Man Bao asked, "This is the first question, what is the second question?"

Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang looked at each other and shook their heads together.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao took a look at the sun outside. Seeing that the sun was still so bright, but it didn't feel that sunbathing, he knew that it was almost evening, and the sun might go down in a while.

So Bai Shanbao said, "Let's go and ask Mr.

Bai Erlang was not happy, "No, don't you have class tomorrow?"

Man Bao said, "Let's go ask, we'll be back to settle accounts later."

Two to one, Bai Erlang had to succumb.

Mr. Zhuang is at Bai's house next door, drinking tea with Master Bai and preparing to have dinner together.

Seeing the three children coming with the account book, Mr. Zhuang looked at each other with Master Bai, and both smiled slightly.

As soon as the three of them saw the smiles on their faces, they couldn't help but pouted, and Bai Erlang couldn't help complaining, "Father, how can you be so unfaithful?"

However, Master Bai smiled and said, "This is called a business in business. You drag me to buy the wheat seeds in the village first. Does this mean morality?"

Bai Erlang choked, turned to look at his two little friends, and saw that they didn't speak, so he closed his mouth and didn't speak.

Master Bai taught the three children: "Businessmen seek profit, if you want to avoid losses in the future, you have to do more exercises on the documents, so that people will not have the opportunity to drill. Half, otherwise you will lose more than this amount of money."

Mr. Zhuang put down the teacup and said with a smile, "You have already answered the first question given to you, the second question is to change the document, the third question..."

After thinking about it, Mr. Zhuang looked at Master Bai, and said with a smile, "Master Bai, borrow your precious treasure to teach three children a lesson?"

Master Bai was about to get up and leave, but he sat down again after thinking of something, and said with a smile, "Sir, just treat them as if I'm not here."

He also wanted to see how Mr. Zhuang usually taught his three children.

Mr. Zhuang pondered for a moment, nodded in response, and then let the three children find a place to sit down.

Bai Shanbao and the others disliked it and had to find a stool and chair, so they simply found a piece of grass under the tree and sat down.

Seeing the three children sitting next to his flowers and plants, Master Bai's heart trembled.

"Something like a document cannot be written flawlessly in a short period of time. You can keep this homework and do it slowly," said Mr. Zhuang, "When you grow up, you will be able to understand more truths. Study the laws of this dynasty, and in order for the documents you write to be useful, they must conform to the laws.”

The three children understood.

Mr. Zhuang got up, put one hand behind his back, walked in front of the three children and thought for a moment, then said: "Master Caibai said that businessmen seek profit, this is true, but he did not say it all. In this world, not only businessmen seek profits, Scholars, peasants, workers, and even the lower-level slaves and the higher-level royal families all seek profit, so it is not shameful to seek profit.”

The three children listened with serious faces. Bai Shanbao and Man Bao thought for a while and then nodded, but Master Bai, who was sitting by the stone table, was stunned, and almost threw the teacup in his hand.

This, this saying...

"However, no matter how profitable you are, as a human being, you should also do something, and not do something," Mr. Zhuang said, "As a teacher, I don't know what you will do for a living in the future, or you will become businessmen. The third question I give you is that you have to do homework for a longer time, much longer than the second question, maybe you will do this for a lifetime."

Man Bao was a little uneasy, "Sir, did we do this wrong?"

After being silent for a while, Mr. Zhuang shook his head and said, "You did nothing wrong, but you can't say that you did the right thing. The things in this world are not decided by the teacher alone. You are all very smart, especially in this world. It's a lot smarter than I thought."

Mr. Zhuang glanced at Bai Erlang and said, "It's Bai Cheng, and this time it was beyond my teacher's expectations."

Bai Erlang was not happy, he looked left and right, and felt a little uneasy in his heart. It was really a strange atmosphere at this time.

Mr. Zhuang looked down at the three disciples and said, "So you should study hard, read more, and think more. Maybe in the future, you will be able to answer questions that none of your teachers can answer today."

"When we study, we not only want to learn the skills of the sages, but also the behavior of the sages, benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom, and faith are just the principles of Confucianism, and after Confucianism, there are Taoism, Legalism, militaryism, Mohism... …”

Bai Shanbao asked, "Which family do you like more?"

Mr. Zhuang smiled slightly and said, "Among the books of several schools, Confucianism is the one I read the most and understand quite a lot. However, I love Taoism more in my work and get along with people, but I rely a lot on Legalism. Since I went to the countryside to teach, I have But I like to read the Mo family, you say, which one do I prefer?"

Bai Shanbao thought, how does he know that he is not the roundworm in Mr.'s stomach.

Mr. Zhuang understood when he saw his face, he laughed and said, "I don't even know about the roundworms in Mr.'s stomach, because I don't even know it myself, but why do I have to know?"

"Yeah, why do you have to know?" Man Bao also asked back, the books in the encyclopedia are never divided into which one or the other, and the books in it are all-encompassing and omnipresent. Keke never said, you After reading this school's doctrine, she can't read that school again, as long as she can afford the credits, she can read it as she likes.

At the same time, Dr. D and others who are in contact with her never ask, which one do you prefer as a person?

How can this be determined?

Man Bao raised his brows and asked, "Isn't being a person the person you want to be? Why should you care about which school's theory? Can't people who don't like Taoism be filial to their parents?"

Man Bao was still young, and she didn't know how to better express her thoughts, so she could only use the simplest language: "I think these things exist in the world, and the so-called theory of life is nothing but the sages. Before Confucius did not say benevolence, righteousness, propriety, wisdom and trust, were the people of the world not benevolent, righteous, propriety, wise and unbelieving?”

Mr. Zhuang was stopped when he was questioned, he was a little dazed for a while, staggered twice and almost fell to the ground.

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao Bai Erlang were so frightened that they quickly got up from the ground to support him, Mr. Zhuang grabbed Man Bao's hand, his eyes were shining, and he muttered, "Yes, yes, why am I so confused, no? , No, most of the people in this world are confused... Hahahaha, what Confucianism, Taoism and Buddhism are fighting, it turns out that we are all confused..."

Man Bao looked at Bai Shanbao in confusion.

Bai Shanbao vaguely understood, but he didn't quite understand it.

He understood what Man Bao said, and what his husband said before, but he did not understand what his husband said now.

Master Bai didn't understand either, but that didn't stop him from helping the three children to support Mr. Zhuang.

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