Zhou Hu and Yang Heshu were talking, and he forgot the time. When the old Zhou family came, he remembered that he had forgotten his business, and he hadn't had time to take a look at the situation in his home.

Yang Heshu also saw Lao Zhoutou who was leading a group of people over, and Man Bao waved his hands to call his parents when he was far away, so he didn't know who they were.

Yang Heshu looked over and found that there were so many people in the Manbao family.

However, Man Bao also asked, "Dad, what about the second brother, third brother and fourth brother?"

"They went to plough another field. It's faster. Why are you here? Have you eaten lunch? Your sister-in-law doesn't know if there is any food for you."

Man Baogang and Bai Shanbao Bai Erlang ate a lot of snacks, but they didn't feel hungry, so they said, "I'm not hungry."

Old Zhou Tou looked at Yang Heshu curiously and talked to him.

Zhou Dalang and others have already filed into the field and started to work. He and Zhou Hu pulled the plow, and Wu Wulang helped the plow. Now that he has learned to support the plow, the old Zhoutou basically handed it over to him when he didn't want to.

Of course, now he also has to follow Zhou Dalang and Zhou Hu round to pull the plow.

Yang Heshu asked, "Is it easier for two people to pull the plow?"

"No, it's not. After one person pulls it, after a day, there will be few good pieces of meat on the shoulder. It will grow in the days to come, but I don't dare to work too hard. Mr. is also a teacher?"

Yang Heshu said with a smile: "I also teach."

Old Zhoutou had a natural affection for Mr. Teach, and said with a smile: "Teaching is good, all those who can teach are people with great ability."

Yang Heshu smiled and asked, "Are there many people studying in my father's house?"

"Many," Old Zhou Tou said proudly, pointing to the big and small grandsons and granddaughters in the field: "Well, even the youngest grandson is studying."

Yang Heshu opened his mouth wide and looked at Man Bao in surprise. Is such a family still poor?

When he hasn't seen the poor?

When Man Bao opened his mouth to speak, Yang Heshu smiled and asked before her, "Who is Mr., I don't know if the school is not far away, how much is a year's repair?"

"Ah?" Lao Zhoutou reacted, with an old face smiling like a chrysanthemum, and said cheerfully: "I don't want money, I don't want money, it was taught by my daughter."

Man Bao, who was pointed at by the old Zhoutou, straightened his chest and looked at Yang Heshu proudly.

Old Zhoutou said with some regret: "My daughter is the smart one in our family. She learns things quickly. Her brothers and nephews and nieces are not as good as her. It will take a long time to learn two words, okay. They don’t need money to study, they just take up some time.”

Yang Heshu obviously didn't expect it, and asked in surprise, "That books, ink, paper, inkstone, and ink always cost money, and my husband's willingness to spend on them is pretty good."

Along the way, not to mention the average and poor family, even the richer peasant households would not dare to send their children to school easily.

He asked them what they thought, and they all said that it is difficult to read and recognize words. If the family has some money, they will send their children to study. And maybe forget, isn't this a waste of money?

You must know that for ordinary people, the cost of books and pen, ink, paper and inkstone is also very large. In two years, they have been able to recognize a lot of characters. Basically, some of the simplest books can be read intermittently, but if If you can't keep buying books and practicing calligraphy, you will almost forget about it after a while.

You must know that young people learn things faster, but forget things faster.

Yang Heshu counted the heads of the old Zhou family's children and nodded secretly. To buy so many books, ink, paper and inkstones, it seemed that the old Zhou family was also spending a lot.

But by the same token, their family is definitely not very poor.

Who knew that the thought flashed, and Lao Zhoutou burst into laughter and said happily: "Sir, it seems that he has never suffered hardships. There are books at home. What books do you want to buy?"

Lao Zhoutou pulled his daughter to his side, and praised Yang Heshu: "My daughter's husband is a good person, and every time she has to learn a new textbook, he will copy a copy for her. After Manbao has learned it, he will practice calligraphy when he goes home. Copy one or two more copies, and show the bad copies to the children at home. If you copy well, you can return them to your husband. Next time there are students in the school who don’t want to pay high prices to buy books from the bookstore, you can spend some Get a copy from Mr. for pen, ink and paper."

Yang Heshu opened his mouth wide.

"I don't expect them to become husbands in the future. In fact, I think that people in the countryside will learn how to farm the land, and then they can do some calculations and write their own names. In the future, the tax that the family will pay can be calculated by themselves, and there is no need to look for them. Li Zheng can help you, you can sign your name, you don’t need to draw a circle.” This is really Lao Zhoutou’s true thoughts, “But my old wife and daughter both say that reading is good, if it is good, then let’s read, anyway, they It’s also to go out to play at home, it’s better to squat in the yard with a stick and learn to write.”

Yang Heshu: "...So there is no pen, ink, paper and inkstone?"

"Oh, that thing is very expensive. My daughter and her brothers made a lot of money selling candy. The money was basically spent on pen, ink, paper and inkstone. Occasionally, the family had to give her some, and a box of ink was enough to buy several pounds of meat."

Man Bao distinguished, "It's only three pounds."

"Three catties is not too much, enough to eat three times."

Yang Heshu understood now, co-authoring the books with so many people from the old Zhou family didn't cost much at all. Basically, they only needed to pay for the cost of writing, ink, paper and inkstone.

He stroked his chin thoughtfully, and glanced at the people of the old Zhou family. Only then did he realize that, except for Man Bao, who was wearing half-worn cotton and linen clothes, the clothes of the other members of the old Zhou family were all worn out. After making a lot of patches, he also saw that the creak nest named Wuwu Lang had a broken piece, and it had not been sewn up.

As Man Bao said, their family is very poor.

However, Yang Heshu looked at Manbao and at the group of children who were fertilizing and sowing seeds in the field, and finally felt that something was wrong.

He smiled and asked Lao Zhoutou, "I see that other people send boys to study, why is the old husband's family the opposite?"

Without thinking about it, the old Zhoutou said, "That gentleman doesn't look down on the other children in my family, so he looks down on Man Bao. Besides, my grandchildren are not as smart as my daughter, my daughter is a great endorser. You can memorize it three or four times. Those boys read the book with their hands behind their back for a long time. When they close the book, they can’t remember the first sentence. They go to read with their husband, and they can’t teach others when they come back. ."

Yang Heshu nodded, glanced at the proud Man Bao again, couldn't help but smiled knowingly, this is really the first in a hundred miles, oh, no, is it the second smartest person?

He asked Man Bao curiously, "You said you used to be the smartest person in a hundred miles. Who told you that?"

There is a chapter at 5pm

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