Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 411 Pricing

Old Zhou walked around the village with his hands behind his back, and even ate his lunch outside. He finally walked through all the people who exchanged seeds with his family last year, and discussed everything, and then he carried a pair of red Tongtong went home with both hands.

They are all helping to rub the wheat. You can’t just squat aside and smoke while others are working, right?

And he didn't have that much tobacco for him to smoke continuously.

Old Zhou felt that he had never rubbed his own wheat so hard before.

He went home all the way with his hands behind his back, and Man Bao also came back from school, and was squatting in the yard teaching his nephews and nieces to read. When he saw her father coming back, he immediately said, "Just memorize this paragraph first, and I will explain the meaning to you later." .”

She followed her father into the main room, poured water for him courteously, "Father, do you all agree?"

"I'm willing to change, but we all feel that it's a bit of a loss to exchange a catty for a catty." Old Zhou Tou didn't know that this business belonged to his daughter, so he cheated her confidently, "So we discussed to talk to Mr. Bai together. Let’s talk, let’s talk about the price of three taels per catty for one catty.”

Man Bao stared, "It's too expensive, they didn't ask us much for our house last year."

"Can it be the same? Everyone is from the same village, and most of them are of the same clan," said old Zhou head confidently: "This Bai family is an outsider, and Master Bai is not short of money."

Man Bao opened his mouth, thought for a while and said, "Father, don't talk to Master Bai about this, I'll tell you for you, you and Master Bai don't talk about it."

Old Zhou waved his hand and said: "Okay, okay, I know, it's a surprise, really, can the young master and the second son of the Bai family make the decision? Don't let us talk to the village, and they go back on their word."

Man Bao affirmed: "I can make the decision!"

Old Zhou still trusted his daughter quite a bit, and said with a smile, "Okay, then I'll listen to you."

Man Bao felt that a pound of three taels was a bit expensive, so he asked her father directly, "Then dad, if you don't have a catty of three taels, would you change it? What is your reserve price?"

Old Zhou Tou didn't know that this was a small spy. In his heart, the father and daughter were together, so he said: "We have discussed it, at least one catty and one tael, but it would be better if there is more .”

Old Zhou said: "Everyone is having a hard time. You haven't seen it. The mill has lined up to grind flour for the past two days, and the wheat has been milled before it's dry."

While the father and daughter were talking, the servants of the Bai family came over to invite Lao Zhoutou, saying that Master Bai had something to talk to Lao Zhoutou.

Man Bao immediately looked at Old Zhou, and said in a low voice, "Father, Master Bai must be asking about farming. Just tell him, but you can't talk about changing wheat seeds..."

"Got it, got it," old Zhou was a little jealous, "You have never seen so much attention to family affairs."

This is a family matter!

But Man Bao didn't dare to tell Old Zhou Tou, waved goodbye after sending him to the door, and said behind his back, "Father, you must remember."

Old Zhou Tou quickened his pace and didn't want to talk to this girl anymore.

Man Bao went back to explain the meaning to his nephews and nieces, stared at Santou and Sanya Sitou and wrote, then explained their homework, and then ran out to find Bai Shanbao.

"One catty three taels for one catty?"

Man Bao nodded, "My father said it. I inquired about the bottom price from my father. At least one catty and one tael."

Bai Shanbao thought for a while and said, "Then let's give them a pound or two."

He said: "Grandmother has agreed to give us food on credit, as long as we can pay back the account within two months, I asked her to bring a lot of extra wheat, which will definitely be enough to exchange."

Man Bao asked, "Isn't one catty two taels too much? Don't you really feel bad?"

Bai Shanbao smiled and said: "I don't feel bad, that's because the wheat is really good. I thought about it last night, and I thought that if the exchanged wheat really can't be sold as seeds, then leave it to my family. Take it to plant, anyway, I won't lose money."

He said: "I talked with my grandmother last night. My grandmother said that even if a businessman seeks profit, he can't let others suffer too much. We want to study to help the world, not to be profiteers."

Man Bao thought for a while, and felt that what Grandma Liu said was very reasonable, so he nodded fiercely, "Okay, then I will change it for two or two a catty."

Bai Shanbao thought for a while and said, "If you can't sell it at that time, I will buy it at the cost price so that you won't lose money."

But it didn't let them make money, but after thinking about it, Man Bao felt that it was nothing, at least he had an escort, didn't he?

This is equivalent to a business that they can make a profit without losing money.

At the very least, they have earned their wheat harvest this season.

Man Bao cheered up, "Have you asked your grandmother?"

"No," Bai Shanbao said confidently, "I can do this, the Lord."

On this point, Bai Shanbao was very confident.

After a little thought, Man Bao understood that the situation of Bai Shanbao's family was different from that of Bai Er's family.

If Bai Er dared to use so much money privately, or to do such a big business for the family, not to mention being beaten by Mr. Bai, I am afraid that even Mrs. Bai and Mrs. Bai would beat him up, and then he would say "the child is still young and not sensible" Overturn all previous decisions for reasons.

But Bai Shanbao's family is different. In their family, his words seem to be more effective than Aunt Zheng's, and Grandma Liu respects his decision very much.

Man Bao had met him several times, and even if his decision was wrong, Grandma Liu would not cancel his decision.

After figuring it out, Man Bao became happy, and quietly shared the secret with Qian when he went back that night.

Qian looked at Man Bao who was so happy that his face was almost shining, and she was also very happy. She smiled and said, "Our family's Man Bao's luck has always been very good."

So Mrs. Qian paid more attention to this matter, and drove old Zhou Tou out the next day, and asked him to count how much wheat each family had.

Old Zhou Tou went out reluctantly, and said, "Many people's wheat hasn't been rubbed out yet, so how do you count?"

"Then most of them have been rubbed out. How many baskets and bags are there? I can't count them? You have to let Manbao and the others know how to prepare food, right?"

Old Zhou couldn't help muttering, "A few children don't go to school well, what are you doing to join in the fun? Really, isn't this an adult's business?"

Qian stared at him, "Hurry up and go out, what do you think you can do at home? You won't even help the oil bottle if it's down, what's wrong with Man Bao, is she still young?"

Mrs. Qian pushed him out of the door while muttering, "She is about to be eight years old. When she was her age, she was planting seedlings and harvesting wheat, but your daughter seems to be able to do this kind of work. son?"

She said: "She can't do farm work, so she can't find other skills to support herself? I think it's good for her to get involved in this. You don't hold her back, and you can find out the wheat count of each family, and, Let them dry the wheat, but don't mix it in half-dried, fool my daughter, and I will slap them in the face later."

The next chapter is going to be twelve o'clock in the morning, well, there will be an update at that time, but it's already very late, let's wash up and sleep for a healthy sleep, and watch it tomorrow morning

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