Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 392 The Reason of Poverty

Not only did the three long-term workers have no daughter-in-law, but they rarely even went home.

They were kicked out of their homes to work for a living, and they settled down in Bai's house after working part-time for two years, during which time they went home.

But they have no land in their hometown, or very little land, and life is not easy, so they might as well work as long-term workers in Bai's house.

Basically, if you are not particularly lazy, you will not be driven away. If you don't drive away, you will have food every day and you will be able to live.

You can't be rich, but in a disaster year, life is better than ordinary poor people, because at least they won't starve to death, and they won't be refugees.

Today, among the three long-term workers, the oldest one is twenty-four years old.

In Qili Village, children of this age can work in the fields.

For example, at the age of Tuesday Lang and Wednesday Lang.

The youngest one is also twenty-two, and none of the three has the capital to marry a wife.

Yang Heshu became excited, and hurriedly sent someone to call the three long-term workers. He was very curious about how they lost their land.

The three long-term workers were a little cautious in front of the county magistrate, and Yang Heshu's question made them a little confused.

They were not young when they left home, but they really didn't know much about the affairs of the family. As for the land at home, why didn't they?

The three of them thought for a while, and the long-time worker said together, "It seems that my grandfather fell ill, so my father sold a piece of land to buy medicine, but it didn't heal completely, and he became seriously ill again."

He thought for a while and said: "I don't remember who my father borrowed the money from. Later, when someone came to the house to ask for a debt, they took away most of the good land in the family. The family has little land and cannot support so many people. My parents kicked me and my second brother out, and let us make a living by ourselves."

Changgong Er said: "I was in a drought, and the fields had no harvest. My parents also ate all the seeds left at home, and then took us out to beg for food."

Yang Heshu: ...

Man Bao: ...

"I don't know where my parents took my younger brother. Anyway, I went home to see, but they didn't go home, and the land at home was deserted. The village chief said that if I go back, I can share the Yongye land. But I thought, I’m alone, I don’t have farm tools, and I don’t have seeds, so I have to borrow money to buy farm tools and seeds to plant the land, and I need money for food and drink, so I might as well be a long-term worker.”

Yang Heshu looked at Chang Gongsan.

The long-term worker San smiled foolishly, and said: "There is little land in my family, and none of my three brothers has married a wife. My parents felt that this would not work, so they sold my Yongye land to my elder brother to marry a wife. I'm out to make a living."

Yang Heshu was stunned, and Man Bao and Bai Shanbao Bai Erlang were also stunned. They all opened their eyes and asked in unison, "You want to do it too?"

Chang Gongsan said as usual: "My family always needs someone to carry on the family line. The three brothers all stay at home. None of them can marry a wife. It's better to come out with one."

Yang Heshu felt a little uncomfortable in his heart, sore and swollen. This feeling was a little strange. He paused before asking, "Then, have you ever been home?"

"No, I'm already out, so why go back?" Chang Gong Sanhan said with a smile, "I'll ask for travel expenses when I go back."

"Then if you have travel expenses, go back?"

Chang Gongsan thought for a while, but still shook his head, "I still won't go back. If I can save the travel expenses, I must have saved the money to marry a wife. What about..."

So if you save and spend money endlessly like this, who knows when you will have the money to go back.

Yang Heshu sighed in his heart.

Man Bao looked at Chang Gong San up and down, and asked, "What are you doing with all your money?"

Chang Gongsan blushed slightly, and said in a low voice, "I ate them all."

He used to be hungry a lot, he had extra money, and no one supervised him, so naturally he couldn't help eating when he had money.

He had saved it himself, but he just couldn't save it. When he was hungry, he couldn't help but go shopping for food.

Yang Heshu expressed concern about their self-control, "How can you marry a daughter-in-law like this?"

The three long-term workers lowered their heads.

But Man Bao said: "After marrying a daughter-in-law, it's fine to hand over the money to the daughter-in-law. My fourth brother is like this."

After thinking about it, he added: "In the past, my eldest brother and second brother couldn't save money, and after marrying my elder sister-in-law and second sister-in-law, the money can be saved."

San Changgong immediately looked at Yang and Shu expectantly.

Man Bao also looked at Yang Heshu expectantly, "Master Yang, do you want to find them a wife?"

Yang Heshu: ...So he is going to become a county magistrate and become a matchmaker?

Master Bai, who had been keeping an eye on the situation over there, came over at the right time to rescue County Magistrate Yang.

The three children all looked at County Magistrate Yang walking away with regret.

Man Bao said: "It's almost there, we don't need to recruit permanent workers."

Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang nodded in agreement, with pity on their faces.

Master Bai had nothing to say to the three bear children, and together with Village Chief Lizheng, he took County Magistrate Yang to walk through the whole village, learned about the progress of planting and cultivation in the village, and held a small and simple s meeting.

The only people present at the meeting were the adults who followed County Magistrate Yang around. Man Bao and his three children disdain to participate in such a boring meeting, so although County Magistrate Yang invited them, they still refused on the grounds that they were busy with their studies.

The arrival of County Magistrate Yang still had an impact on Qili Village, and it was not small. The most direct thing was that the day after he left, Lizheng brought a batch of bean seeds and rice seeds to distribute. Households are divided according to head.

There are not many, but it is said that the county government transferred the seeds from other places, and the quality is not bad.

Because the three children were friends of County Magistrate Yang, Lizheng also gave them a share for the first time.

Man Bao and the others had finished planting their beans, so the three of them discussed and shared the beans equally and went back to their homes.

After looking at those bean seeds, old Zhou Tou chose a piece of land to plant them, intending to test the yield.

The reason why it is one piece is because there are not many beans, about two catties per person, how much land is enough to plant?

The rice seeds that have been handed out are kept temporarily, and they will sow the rice seeds again after a period of time. After the winter wheat is harvested, the rice seeds sown later can just become seedlings.

The seeds were distributed to every household, and some farm tools were distributed to individual households.

Such as rakes, hoes, etc.

They were all delivered by Lizheng himself. Three families in Qili Village got farm tools. Coincidentally, they were the poorest three families.

This kind of change made the villagers talk about it. Every night after everyone washed up, they would still gossip under the banyan tree at the entrance of the village, saying: "Although this county magistrate is young, he is not bad. It looks better than magistrate Fu."

"Yes, yes, our village has not received the seed farm tools from the county government for many years."

"In the past, adults didn't like to come to our village. The roads were difficult and the place was poor."

"Yes, yes, some of them got better after Master Bai came, I remember..."

Sitting among a group of adults, Man Bao listened with gusto. If the old Zhou Tou hadn't carried her back, she would have continued to listen.

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