Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 387 Persuasion

Only then did the old man remember to ask, "Man Bao, how much money did you pay on credit with the Yamen, and how much do you want to repay?"

Man Bao said in a daze: "Three taels..."

Old Zhou heaved a sigh of relief, "Only two or three?"

Man Bao nodded affirmatively.

The old Zhoutou immediately said to Qian: "Hurry up and open the money box, and let the boss and the second brother settle the credit account tomorrow. Is the money in the yamen so easy to credit? By the way, how do you calculate the interest? After a day of credit, he can't ask us for a month's interest, right? Man Bao, please do the math quickly, how much is the interest for a day. "

Qian went back to open the money box, and soon came out with three slings of copper coins. Old Zhou asked her to give the money to Zhou Dalang.

Zhou Dalang took it hesitantly, but couldn't help subconsciously looking at Man Bao.

Man Bao saw that his father was sitting on the threshold with limp hands and feet, unwilling to move, so he simply sat down on the ground, facing him, "Father, we borrowed silver, so we have to pay back the silver, not the copper coins. "

"Then pay back the money," old Zhou Tou said to Zhou Dalang, "Go to the county town to find a silver building and exchange it for money."

Man Bao quietly said: "One thousand two hundred Wen can be exchanged for one tael of silver."

Old Zhou's eyes widened all at once, his feet and hands were no longer soft, he jumped up and shouted: "Why?"

Zhou Zhoulang hurriedly stepped forward to appease him, and told them all about their cattle credit today from beginning to end. loss.

Old Zhou Tou said thoughtfully: "Is there any silver that is worse than official silver? Then let's change to that kind, and the yamen will accept it?"

The Zhou family brothers all stared wide-eyed, Zhou Dalang and Zhou Zhoulang did not expect such an operation, but Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Zhoulang thought about it and did not have the courage to do it.

As for Man Bao, she directly gave her thumbs up and praised her father, "Father, you are really amazing, you can even think of this."

Old Zhou glanced at her and said, "I'll settle the score with you after I settle this matter. If your mother doesn't beat you, I, I will beat you too."

Man Bao was unhappy, and said: "Father, aren't you afraid that the harvest will not be good this year, so you want to save money to prevent it?"

Old Zhou couldn't help shouting: "Since you know, why do you want to go on credit?"

"If we don't pay it back this year, it will be the same next year and the next year. Dad, we don't lose anything on credit."

"It's no wonder if you don't lose money, such a high interest rate..."

Man Bao couldn't help but said: "The interest rate is not high at all, Dad, those who borrow money like the fourth brother to gamble are considered high interest rates. Although I think the Yamen can actually lower the interest rate..."

Zhou Zhoulang, who was just watching but was suddenly hit by a stone: ...

Man Bao is not an ignorant child, and she knows her father well, and knows why he reacted so strongly. Seeing that her brothers and sisters-in-law are all there, and everyone's faces are somewhat worried, she simply asks Da Tou to find her root roast in the kitchen. the branches that passed.

The old Zhou’s kitchen has always been stocked with burnt sticks and branches, because everyone found that these things are particularly prominent when writing on the ground and stones.

Datou and the others like to use it to practice calligraphy.

Man Bao showed her father a drawing of a branch, "Father, you didn't say that, can one cow do the work of two adults? Buying a cow is equivalent to having two more brothers to work for you." Son, how much land can be plowed intensively..."

The difference between plowing once and plowing twice may not be very big. It is estimated that there will be a few catties of more grain per acre of land, but after plowing twice, sprinkle more fertilizer, carefully weed, and catch some insects, that one acre There may be more than ten or twenty catties of grain.

But doing all this requires manpower.

One more cow means two more people. How much work can two people do in a day?

How much work can you do in a year?

And how much are these jobs worth in terms of value?

Listening to Man Bao counting, Lao Zhou swallowed his saliva.

Then Man Bao added: "Father, our cow is only three years old now. It can work for seven or eight years, or even ten years. If you earn so much in one year, how much will you earn in ten years?"

Zhou Zhoulang clumsily calculated in his heart, and said, "Isn't this equivalent to getting two eldest sons for nothing?"

Old Zhou couldn't help but glared at him and said, "What nonsense, it's your son, can it give you a grandson?"

Man Bao became excited, "Okay, just marry him a wife when he grows up."

Everyone: ...

But old Zhou Tou pondered, "It makes sense, we will sell the calves after they are born, and sell them for three taels per head, how much would that be..."

Qian interrupted his daydream, and asked, "Man Bao, where is the number plate of the cow? Take it, mother, and keep it."

Old Zhou Tou immediately came back to his senses, "No, even if the cow is worth buying, we have to pay back the money first, we can't let the yamen eat our interest."

"Father, what if God doesn't reward you this year?" Man Bao said, "Don't you have to keep the money for self-defense?"

This is also the willingness of the old Zhou tou who has always been unwilling to spend money. The family always needs some savings, and is prepared to save lives even in the event of natural or man-made disasters.

So he thinks that if you earn less, you can earn less, and it's okay for the sons to work hard. Don't worry if you have money in your hands?

But Lao Zhoutou has another kind of insistence besides that, "You can't owe debts, especially debts with interest."

It's not that Lao Zhou has never owed people money, but there are two kinds of money that he has always been unwilling to owe, as long as he has money, he will pay it back.

One is that the other party’s family is not rich, and he feels uneasy about owing such money;

The second type is a debt with interest, which means that every day he owes more money, he owes more money, which is more fatal to him than the first type, because every night he feels his heart flutter. trembling.

But Man Bao thinks this kind of credit loan is okay, she said: "Father, our family can afford the interest. We have three years. So we don't need to use the 'life-saving' money kept at home to pay back the interest." Money. Because now we can borrow money to buy cattle on credit, but if a natural or man-made disaster occurs and we need money urgently, our family cannot borrow money from the yamen at the current interest rate.”

Old Zhou Tou: "...the interest."

"The interest rate is not very high." The reason why Man Bao can say this is because the information Keke searched for her indicates that the interest rate does not appear to be very high even in the future.

Qian glanced at Old Zhou and asked Man Bao, "When do you plan to pay it back?"

Man Bao said confidently: "Short is this winter, long is next winter."

Mrs. Qian nodded, "If God rewards me this year, the family will pay back the money. The cattle are bought for use by the family. If you have money, you can pay it back. If you don't have money, you still have the family."

This is what makes Manbao feel confident and bold to do it.

Old Zhou couldn't help but glanced at his wife, was he planning to spoil his daughter to heaven?

Qian said flatly: "Man Bao is the reincarnation of a fairy, I don't believe her luck will be bad."

When the old Zhou's family heard it, they immediately lifted their spirits, and even the old Zhou's face relaxed a lot.

Keke: ...It is somewhat certain now, and Mrs. Qian seems to think so too.

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