Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 457 Mourning (5)

Old Zhou Tou rubbed his chest, feeling less painful, he waved his hand and said, "Forget it, forget it..."

The village head breathed a sigh of relief.

Thursday Lang puffed out his cheeks, pulled Uncle Lai's son to hide and talked, and after a while, Thursday Lang quietly slipped out to find Zhou Daliang and Zhou Dahong.

These two are his good partners, um, commonly known as Hu Peng Gou Friends, and today they are responsible for providing meals to each table.

Basically, the dishes on a table are good or bad, more or less, half depends on them, and the other half depends on the kitchen.

The people in the kitchen were more familiar, because his daughter-in-law was inside.

After a while, Chuu Lang went back and sat down on the mat again. After a few people from the Zhang family bowed intentionally for a couple of times, he also bowed slightly and bowed back.

Thursday Lang secretly pouted, and snorted coldly in his heart.

There were a total of six tables in the courtyard, and basically those who would sit in the main courtyard were close to the old Zhou family.

Because it was Zhou Yin's funeral, the relationship should be counted from Zhou Yin's side. The Zhang family was the first. After all, it was Zhou Yin's grandfather's family. Even if the relatives and uncles were gone, the cousins ​​were still there.

Old Zhoutou prepared about four people from the Zhang family. After all, it was a bit far away from them, and then they were close to their own blood, and then there were the three uncles of the Qian family.

Although Zhou Yin and the Qian family are not related by blood, he was brought up by the Qian family. When he was a child, he mistaken his mother. At one time, Zhou Dalang beat him because he did not allow him to call his mother a mother.

Even though he was younger than Zhou Dalang, he was able to beat him so much.

When he was young, he often went back to the Qian family with the Qian family, so the Qian family could sit in this position.

But as soon as the Zhang family arrived, the hula la's occupied three tables were not enough. When the Qian family saw it, they stopped taking seats in the courtyard and waited outside.

Some people in the clan who were originally arranged to serve the table in the main courtyard also retreated.

Old Zhoutou couldn't do anything about it. After all, there was his brother's corpse in the hall. He didn't want to make too much trouble at this time.

But it doesn't mean that there is no way for Thursday, and sure enough, this wave of talents from the Zhang family went to the table after paying tribute, and the people at the fourth table who were sitting with them were embraced by a group of young people who came in and walked out, "Isn't this uncle? , why are you sitting here, it's cool under the tree outside, come here, I'll change your seat..."

"Auntie, your grandson was looking for you just now, so you are here, come and come, I will take you to find your grandson..."

All the people at the fourth table were crowded outside, and then they ran in and squeezed in. There were a lot of them, and seven or eight young men squeezed in, almost taking up the entire table.

The Zhang family said dissatisfiedly: "There are enough people, I can't sit down."

"That can't be helped. The next table is also full. There are fewer people at this table. Why don't you wait for the last table to eat?"

"You're the last table to eat. Whose child are you, don't you see how old we are?"

"Oh, I'm still young, you don't know how to make us small, you are still arguing with a group of our children even when you are old, is it like a joke?"

The Zhang family was very angry and asked, "Which family do you belong to? Are you sitting in this main courtyard?"

"Why didn't I sit? My surname is Zhou, and my uncle is lying in the coffin in the main room above! Do you think I can sit? I don't know who you are."

"That's the nephew of our Zhang family. His mother came from our Zhang family. Who do you think we are?"

"I haven't heard of it. I haven't seen you when I was the head of Qili Village."

Just as they were talking, Zhou Daliang and others came up with dishes and steamed buns. The Zhang family's eyes were almost straight when they saw the steamed buns. Before the basket containing the steamed buns was placed on the table, they immediately grabbed it...

Zhou Daliang almost lost his grip.

He only had time to say "hey hey hey" three times, the first basket of steamed buns was robbed by Zhang's family. Hide the buns in your arms.

Not only Zhou Daliang, but also the young people who came prepared at the table were stunned.

Sitting in the main room and looking down, Shizuo Lang glanced at his friends in disbelief, Chuu Lang muttered when he saw it, "It's so stupid, who asked you to find them?"

"Who are you looking for if you don't look for them?"

"Look for the big donkeys!" Zhou Lang gave him a sideways look and said, "They can rob things, but they can't eat them. Whether it's eating or the big donkeys, they are very good, otherwise I can go up."

Thursday Lang: "'s too late, we can't change people in the middle."

Wednesday Lang was also a little regretful, "You should have told me earlier, otherwise you can tell the eldest brother and the second brother."

Thuro: "...I'm afraid you will scold me."

"Why are you scolding you? You are your own family. What do we have to do when we are full?"

On Thursday, Lang felt that today's third brother was a little strange.

The two brothers were whispering here, but the dinner table below was turbulent.

The young people were successfully aroused by Zhang's family, regardless of whether they were eating faster or not, they grabbed the steamed buns first and said, oh, and the dishes on the table.

Zhou Daliang glared at his partners, and after they said they were ready, he brought a basket over, and now he said loudly: "The meals at each table are fixed, everyone don't grab it, everyone has to Eat..."

He deliberately went around to the side of the youths and put the basket on the table, but the Zhang family stood up and stretched out their arms to grab it.

This is too much. They didn't get one of the first baskets. The young people stood up and grabbed the baskets from Zhou Daliang's hands. Hand it to the person next to you, anyway, you can't let the Zhang family take too much advantage.

The Zhang family only grabbed a few steamed buns. They were a little angry and glared at these young people secretly, and started to eat the steamed buns in their hands first.

In fact, the Zhang family not only competed with other guests for food, but also with their own family members. The battle situation of the other three tables was much stronger than that of the fourth table.

The young people occasionally turned their heads and glanced at the table in front, and couldn't help but feel terrified.

Zhang's family stuffed the steamed buns and vegetables into their mouths as if they were desperate, and sometimes hid them in their arms, and Lao Zhoutou directly turned his head to the side.

In fact, the Zhang family's background was much better than theirs before, but it was a pity that the Zhang family's life became more and more difficult in the hands of his cousin.

But Lao Zhoutou didn't think it would be difficult for them to become what they are now, it's really... shameful.

Old Zhou Tou looked at the coffin on the mourning hall and said nothing.

The people of Qili Village also felt ashamed of the Zhang family, and would rather go out to eat than in the main courtyard.

This year, Qili Village is the home of the most unhappy leper. It can also fill their stomachs with wheat bran, so they eat fast, but they will not directly snatch them up.

After dinner, I was still in the mood to sit at the table and talk.

The next update will be around 11 o'clock in the evening, it's a bit late, everyone, let's sleep well first

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