Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 385: Turning Silver into Copper Plates

Chapter 385: Turning Silver into Copper Plates

Yang and Shu were also very happy, and they walked out together, Man Bao said to Zhou Zhou Lang and Zhou Hu: "You go, we will wait for you here in the grass shed."

He turned his head and said happily to Yang Heshu: "Do you want to see the cow we selected? Actually, it is not my favorite. I prefer the steer standing on the third left of it. Unfortunately, it is too expensive. But even so , I will still like it very much, and I will treat it well in the future."

Yang Heshu nodded with a smile, "Okay, let's go and have a look."

He glanced curiously at the direction where Zhou Zhoulang and the others left, and asked, "What are your brothers doing?"

"They're going to get the money."

"Oh, is it a copper coin?"

Man Bao nodded.

Yang Heshu thought he understood, and asked with a smile, "To buy a cow, there are quite a lot of people from your family. Besides the three of you, who else is here?"

"My second brother, he sells bamboo baskets and tofu over there."

"Hey, your family can still make tofu?"

"Of course, our family's tofu is delicious. It's the only one in the county. Every time we make it, it's not enough to sell."

Yang Heshu laughed and said, "Then I'll try it if I get a chance."

The two gossiped and went into the shed together to see the two cows they had chosen.

Neither the messenger nor the cowherd expected that the magistrate would come in person, so they quickly stood up and saw that Man Bao was familiar with him, and their attitude towards Man Bao and Wu Wulang was much better.

A messenger went straight ahead to guide them, and went into the shed to snatch the cowherd's work.

Although Yang Heshu has no actual experience in seeing cattle, he has done his homework like Man Bao, so when he sees Man Bao's cattle, he first asks about his age and teeth.

This time the cowherd came in handy, squeezed to the front to chatter, Yang Heshu couldn't stop nodding, it was different after doing homework, anyway he understood everything, although he still couldn't get away from the cowherd The difference between the teeth can be seen in the mouth of the cow.

Yang Heshu listened with gusto, looked at the cows that Zhou Hu had selected, and then ordered the two cows to be led to the gate of the grass shed.

The county seat of Luojiang County is not big, not to mention the county government office and the pawn shop are still on the same street, so Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Hu ran to it, and came back soon.

It's just that they didn't have a rucksack on them when they went, but they carried a rucksack when they came back.

At the moment it was carried on Zhou Hu's shoulders, and Zhou Zhoulang was running beside him. The two of them ran to the door of the thatched shed, grinned at County Magistrate Yang, and said, "We brought all the money."

Zhou Zhoulang laid out the credit loan documents, took out five strings of copper plates from the bag, and then took out three slings of money, and then looked at the official with piercing eyes.

The official glanced at the credit documents, and was sure that it was money on credit from the county government. He didn't think there was anything unusual and accepted the 3,500 Wen he gave, and then asked Zhou Zhoulang to sign and make a deposit, so that the cattle could be taken away. up.

After Zhou Zhoulang finished signing, the official took off the number plate on the cow's neck and handed it to him, saying: "Just take it in and make a record."

Then he looked at Zhou Hu.

Zhou Hu didn't expect to be able to buy the cow with copper coins. After he was stunned for a moment, he immediately took out 3,200 Wen from his bag and gave it to the official, and took the cow in the same way.

Yang Heshu stood watching from the sidelines. After a long silence, he looked at Man Bao, tapped her lightly with his fingers and smiled, "You, you, I never thought that the first loss I, Yang Heshu, suffered was from you."

"Master County Magistrate, you have not suffered a disadvantage. It may take two years for me to pay back the money. Your interest rate is too high."

Yang Heshu shook his head, "This is already the least amount of interest ever seen before."

"Precedents are also the first ones, why don't you create a precedent yourself?"

Yang Heshu frowned, and shook his head after a long time and said, "No, no."

He is a newcomer to Luojiang County, and he is also a newcomer to the officialdom. The credit business is already out of the ordinary. If he sets a precedent, his life will not be peaceful in the next few years.

Although he wouldn't just leave in despair given his family background, it would be very annoying if someone was watching everything he did.

Man Bao looked back at the cows full of grass sheds regretfully, and said: "In this case, I'm afraid it will be difficult for you to sell other cows on credit. Everyone is not very courageous. The main reason is that the natural disaster came suddenly last year. I know whether God will reward me this year."

Yang Heshu said: "Since there was a lot of waterlogging last year, there shouldn't be much rain this year."

Man Bao nodded, "Yes, so there may be a drought."

Yang Heshu stared.

Zhou Zhoulang and Zhou Hu took out another document from the county government office, their faces were full of joy.

Far away, Zhou Zhoulang waved to her and said, "Man Bao, it's all done, we have cows at home!"

To Yang Heshu, Zhou Zhoulang's senses are also very good, and he said quickly: "Master County Magistrate, last time you came to our village, we didn't know that you were the county magistrate, next time you go, we will definitely treat you well, I, I invite you back to my house for dinner, and I will give you all the eggs I touch."

Yang Heshu expressed his gratitude with a smile, and asked Man Bao: "I may not eat tofu for a long time, your second brother is in the place that sells agricultural products?"

Zhou Zhou Lang immediately said cleverly: "Why do you send someone to go? I will send it to you in a while, and you can ask for a few dollars."

Yang Heshu thought for a while and said, "I want to entertain some guests tonight, so bring some more. You can take it."

After all, let the entourage behind you give the money.

The entourage took out a bunch of copper coins and gave them to Zhou Zhoulang.

Zhou Zhoulang was taken aback. Well, even if beans are a little more expensive now, and tofu has risen to three yuan, there is no need to give him so much, right?

Zhou Zhoulang asked in a low voice, "Dare to ask my brother, is there a lot of people invited by the county magistrate?"

"Why are you asking this?"

"I just want to estimate how much tofu will be sent to you."

The entourage said: "There are five or six people."

Zhou Zhoulang knew it in his mind, the county magistrate looked so rich, it would be impossible to cook just one dish for a table of banquets, right?

So he thought about it, counted out thirty Wen from the string of money, pushed the rest back, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, I will deliver the tofu myself in a while. Our tofu is cut into large pieces, plus Nowadays food is much more expensive, even the beans are expensive, so I sell it for three pennies a piece, and I will send you twelve yuan in a while. If you have a lot of soaking, you can cook it tomorrow morning, or I will try it too My tofu is really authentic and delicious..."

The entourage waved his hand to show that he understood, and took the rest of the money to let Zhou Zhoulang leave.

After Zhou's family had left, the entourage walked back behind Yang Heshu and said in a low voice, "Young Master, you seem to be quite honest and not greedy. Tofu costs one yuan for three Wen, and you will get two more for ten yuan."

Yang Heshu nodded slightly, and ordered: "Go to the silver building and ask how much copper plate can be exchanged for one tael of silver now. By the way, besides the silver building, where else can you exchange copper plates?"

The entourage thought for a while and said, "It seems that pawn shops are also available."

"Then ask them together."

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