Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 381 Choking

Man Bao rolled the noodles and ate some vegetables, and occasionally looked up in the direction of Master Bai and the others.

Mr. Bai and the others did not let the three children eat in front of them, but sent them back to the house, while they drank and ate under the peach tree in the yard, chatting by the way.

Yang Heshu only knew that there was a Bai family in Qili Village, but he didn't know when there was another Bai family, so he asked curiously.

Master Bai smiled and said, "My cousin Bai Qi once served as a county magistrate in Yizhou, but he died young, leaving behind my aunt and a pair of orphans and widows. The family came to live here, but the household registration is still in Longzhou, and this right should be just another courtyard of their family.”

As soon as Yang Heshu heard it, he understood that this must have been rejected by the clan, and maybe it also involved a dispute over property, so he hid here.

So he smiled and said, "It's a good idea for the two families to live closer to each other so that they can take care of each other."

Yang Heshu and Mr. Bai Laoye, Mr. Zhuang, can be considered to have a good conversation. After coming to Luojiang County for so many days, there are not many people who can talk to him, let alone the people who have met in the countryside in the past two days.

It is the local Lizheng, except for some agricultural matters, they are not very good at answering the rest of the topics.

By the time Yang Heshu came out of Bai's house full of food and drink, the three of them were already talking and laughing at Yan Yan, as if they were confidants.

His entourage walked out of the white house first, and when he waved his hand, a carriage turned from the side, and Master Bai said in surprise, "I don't know if the magistrate Yang brought a car, but I also asked the servants to give it to the magistrate Yang. I have a carriage ready, but it seems that I can't use it."

Yang Heshu smiled complacently and said, "This car is walking in the back. Since we are visiting the countryside, we shouldn't be too ostentatious."

Man Bao, who was standing in the back, couldn't help but think, since it's not easy to publicize, shouldn't it be riding a donkey, or traveling directly in an ox cart?

Who can afford a horse?

Man Bao looked at Yang Heshu's horse with envy, when will she be able to include a horse for Keke?

Master Bai thought so too, but he was relieved when he saw Yang County Magistrate's face. He looked like a fledgling boy, and he must not have thought so carefully.

Yang Heshu didn't forget the three children, especially Man Bao and Bai Shanbao. He still liked and admired these two children, so he invited them and said, "If the three little friends go to the county seat, I invite you to come to my mansion as guests. As a reward for your hospitality today."

Man Bao said there was no problem, and quietly said to Bai Shanbao, "Although I often go to the backyard of the county government office, I have never entered the place where the side door is a hundred paces away."

Bai Shanbao said, "I don't even have one."

"Next time, let's take a look. Sister Fu said that the garden inside is very beautiful."

Bai Shanbao expressed doubts, "Better than mine?"

Man Bao hesitantly said: "It should be, after all, your home has only been built for more than two years, but the county government has been built for a long time."

When Yang Heshu saw that the two children had ignored him, they began to whisper to themselves, and couldn't help but smile stiffly. Forget it, they were still children.

It wasn't until Yang Heshu got into the carriage that the two children realized, Hey, the distinguished guest is leaving.

So the two of them and Bai Erlang waved goodbye to him together, and Man Bao also warned: "Yang County magistrate, you must remember the matter of the cattle on credit. If the regulations are set, let someone inform me, and I will be the first. One came into town to support you."

Yang He Shu Zong smiled and said, "Okay, I'll let you know."

Man Bao waved his hand attentively, and didn't let go until the carriage crossed the river.

Mr. Bai went to see Manbao curiously, while Mr. Zhuang asked directly: "I also heard from the county magistrate Yang that you want to buy a cow on credit with the county government, but why don't you buy the cow on credit directly, but first credit silver, and then What about the cattle on credit?"

When Man Bao opened his mouth to say, Keke coughed lightly in her mind, and Man Bao covered his mouth and said, "I can't tell you now, too many people will leak the secret."

Mr. Zhuang smiled and said: "Okay, don't say it, we will know when you bring the cow back."

Man Bao feels that it will take a long time. After all, it takes time to adjust cattle, right?

As a result, they had just finished planting the wheat here, and only then settled the wages to the day laborers. After the cold night passed, Li Zheng came to inform them.

"The county government bought a batch of cows and came back, thinking that farming is difficult for big guys, so the newly arrived county magistrate decided that any poor family can go to the county government to buy a cow back on credit, as short as half a year, as long as The money and interest for the purchase of cattle will be paid off within three years.”

Man Bao stood not far from his father's feet. After listening to it, Old Zhoutou felt that this matter had nothing to do with him, so he took out a cigarette bag from his waist, and thinly twisted some shredded tobacco into the pipe and started smoking.

Someone who is excited asks, "How does this poor family count?"

"It's very simple. There are no cattle in the family. In addition to houses, there are only Yongye Tian in Hengyi, and those who have never bought any land are counted."

Yes, the vast majority of people in Qili Village are in line.

What will the farmer's family do with the extra money?

Marrying a daughter-in-law, but this is a grand plan for reproduction and one of the basic needs of survival. Of course, it cannot be considered rich.

So what do you do when you have a wife and still have money?

Raise children.

Well, this is also a grand plan for reproduction, and it also cannot be considered rich.

And if there is more money after raising a child, each family has their own plans, but there are only three categories left: one is to buy cattle; the other is to buy fertile land; the third is to buy a shop.

This is Yang Heshu's experience in the past 20 years, plus the conditions limited by this period of understanding.

Not to mention, many people in the village were heartbroken.

As for a cow, at least it can cover two strong laborers in the family, so some people raised their hands to sign up, but some people asked loudly: "Lizheng, what is the interest rate?"

"One tael of silver and twelve yuan a month."

As soon as these words came out, the person who raised his hand immediately retracted his hand, and then whispered to the people around him, "It costs 12 cents per month, how much does it cost to buy a cow?"

He stood not far from Lizheng, and Lizheng's ears were still very good. When he heard it, he coughed lightly and said, "A cow, depending on its size and strength, is probably between three or two hundred to five taels. Just take the middle data for four or two."

"Then, how much interest is there for four or two a month?"

The li long stretched out his hand and counted with his fingers, and the villagers were all waiting eagerly.

After taking a puff of cigarette, Lao Zhoutou lowered his head and asked Manbao, "How much does it cost?"

"Forty-eight characters."

Old Zhou slapped his mouth and said: "Forty-eight wen, forty-eight a month, how much will it cost in half a year? And it may not be possible to pay it back after half a year. How much will it cost after three years?"

Man Bao thought for a while, and after a while, he said, "One thousand seven hundred and twenty-eight texts."

Old Zhou Tou choked on the smoke.

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