke in place of Datou, "Yes, aunt, we don't want to go to school, we just need to learn from you."

Several people were talking vigorously, and Saturday Lang and the others came back with a big bag of lotus leaves, opened it, and there were buns inside.

Man Bao was happy with one in his left hand and one in his right.

She has a bigger appetite now, and it's not a problem to eat two buns.

"Fourth brother, have you guessed that Uncle Shi's shop has been sold?"

"It's sold out, wasn't there a lot of people who asked for the price just now?"

Saturday Lang couldn't help laughing, and said happily: "It's quite a lot. When I went to buy buns, they were vying for the price, and the price was already shouting one hundred and twenty-two little by little."

"As a result, they started fighting when we bought the buns," said Saturday Lang with a laugh, "I heard that one person shouted that no one would argue with him, but he himself regretted that he didn't want to buy it. So Uncle Shi's shop still hasn't been sold, and the casino people are forcing them to take the money, or take the shop as collateral."

Thursday Lang felt regretful, "He must have wanted cash, but unfortunately we don't have it."

Man Bao: "You dare to buy it if you have it?"

"Of course, it's rare that it's so much cheaper. It's not easy to buy a store in the county town, because no one will sell it easily." Thursday Lang said: "It's hard to come across a store that not only sells, but also has a good location, and the price can be reduced by nearly Is it easy for half people?"

Man Bao touched the cloth bag and asked, "Aren't you afraid that Dad will beat you?"

"Father doesn't know how to beat him," said Thursday Lang, "buying a shop is the same as buying a land. It's all about buying property."

Man Bao thought thoughtfully, "It turns out that as long as he buys property, he will be happy..."

"Not necessarily. If your money is not worth it, then Dad is not happy, but...cough, you know."

Man Bao grabbed the cloth bag and said, "I have one hundred taels!"

"We know you have it, but isn't yours at home?"

Man Bao grabbed the cloth bag and said nothing.

Shirou looked at her bulging cloth bag and said, "Huh", why do I think your cloth bag has swelled a lot... No, what do you mean. "

"Fourth brother, let's buy it and let the fourth sister-in-law open a restaurant to make money."

"Okay." Thursday Lang got excited, and dragged Man Bao to find Uncle Shi, but when he arrived at the place, the crowd had already dispersed, and even the debt collectors had left.

Chu Chulang approached curiously and asked, "Uncle Shi, has your shop sold?"

"No, not sold."

"Then, do you still sell it?" said Thursday, "One hundred taels!"

Shi Xiaoen lifted his eyelids and glanced at him, and said, "I don't sell it anymore, my father has helped me pay off the debt, so I don't need to sell the shop anymore."

Thursday Lang felt a little regretful, and then said: "Uncle Shi, if you still want to sell the shop at a low price in the future, then tell me, I will definitely come and buy it!"

Shi Xiaoen: much does this person expect him to go bankrupt and unlucky. Generally, unless the mountain is really exhausted, who will sell it?

Happy birthday to Luo Qing

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