"Three trees!" Zhou Dalang frowned, "Is this too much?"

"His wages are only 800 wen," Lao Zhoutou also felt that it was too much, but this was the price he had grinded for a long time, and he muttered, "This ox cart is about to catch up with the small half of the ox."

Before, I just ploughed the ground, and I could carry the plow and other tools on my back, so it was better without an ox cart, and the ox at home was still at ease.

But it was time to harvest wheat, and of course it would be better to have an ox cart.

An ox cart can be used for many years. If there is no accident, it may last longer than an ox. From the wheels to the body, it is all made of wood, so it is not cheap at all.

Usually, a carpenter from Dali Village is asked to drive an ox cart. In addition to two trees, he also has to pay about 1,000 yuan in wages. The main reason is that it takes a long time to build an ox cart.

Thinking about it carefully, it might take two or three months, which is more time-consuming than building a plow.

However, not everyone can hit the plow. It is too delicate to be hit by the carpenters in Dali Village.

This time, the reason why he was willing to give Lao Zhoutou so much cheaper, and just wanted him an extra tree, was because he now had an ox cart in his hand.

It was a business that was received before the disaster last year. The handwork fee agreed by the two parties was 1,200 yuan, and the wood sent was also very good, so the carpenter made it with great care.

Who would have known that someone would be hit by disaster and would not be able to get so much money for a while. Even if the carpenter said he was willing to take credit, he would not be willing to ask for it. Of course, the two trees would not be given to the other's house either, so they were given to the carpenter for nothing.

The carpenter was so angry that he left the car at home.

When Man Bao had just brought the cow back, Lao Zhoutou remembered it, because it was a big fight in several nearby villages, and the two families almost fought.

So he knew very well.

What a wooden bullock cart...

The labor cost of 1,200 yuan...

The old Zhoutou went to Dali Village two or three times when he was not so busy. After talking to me a few times, he finally reduced the money to 800 yuan. Of course, the carpenter had to give his car again. Sand it once to be sure it's better.

Old Zhou Tou led Zhou Dalang up the mountain that afternoon and found three good trees. The father and son chopped them down and transported them down the mountain. With a few sons carrying wood, they led an ox to Dali Village to ask for an ox cart.

Before noon, Lao Zhoutou led the ox and pulled the ox cart to the field, and only their family was harvesting in the field.

The villagers didn't know that the old Zhou family had bought a car until the cows pulled a cart of wheat back home, and everyone stood around watching.

A sigh suddenly came from the noisy crowd, "Let's open a sickle at home in the afternoon."

Someone said: "I think it will be sunny for a few days today. If you wait, the wheat ears will be more familiar."

"It's all dark yellow. It's almost done. After the wheat is harvested, we have to plant the rice."

As soon as these words came out, many villagers felt backache and backache. This year has been a very busy and tiring year. Every time I get busy, it is a busy day and night. The day started to get busy again.

The villagers asked about the price of the car. After watching the excitement, they would leave. As soon as they left, they saw Man Bao coming back with a small bookcase on their back. They couldn’t help laughing and asked, “Man Bao, why did you come back from school? , your small farm is also harvesting?"

"Yeah," Man Bao said, "Our husband is going to Daling to teach us a lesson in the afternoon, so I'll come back for lunch first."

"Manbao, the wheat seeds used by your Zhuangzi are also from your family? I passed by yesterday and took a look, and found that your wheat is much better than ours, not far from yours."

Man Bao gave him a naive smile.

My mother said it, if you don't want to answer the question, just laugh.

The person who asked the question thought he had the answer and didn't ask any more.

The old Zhou family started, and the villagers in Qili Village seemed to be stimulated, and most of them began to harvest.

Of course, Master Bai's family and Man Bao and their little Zhuangzi were also together.

Man Bao has never cut wheat in his own home, let alone in a small farm. Mr. Zhuang took them to classes in the straw hut, and during recess, they wore straw hats and went to the fields to pick up ears of wheat.

Mr. Zhuang did not see other benefits. When everyone had lunch and dinner together, Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang would never waste food again.

As long as the steamed buns are eaten, they will be eaten up, and they will not be thrown away when they feel full at the end like before.

Mr. Zhuang was very satisfied. It seems that there are some advantages to taking classes on the edge of the field.

After lunch, the four master and apprentice sat on the plank and chatted in the air. Bai Shanbao poured them a cup of tea. The four held the tea cup in one hand and propped themselves up in the other, looking at the fields where green and yellow were intertwined. .

At this time, the sun was a little brighter, and the short-time workers and long-term workers were invited to hide under the shade of the trees to rest. They had to go down to the ground to harvest when the sun went down a little in the afternoon.

Mr. Zhuang squinted to feel the wind coming from the shop, and fell asleep. Man Bao and the others also felt sleepy, so he put down the tea cup and squinted to sleep. Just when he was half awake and half asleep, Mr. Zhuang suddenly asked, "How do I sleep? The wheat in your field is much better than that in Master Bai's field?"

Man Bao moved a bit, lay on his back, his little belly bobbed up and down, and hummed, "It's better."

Mr. Zhuang asked, "Why?"

The reason why Mr. Zhuang asked this question was because he found that the wheat in the small farm was not only a little or two better than that in Master Bai's field, but much better.

He didn't find it at first, but the ears of wheat picked up by the three children were placed in the straw hut. After a day or two, he couldn't help but see it.

The heavy ears of wheat were full. He thought it was because the workers in Zhuangzi were not doing their best and left the good ears, but he went to the field to check and found that the other ears were also in good condition.

It can be said that this is better than the kind of wheat ears they pick from thousands of ears to make seeds.

The harvesting workers just thought that the owner's wheat was growing well and it was a good harvest, but Mr. Zhuang couldn't help but think more.

Manbao and the others have planted more than 20 mu of winter wheat, which has been divided into several fields, and the conditions of the wheat in these fields are similar, what does this mean?

It shows that these wheat harvests are well-proportioned.

If it was Dr. D, she would say that plants are genetically stable and can be propagated on a large scale.

Mr. Zhuang did not have that kind of knowledge, but he also knew the truth.

So today he asked a lot about the winter wheat planting at that time, including how they cooked winter wheat in the past six months.

But the three children just move their mouths and make up their minds, everything is done by the hired workers.

And what they do, like other farmers, is nothing unusual. So Mr. Zhuang couldn't help but ask them if they knew the reason for their good wheat harvest.

Who knew that Man Bao gave the answer without even thinking about it, she said in a daze: "Because our seeds are good."

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