Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 377 Conditional (reward for book friend

Yang Heshu thought for a while, found some precedents in his mind, and said with a smile: "I remember a precedent, the imperial court lent money to the people, and the monthly interest of one tael of silver ranged from twelve to thirty-six cash, depending on the amount used. It depends on the method, if you want to borrow money for farming, how about I give you a minimum of twelve coins?"

Man Bao began to calculate in his heart, one tael is twelve cash, and three taels is thirty-six cash. At the latest, there will be a harvest in the autumn harvest. At that time, they will share the profits of the field equally, three thousand two hundred and sixteen cash She can still get it out.

Man Bao nodded immediately, "Okay, I want to buy one."

Bai Shanbao immediately said: "We also want to buy one. There is a lot of land, and three cows alone are not enough."

With such cheap interest, it's really itchy not to take advantage of it.

Yang Heshu said with a smile: "Your situation is not suitable, these cattle are only owed to poor households on credit."

He looked at Man Bao suspiciously, "Is your family poor?"

Man Bao nodded affirmatively, "Of course, my family is very poor."

"Girls from poor families can also study?"

Man Bao immediately said: "I don't need money for studying. My husband saw that I was smart, so he accepted me as an apprentice. Not only did he not want Shuxiu, but my book was copied for me by my husband, and the first pen, ink, paper and inkstone were all from him." Sent."

Yang Heshu was even more skeptical, "Is your husband so nice?"

Man Bao nodded, "Hello, sir. Of course, it's also because I'm smart. I used to be the smartest kid within a hundred miles."

Yang Heshu couldn't help laughing out loud when he heard the words, and asked cheerfully, "It used to be, but isn't it now?"

Man Bao glanced at Bai Shanbao and said, "It will happen again soon."

Bai Shanbao puffed out his chest.

Seeing that Yang Heshu was so happy that he almost burst into tears, he said, "Okay, then take me to the villagers to have a chat, and you can't tell them my identity. If it's what you said, I will promise to give you Sign up and give you the first cow on credit, but you have to promise me one condition, can you be the head of the house?"

"There are still conditions, what conditions?" Man Bao said: "I can basically make decisions that don't involve money."

This condition...

Yang Heshu couldn't help but said, "Then it's like you can't make the decision. You owe a cow on credit, can you pay back the money later?"

"Don't worry, you can pay it back!"

Even if the food in the field is not good, or there is another disaster, there is still income from ginger.

Thinking of this, Man Bao quietly said to Bai Shanbao: "Let's plant some ginger in the field, then dry it and sell it to the pharmacy, okay?"

Bai Shanbao also felt that ginger was very profitable, earning more than grain, so he nodded.

Yang Heshu couldn't hear the whispers of the two children, and looked at Manbao with a smile.

With Bai Shanbao's approval, Man Bao said, "Tell me, what are the conditions?"

"I want your family to set aside at least three acres of land to plant mulberry leaves and raise silkworms next year. Can it be done?" The reason why she chose Manbao's family is because she studied, which shows that her family is more enlightened and she accepts knowledge. Also faster; second, from what she said just now, she has at least five older brothers, which shows that they have a large family.

Looking at the situation in the field, these farmers may not be able to rest all year round doing these things. How can they find time to raise silkworms?

Unless they can see the huge benefits of sericulture, I am afraid that even if he orders them to plant mulberry and raise silkworms, they will not be too dedicated.

Man Bao struggled and said, "But there are no mulberry trees in my house."

"The yamen will send you off."

"No money."

Yang Heshu: "Give it away for nothing!"

Man Bao's eyes lit up, "What about the silkworm eggs?"

Yang Heshu thought for a while and said, "It's free, but the brocade weaves will be sold to the county government."

Man Bao was stunned, "My family doesn't know how to weave brocade."

Now Yang He was dumbfounded, and he asked tangledly, "Men plow and women weave, don't ordinary weavers know how to weave?"

"Is there such a natural person? Then they are better than me."

Bai Shanbao laughed loudly, and said happily, "You are the reincarnation of a fairy, then they are the reincarnation of a fairy."

Bai Erlang also became happy, and Man Bao himself was happy.

Yang and Shu obviously couldn't understand their joke, so they watched quietly.

But soon, he understood why they said that, because the villagers he asked seemed to believe that Man Bao was the reincarnation of the fairy under the seat of Lord Tianzun.

Yang Heshu was still ignorant at the beginning, and didn't know who Master Tianzun was. After asking the three children, he found out that Master Tianzun was Taishang Laojun. I really like to call him Master Tianzun, as if calling him Master can shorten the distance between the two and make them appear closer.

Qian's health has improved now, although she is still not as good as Xiao Qian and others who are in their prime, but compared with her peers, her condition seems to be better.

Everyone in the village knew that Mrs. Qian hadn't been out much at that time, and even the prescription hadn't changed. It suddenly became so good. Wasn't it God's blessing or something?

In addition, she has been talking about it for half a year, and the villagers are convinced.

The main reason is that she also found a lot of supporting evidence. For example, their old Zhou's family was about to fall because of the gambling of the fourth child, but the inexplicable life changed for the better.

That's right, Lao Zhou's own family knows about Ligustrum lucidum and Poria cocos, but outsiders don't know about it, but they do know that Lao Zhou's ginger sold for a lot of money.

But it is said that the ginger block was planted by Manbao in the beginning, and even the wasteland opened by Zhou Lang was proposed by Manbao.

This further proves that Man Bao is the reincarnation of a blessed fairy.

Although the old Zhou's family refused them to worship Manbao in order to prevent her blessing from being taken away, the villagers still liked to talk to Manbao.

What if Master Tianzun happened to glance down from the sky, saw them talking to Man Bao, remembered them, and gave them some blessings by the way?

So seeing Man Bao leading the people to the field, many villagers in the field stopped for a while and raised their hands to greet Man Bao.

Of course, you should also say hello to the two young masters of the Bai family, who are the richest people in their village.

Man Bao called them over to talk, and introduced Yang Heshu to them, "He is a great scholar, and he came to talk to you."

The man pulling the plow happened to be very tired, so he simply stopped, sat down on the ridge, and asked, "What are you talking about?"

Yang Heshu squatted on the side of the ridge and asked him, "How many people are there in this fellow's family?"

"Except for the old lady at home, everyone else is here."

Yang Heshu looked at his wife behind him, and the four children behind him, the oldest being eight or nine years old, and the youngest about three years old, were silent, and asked after a long time, "How many mu of land can be cultivated?"

"My family now only has 40 acres, most of which are planted with wheat and soybeans, and the fields are basically used to grow rice."

"Can you finish planting?"

"Fortunately, let's plant all the good land first, finer, plow the poor land and sprinkle beans, at least the seeds can be recovered, right?"

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