Although Yang Heshu has only been in office for a month, he has already visited all the villages in Luojiang County, and has a general understanding of the situation in each village.

He also finally understood why Luojiang County was just a lower county.

Because it is really poor!

In Yang Heshu's understanding, not to mention the cattle owned by each household, there must be at least ten cattle within a mile, right?

Ten households share one head, which can greatly relieve the pressure on spring plowing.

But taking Qili Village as an example, they only have one cow per mile, and they only rotate 33 households every year, and they only cultivate three acres at a time, and after three acres, it is the turn of the next household.

And there are hundreds of households in a mile, which means that it takes two years for a family to have a turn to use their own cattle, and they can cultivate three acres of land at a time.

This time, among the remaining oxen, there should be one for every mile, and the efficiency of using oxen for farming has at least doubled.

After Yang Heshu did the calculations, he finally felt better.

He gave up his bright future in the capital and went to this lower county to become the county magistrate, not only to accumulate political capital, but also to do some practical things.

He wanted to know, did he have to be an official like his father said?

The old Zhoutou's family had a cow, but they were still very concerned about the cows in the county government's cowshed, so they knew when the cows were distributed.

The next day, when Lao Zhou was taking his ox to plow the field, someone asked Lao Zhou if he regretted it, "If you knew early on that you didn't buy the ox, the county government would send the ox to us for nothing, and who would do it?" buy it."

Old Zhou touched his favorite Niu Niu pitifully, put a rope on it, and said: "Can it be the same? The one sent to Lizheng is in your hand. You don't even know when it's your turn, and You can only plow six acres of land at most, and my cattle can be plowed as long as you want."

The other party choked upon hearing the words and was speechless.

Looking up and seeing old Zhou's crooked head, he couldn't help asking, "Are you falling for it? Why do you think your eyes are so penetrating? It's even more crooked than looking at your son when you first became a father."

Old Zhou said: "My Niu Niu is much better than Da Lang."

Now, Niu's status in his heart has long surpassed that of his sons, and he is close to Man Bao's position.

No way, this cow is too easy to use, too labor-saving.

But it is still small now, and old Zhou Tou dare not handle it harshly, so let it rest for a while after plowing.

The old Zhoutou who fed it was also very caring. Besides letting him gnaw the young grass that had just emerged in the field freely, he also let a few children go to the field to cut all kinds of green grass, and even Stir all the bean dregs left over from making tofu at home for it to eat.

There is bean dregs for making tofu. Before May last year, if there were more tofu, there would be more bean dregs. In old Zhoutou, they ate some for themselves, and the rest were for the chickens. But since the flood, those bean dregs have been removed Put it away, nothing wasted, it was all made into various shapes by Xiaoqian and eaten.

Or it is fried or steamed dry and then dried and put away.

Now, a small part of the bean dregs left over from making tofu goes into the stomachs of the Zhou family, and most of them are reserved for the cattle.

Old Zhoutou went to Baizhuangtou for advice. He said that when the farming is busy, the cows do a lot of work. In order not to hurt the cows, they have to cook beans and rice for the cows.

Only when it eats no less than humans can it do more work than humans.

Lao Zhou was actually reluctant to give bean rice or something, but it was no problem to give bean dregs.

Of course, he was not willing to use his family's precious cow so hard.

Every day, Man Bao was told by the old Zhou to be good to the cows, so that she also paid close attention to the three cows in the small farm. Take a look and confirm that they are very strong before rest assured.

The spring rain fell patteringly, then stopped intermittently, and then it didn't know when it would float down again.

But the villagers in Qili Village don't have to wait for the rain to stop before working. The time for spring planting is very limited. If they miss it, the crops will be greatly affected.

Therefore, except for lazy people, no one will delay the farming season.

And the old Zhou's family has Lao Zhoutou and Qian's here, so the Zhou brothers can't do it even if they want to be lazy.

After the old Zhou's family raked out a field, spread the fertilizer and sowed the rice seeds, other families in the village began to go to the fields one after another, and followed the old Zhou's tail to catch the spring seeds.

Then the old Zhou's family began to plow the land and grow beans.

With cattle, their speed is much faster, but no matter how fast they are, they are not as fast as Man Bao.

After Lao Zhoutou said that he was going to start planting beans, Manbao informed her two little friends that they could plant beans, and then Baizhuangtou only let out the news that the peasant women who planted wheat for them last time rushed out first. coming.

Bai Zhuangtou still likes to use them, mainly because they are fast and do fine work, no worse than men.

It's just that the strength is not as good as that of a man.

But there are oxen in the plowing field, and the three long-term workers in the village can plow one oxen for each person, so Bai Zhuangtou took them in and started a vigorous plan to grow beans.

By the time the male laborers came to look for work, the beans in Xiaozhuangzi were almost exhausted, but Baizhuangtou still left a few people to start plowing the fields.

And the peasant women went to grow ginger.

The place Man Bao and Bai Shanbao chose to plant ginger is not very far from the mud house at the foot of the mountain, and the big ditch is a little further ahead.

They circled a land of nearly two mu to grow ginger. Man Bao and Bai Shan Bao, who get a lot of money from selling ginger every year, hoped that it would sell for a high price in winter.

Only Bai Erlang was bored squatting by the ditch and teasing the little bugs in the water. He thought these were fry, but Man Bao insisted and told him, "It's a tadpole, it's a frog."

Bai Erlang never believed it, "A frog has legs, so it looks like a fish."

But Man Bao felt that Keke would not lie to her, so he insisted, "This is a frog, if you don't believe me, let's take it back and raise it."

In fact, she was also curious about how this thing turned into a frog.


So the three of them changed from looking at people planting ginger to fishing for tadpoles. When County Magistrate Yang came to the field accompanied by everyone again, what he saw were three children squatting by the side of the ditch to fish for tadpoles.

Their movements were obviously unskilled and poorly coordinated, always splashing water on themselves or others, causing each other to scream.

Yang Heshu stopped everyone from reminding him, and surrounded him curiously.

They didn't bring a net with them, so they used a big leaf to catch the tadpoles, but they were always unstable when holding the leaves with both hands. With a shake of their hands after fishing, the water and the tadpoles would fall back into the water again.

After doing this several times, full of aura, he yelled at Bai Erlang, who was squatting in the most favorable position, "Why are you so stupid, don't shake."

Bai Erlang yelled back, "It's obviously Bai Shan who is shaking."

Bai Shandao: "I'm holding a wooden bucket, why are you shaking?"

"It's because you shook the wooden barrel and failed to catch the fish I caught, so it fell into the river."

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