Old Zhou Tou stared, "Sell? You exchanged money, not wheat?"

Man Bao smiled and nodded, waiting for Lao Zhou to praise him.

Old Zhou asked with a trembling voice, "How much did you sell?"

Man Baote said proudly: "All sold!"

Now not only the old Zhou Tou, but also Zhou Dalang and the others who were enjoying the shade in the yard couldn't wait any longer, so they gathered around them, "All sold?"

Lao Zhoutou didn't sit still, and slid his butt off the threshold directly to the ground. He patted his thigh and couldn't help shouting "Ouch, Ouch", pointing at Man Bao, unable to hit or scold, he just Can cry, "What a prodigal child, what's the use of changing it into money, can you eat it, can you eat it?"

The old Zhoutou exclaimed, "There's only a tiny bit of grain left in the family's summer and autumn harvests last year. You sold all the wheat at home. What about this old snack?"

Man Bao stayed for a while, she was patronizing to make money, but she didn't expect this.

But she quickly returned to her senses and comforted her father: "Father, it's alright, Master Bai said that tomorrow's silver and goods will be delivered, we have the money to buy food directly."

Old Zhoutou couldn't help but pointed at her forehead with his finger and said, "Daughter, are you stupid in studying? You sell food and go back to buy food, what are you thinking? You know how much you will lose when you enter and exit. ?"

"It's not a loss," Man Bao said, "Even if I still buy wheat, I can sell it for one hundred and fifty cents a buck, and if I buy another fifty cents a buck, I can make a lot of money."

Man Bao saw that her father was crying so badly, her little head turned rapidly, and she quickly said, "You don't have to go to the county to buy it. There is still a lot of wheat in Shanbao's house. I told him to let him He sells it to our family, and their food is also sold out anyway."

Old Zhou Tou was about to cry, but Zhou Lang had already shouted, "Father!"

Old Zhoutou was startled, and was about to get angry. Thursul Lang squeezed in and asked with bright eyes, "Manbao, how much did you just say you sold it to Master Bai?"

Man Bao proudly said: "One hundred and fifty cents a fight!"

Only then did the old Zhoutou hear the number clearly, his eyes widened, and he straightened again!

Qian Shi gave him a slap, and the old Zhou Tou woke up suddenly. He didn't blame the old wife, but grabbed her hand and asked, "Did I fall asleep and dream without realizing it?"

"What dream are you having? Didn't you see the children are here?" Mrs Qian turned her head and instructed her second daughter-in-law, "Go and light the oil lamp and let your father look at the documents that Man Bao brought back."

Feng shi happily responded, mainly because they also wanted to see it.

The oil lamp was lit, and the family gathered around to read the document. Old Zhoutou could only barely recognize a few numbers and his own name.

So he didn't recognize all those words, but asked where the full treasure was written, and then stared at it.

After looking at the old man for a long time and confirming that he wrote one hundred and fifty articles, the old Zhoutou put away the documents like a treasure, and then slammed his sons in disgust, and then asked Manbao in a soft voice: " Man Bao, is our wheat made of gold? Why is it so expensive?"

"It's not expensive at all," Man Bao said, "the grains sold in the grain shops in the county town cost one hundred and forty-four cents a dou. Our wheat seed is better than theirs, but we only sell one hundred and fifty cents a buck. It's just text."

Old Zhou was stunned, "Why is this kind of seed so expensive? Don't I remember that wheat seeds used to be ten cents or nine cents a pound?"

Old Zhou Tou worked hard to calculate, but he couldn't figure it out clearly, so he simply asked Shirou Lang, who came up again, "How much does it cost to replace it with a bucket?"

"One hundred and twenty cents?"

Lao Zhoutou was speechless again, "It's so expensive. Why is it so expensive to replace it with a bucket?"

Crowd: What's the price? A bucket is about 12 jin. You can buy 12 jin directly at the same price.

Old Zhoutou felt his heart skip a beat, and he always felt a little unreal. It took a while before he remembered the matter, "Then why did you exchange wheat with the villagers, you should also let Master Bai spend money to buy it."

"Father, it's not Master Bai who changed the wheat, it's us." Man Bao said, "We changed the wheat and sold it to Master Bai."

"What?!" Lao Zhoutou couldn't help shouting loudly and asked, "Who are you?"

"Me, Bai Shanbao and Bai Erbai," Man Bao said, "Shan Bao exchanged a batch of grain with his grandmother on credit, and we sold the wheat to Master Bai at the same price."

"Oh," Lao Zhoutou couldn't help but patted his thigh and said, "Why didn't you say it earlier, if you had told Dad earlier, Dad would not have bargained with you, and exchanged a pound for a pound."

Everyone looked at him contemptuously.

Old Zhoutou glared back and said, "What are you looking at? Last year, they exchanged wheat seeds with our family. Then my daughter wants to exchange it now, so why should the price increase?"

"Father, Grandma Liu said, we're not trying to be profiteers, and there will be more people coming and going in the future. How can we just think about taking advantage of everyone?"

Qian Shi also gave him a sideways look, and said, "You are already so old, your mind is not as good as a child Man Bao."

"Man Bao is a scholar, and I can't compare to me." Old Zhou Tou was righteous, but he still raised his head and said to his sons, daughters and grandchildren, "We just need to know about this, you are not allowed to talk nonsense outside. do you know?"

Everyone should get down.

The old Zhoutou said: "How much money you earn, you can count it. If you go out, it's you who will be in trouble when you go back. After you go back, talk to the children."

Lao Zhou Vung paused and said, "Tomorrow you will sell the wheat. Fourth, you can go to Daji to cut more meat and come back. We will celebrate at home."

The old head of Zhou was very happy, and so were everyone in the Zhou family.

Old Zhoutou let go of his worries, but he was excited at the moment and couldn't fall asleep, so he simply waved his hand to let everyone go out, and then he would go out to enjoy the shade.

Seeing the chubby belly of the little girl, she knew that she had just eaten and had not digested, so she simply pulled her to sit on the threshold, and then asked the old wife to rub her belly.

He asked with a smile, "Man Bao, have you forgotten, how much money can we get from selling all the wheat in our family?"

"I don't know, I haven't weighed it yet."

"Huh? Wasn't it written in the document?"

"It's empty, I'll write it tomorrow after weighing it."

When the old Zhoutou heard this, he pondered.

Seeing that he was silent, Qian asked, "What do you think?"

The old Zhoutou said, "I remember that last year, eldest brother and the others also bought wheat from us, and all winter wheat is from our family's seeds, right?"

Qian Shi's heart moved and nodded.

Lao Zhoutou took out the tobacco rod and slowly filled it with shredded tobacco.

Qian Shi didn't speak, he just let him think.

After a while, the old Zhoutou asked Man Bao, "Man Bao, does Master Bai harvest all the new wheat seeds, or only yours and ours?"

Man Bao thought for a while and felt that she couldn't decide for Master Bai, so he said, "I only mentioned our family to him."

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