Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 420: Pick, Pick, Pick!

Uncle Qian raised his head and asked Qian Dalang to go to the kitchen to get some food for the Zhou Dalang brothers. Zhou Dalang said quickly, "Dad, we came here when we were full, and we are not hungry yet."

On Tuesday, Lang nodded again and again and said with a smile: "Uncle, otherwise, let's go to bed now. I guess we can afford it in the fourth watch."

Uncle Qian thought so too, and hurriedly asked them to vacate the room to go to sleep.

The Qian family's housing was much more tense than that of the old Zhou family, so Sister Qian and Sister Qian took the children to a room, and they slept with them, while the four cousins ​​huddled together.

Fortunately, it is summer now, once the doors and windows are closed, and the mosquitoes are patted, you can sleep directly on the ground.

After sleeping for less than three hours, Uncle Qian, who hadn't slept well, woke up in the dark, went to the room to wake the four of them, and touched the second Uncle Qian's house not far away by the moonlight in the sky.

The eldest aunt also went to wake up the third husband and wife, the man went to carry the wheat out, and the woman went to the kitchen to make some noodles for them to fill their stomachs.

Everyone was light-handed, not daring to make a loud noise.

Not far away, Uncle Qian's house lit up, and after a while, the light dimmed again, and then Uncle Qian's house.

Everyone was busy for more than half an hour, and before the fifth watch, they gathered together to eat a bowl of noodles, and then stirred up the wheat in the yard.

For one person and one load, two bags of wheat are wrapped around the head and tied tightly with twine, so that one load can carry two bags.

On Tuesday, Lang was a little regretful, and said in a low voice, "I came out in a hurry, I should have pushed the scooter."

Zhou Dalang also felt a little regretful, "I was a little flustered at the time, how could I expect so much."

Qian Sanlang laughed sullenly when he heard it, and comforted him indifferently: "It's alright, it's alright, I'll remember it more often."

Tue Lang nodded in agreement.

However, Zhou Dalang secretly said: I must come here a few more times, and I must lose my life.

He didn't sleep much last night.

A few people finished the pole and set off waiting for Uncle Qian to come back. Then Uncle Qian came back, but San Uncle Qian followed behind.

He waved at Zhou Yilang and said, "Erlang, you and your third uncle go to your second uncle's place. There are two bags of grain, one for your second uncle, and one for your third uncle."

On Tuesday, Lang didn't ask much, just took the pole and left.

Uncle Qian was very happy, he stepped forward and took him by the shoulders and left, and said in a low voice, "Come on, there are pancakes at Uncle San's house. Do you want to eat some?"

Tuesday Lang smiled, "No need for Uncle San, I just ate noodles."

"That's fine, take it with you, and I'll give you something to eat on the way back..." Uncle Qian took Tuesday Lang away.

Qian Sanlang couldn't help but pouted, "Father, what is the third uncle doing?"

Uncle Qian glanced at him and said, "Why are you talking so much nonsense? Let's go and wait for them at the entrance of the village."

After all, Uncle Qian also took a pole to pick out the grain bags.

"But as soon as the second cousin leaves, there are only two bags left in our family." Qian Sanlang was a little unhappy, "One 150 cents a buck, there is no ten buckets in this bag, there are always eight buckets and nine buckets?"

Uncle Qian patted his back lightly with the pole and reprimanded in a low voice, "Aunt is not only your aunt, but also the aunt of your cousins. Your eldest cousin is here."

"Big cousin is my brother-in-law!"

"Well," Uncle Qian said indifferently, "so he chose our two grain bags."

Qian Saburo stopped talking.

Zhou Dalang gave them a naive smile, shrank aside and dared not speak.

Aunt Qian had nothing to do with her, but her heart ached after hearing that her younger son had done the math. She glanced at the two bags of wheat that had fallen in the yard, gritted her teeth at last, and said to Aunt Qian, "Go and get two more bags. Come on, let's go together separately."

Uncle Qian: "...Aren't you making a fool of yourself?"

"What nonsense, our strength is a little weaker, but who in the family has never picked something? We women still pick the water in the house. Divide two bags of wheat into four bags, and it's not much."

Aunt Qian finally separated the wheat, and after telling the two daughters-in-law, she and the eldest daughter-in-law took the burden and followed.

The village is quiet, and no one has a dog. As long as the movement is light, the person who is asleep will naturally not know that someone is walking by with a torch.

After arriving at the entrance of the village, he stopped and waited for a while. After a while, Uncle Qian and Uncle Qian also came out with Tuesday and his sons.

Among the three families, Uncle Qian's family has the most people and carries the most wheat.

Qian Sanlang was very envious. In the past, he always felt that having more sons was a burden, but now he realized that having more sons is also beneficial.

Uncle Qian took the time to look at his two sons with a grain bag, feeling a little gloomy.

When everyone was together, everyone picked up the grain bags and went on the road together. Because the road was still far, they simply turned off the three torches and only used the rest to light up, and decided to turn on these three when they took a break.

Because they were carrying sacks of grain, they walked for more than half an hour before arriving, with a break in between.

By the time we arrived at Qili Village, it was already five watch, and chickens began to croak everywhere in the village.

Old Zhou Tou and Mrs Qian woke up a little when the rooster crowing, closed their eyes to sleep, and pricked up their ears to listen to the sounds outside.

So they got up as soon as there was a sound outside, and Xiao Qian was a little faster than them. She closed her clothes and slept, and she got up and opened the door before there was a sound.

Outside the door is Wu Ya Ya's family.

Xiao Qian was stunned for a moment when she saw her aunt, and couldn't help exclaiming, "Mother, why are you here?"

The big aunt smiled at her, bent down and was about to carry the burden in, Xiao Qian hurriedly took over and whispered, "I'll come, I'll come."

Everyone in the old Zhou family woke up, except for the child.

Man Bao didn't even wake up at all. She didn't even hear any movement. She was sleeping soundly with her belly up, her white fat hand stretched out beside the bed, and she was chewing with her small mouth. Dream about something delicious.

When a ray of light from the sky shone into the bed from the window, and when the chickens at the back of her house croaked again, she yawned and stretched herself to get up from the bed.

She rubbed her eyes and looked outside. Seeing that it was getting brighter, she climbed out of bed and ran to the yard to wash.

In order to facilitate the washing of the people in the small courtyard, it is also for the purpose of diversion, so as to avoid a large group of people crowding and washing in the courtyard, so Lao Zhoutou spent money to buy a large tank and put it in the small courtyard. here.

Man Baoshu opened his mouth, washed his face and ran into the room to comb his hair. He simply tied two small tweezers, let his hair hang down, and then ran out.

Of course, along with her small bookcase.

As soon as I ran to the courtyard, I saw a group of people sitting in the courtyard dozing off and talking.

Mrs. Qian was busy in the kitchen, and when she heard the movement, she came out and waved to her with a smile, "What are you doing, I don't recognize my uncles, call me uncle."

Man Bao and Uncle Qian and Uncle Qian San were the most familiar. They greeted the two of them well. When they got into the kitchen, they saw Aunt Qian and found that her mother was also there.

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