Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 375 New County Magistrate

"Aunt Wu's family is relatively poor because Uncle Wu died a long time ago. Brother Dayong and Brother Eryi used to spend a lot of money when they got sick. Aunt Wu sold Uncle Wu's land and left only four acres."

Man Bao followed Xiao Qian's when he was young, so he didn't know too much about this kind of gossip, Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang both listened with great interest.

"When Brother Dayong had no money to marry a wife, Aunt Friday sold the remaining four acres of land, built a house for the family, and married a wife. Fortunately, Brother Dayong divided Ding Tian at that time," said Man Bao. : "But when Brother Eryi wanted to marry a wife, Aunt Wu took four acres of land from Brother Dayong to sell..."

Yang Heshu \u0026amp; Everyone: ...

Man Bao chuckled and said happily: "At that time, the village chief came to the door and scolded Aunt Wu Wu, saying that they were too lazy to work and only wanted to sell the land. They had nothing to leave to their children and grandchildren, only to get poorer and poorer. .Then Aunt Friday didn’t dare to sell the land anymore, but life was not good either.”

The Scarecrow's family can easily understand, "He's a gambler. In the past, his family's life was better than mine. I remember when we were very young, when our family ate dinner, their house smelled like meat, and then my stomach I was so hungry, my mother asked my sister-in-law to boil eggs for me..."

Man Bao said: "He gambled, neither eating nor beating, and he gambled away his family's wealth in more than a year, and then he sold my little niece, and called the money collector to interrupt her." I lost a leg, and now as long as I have money, I still go to the county to gamble. I don’t think the relief food should be given to him, but to his father and his son.”

Yang Heshu frowned, this is not easy to operate.

"Brother Zhou Hu's house," Man Bao said "Oh".

Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang also let out an "ah".

Yang Heshu asked curiously, "What happened to their family?"

"Brother Zhou Hu's family used to be rich, the richest except for the village head."

Yang Heshu knew that she was not from the village chief's family when Man Bao said that the village chief went to scold Aunt Friday. Didn't he expect that she was not the second best family?

Yang Heshu asked, "He also gambles?"

"Brother Zhou Hu doesn't gamble, it's just that Mrs. Hu had a difficult labor last year, and now she still has to take medicine, and she emptied her family's wealth in one fell swoop, alas~~"



Yang Heshu looked at the three children with their heads hanging down, and felt that Zhou Hu should be well-known in the village.

He pondered: "A single illness can ruin a relatively wealthy family."

"Isn't it? That's why my father always said that there is nothing wrong with illness. If we dare to go to the river to play or get caught in the rain, we will definitely be beaten up when we go back."

Yang Heshu asked with a smile, "What's your father's name?"

Man Bao cheered up, and said happily: "My father's name is Zhou Jin, my family is very poor, you have to remember it."

Yang Heshu's smile froze, and he asked, "Why do you want me to remember?"

Man Bao and Bai Shanbao looked at each other, and quickly said: "It's nothing, it's nothing, you just need to remember."

Yang Heshu rubbed his forehead and asked, "Have you guessed my identity?"

Man Bao's eyes sparkled, and he asked, "What is your identity?"

What is his identity?

Yang Heshu stared at Manbao for a while, seeing that her eyes were bright, she was not guilty, and Bai Shanbao on the side also looked at him expectantly.

Only Bai Erlang looked confused.

He couldn't help laughing and said, "It's nothing, it's just the new magistrate of Luojiang County."

He asked Man Bao and Bai Shanbao, "Have you seen me?"

He has been in office for twenty days, Man Bao and the others accidentally see him on the street.

Who knew that Man Bao shook his head and said, "I haven't seen it before."

Yang Heshu looked at her suspiciously, and asked, "Then did you guess my identity?"

"Anyway, you must be an official," Bai Shanbao said, "except for officials and those who will become officials, who would want to understand the sentiments of the people?"

"Why must I be an official?"

Now Man Bao said, "You look like a scholar, or a scholar with delicate skin and tender flesh. A scholar of your age is either an official or a study tour when you go out. If you want to study abroad, tell us openly, and find I made an excuse of getting lost, and went from Baimaguan Town to the county seat, no matter how hard I tried, I couldn’t get here.”

The most important thing is that Yang Heshu's performance is too similar to the "Private Interview in Weifu" they have read. Although it is a story novel, both she and Bai Shanbao think the story is very interesting.

I originally thought that the stories in it were all fabricated, after all, how could the nobles appear without crowding, such as County Magistrate Fu.

Anyway, when Man Bao saw him, there were many people around him, either officials or his servants.

But the moment he saw Yang Heshu, Man Bao felt that not all officials in the world are the same as magistrate Fu, just like people are different.

It turns out that the words in the system are still reliable.

County magistrate Yang obviously didn't know enough about the local area, and he didn't know why he couldn't pass here by taking a shortcut from Baimaguan Town to the county seat.


He looked up and down the three children for a while, they were not very old, how naughty was it to find out the trails from the nearby villages to Baimaguan Town and the county seat?

He didn't know that Man Bao, Bai Shanbao, and Bai Erlang had lost their way once, and then they thought about how to get to Baimaguan Town, and they spent a long time with the laborers who were serving at that time. arrive.

I heard that they were lost, so I counted the roads I knew. In order to find some plants that I had never seen before, Man Bao once curiously took Zhou Lang to walk through several small roads, but found nothing. Rare plants are enough, but I picked up a lot of firewood.

Even Bai Erlang passively knew several small roads. Of course, he would not go on those small roads. It’s fine if he has to walk with his legs. He hasn’t rested yet. There are potholes and grass everywhere, so it’s not easy to walk at all. .

Bai Erlang looked down at their shoes and trousers, and said, "You must not be walking around."

Yang Heshu could only smile awkwardly when he said that even to the stupidest child. He didn't continue this topic, and asked the three of them with a smile, "I see that you employ quite a few people. How big is your land?"

Man Bao just stood on the wooden bed, even swipe his small hand, and said: "The place that can't be seen over there is also ours, a total of 120 acres, and the mountain behind us is also ours."

Yang Heshu glanced at the mountain behind them, and saw that there were dense trees and overgrown weeds on it. He couldn't help asking, "Did you buy this mountain with the head of the village? What's the use of buying it?"

"I didn't buy it, it's my fourth brother's koufen field."

Yang Heshu stared slightly, "Koufentian, why, why is it such a mountain?"

Man Bao looked at him curiously and said: "What else can the koufen fields be if they are not mountains? The koufen fields in our village are all mountains. Have you seen the mountain over there? Most of the koufen fields in our village are there. My father, I The mountains of the elder brother and the second brother are the best, and they are in or near the village. My third and fourth brothers are more miserable. They are separated so far away. When my fifth brother is, I guess they will be assigned to the vicinity of Dali Village. .”

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