Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 360 We must have ideals (1)

Although Bai landlords are stingy, they are very willing to pay when farming is busy, so they can often give wages of 18 or 20 cents.

Before the old Zhou family did not grow ginger or go to the county town to sell vegetables, the white landlord was a very important source of income for the old Zhou family.

Every year, I can earn at least a thousand dollars by working as a day laborer for the white landlords. This is the least time.

Basically, the money for their mother's medicine came from here.

Therefore, Man Bao subconsciously felt that long-term workers were more profitable than short-term workers, because they often had work to do.

The three long-term workers looked at Man Bao sadly and said, "Miss Man is joking."

The wages of long-term workers are not calculated by the day, but by the month.

Their monthly salary is three hundred cents, including food and housing.

For example, when the farming is busy, the food is uniformly cooked by the villagers. After the busy farming period, the Bai family will give them some coarse grains, and they will cook how much they need to eat.

So if you eat less, you can save some food yourself, and if you eat more, you can buy it with your own wages.

Man Bao counted, but said: "Three hundred wen is not a lot, why can't you marry a wife?"

The long-term workers were even more sad, and they all lowered their heads and ate the steamed buns, not wanting to talk to Man Bao.

Man Bao wanted to get to know them very much. Dad taught Man Bao last night that if you want people to do well, they have to be fed, so that she should not treat the long-term workers who work for them harshly.

And when they were going to go out this morning, Grandma Liu also specially stopped the three of them, asking them to be serious when they got to the ground, and finally to win people's hearts and not expect everything from Bai Zhuangtou.

Man Bao felt that she didn't need to win over the hearts of her brothers and the young villagers. Bai Zhuangtou seemed to listen to them and be very kind to them, especially Shan Bao.

Shanbao speaks East, but Bai Zhuangtou will never speak West.

So she looked up and down and squatted in front of the three long-term workers.

She felt she needed to talk to them about life.

Three people to be talked about in life:  …

The three long-term workers were so entangled that they had nothing to say. Anyway, it was the noon break, and they were idle.

Mainly because they doubted Man Bao's age, they said can she understand?

Yes, the three of them didn't feel that their poverty was difficult to express. The poverty of long-term workers is a well-known thing. They just thought that talking to Man Bao would also be lighting a lamp for the blind, which was boring.

"I still have fifty cents left in my monthly payment last month. Before the Chinese New Year, a month's wages and a red envelope should be around three hundred and fifty cents. I plan to go to Jishang to buy some meat, and then buy some with the master. Rice noodles, have a good year, and the money will be spent."

"I got cold last month. I went to the hospital for 80 wen just to take the medicine, and I was delayed for more than ten days. The wages are only half. I still want to save the money to buy better clothes."

"I have all my money for wine and snacks."

The three looked at Man Bao together, "So Miss Man, you see that we don't have a penny, can we marry a daughter-in-law?"

Man Bao was stunned, "You guys spend a lot of money, my eldest brother doesn't spend a hundred cents all year round, this is because he has to pay the city fee to go to the county town, and occasionally buy a few buns in the county town to eat, or give We spend a lot of money on sweets and desserts..."

So in her opinion, three hundred articles a month is really a lot.

Can you save at least two bucks a year?

You can marry a daughter-in-law for about five pennies, so it’s almost three years of hard work.

She didn't understand why they couldn't get a wife.

Man Bao counted them, "My second brother and fourth brother are the biggest spenders in the family, but they don't spend much. Like my second brother, when I'm busy, I go to the county town to sell things every day. I will give him twenty pennies. But apart from the entry fee and booth fee, and the occasional one or two pennies to buy hot soup, he saves the rest and takes it back to my second sister-in-law..."

Of course, this kind of thing was done secretly, but the couple would not hide from their youngest daughter, Sanya, when they hid money.

If Sanya knows, Erya will know, Erya will know, and Manbao will know.

"And my fourth brother. In the past, as long as he had money, he would buy food for himself, or for us, but after having my fourth sister-in-law, he would be stingy, so he had to save it for me first. The fourth sister-in-law buys brown sugar and fabrics for my future nephew... So even if you go to the city, you don't spend more than ten cents each time, how can you spend so much money?"

The three long-term workers were heartbroken, and one of them said angrily: "If we have a daughter-in-law, we can also save money."

The other two were convinced.

"Then you have to save money to marry a daughter-in-law, and it's not enough for you to have money like this. You have to clean up yourselves and keep your spirits up." Man Bao, who had many older brothers since he was a child, knew from an early age that he wanted to marry a daughter-in-law. , Your family must not only have land, a house, and money, but also have to be clean and able to do it.

Seeing the disapproval of the three of them, Man Bao was refreshed, and his chattering attribute was activated. He glanced at their dirty hands, did not hold them, but squatted in front of them and said earnestly, "Our old Zhou family, Do you know?"

The three nodded, can you not know?

They have been working in Master Bai's house for three or four years, and they are very familiar with the villagers in Qili Village. The old Zhou family is well-known in Qili Village.

"Does our old Zhou family have land?"

The three nodded.

"Do you have a room?"

The three nodded again.

"A good reputation?"

The three of them glanced at Man Bao and nodded slowly.

"But you don't know, my parents told my fourth brother when they were young, they have to work hard and love cleanliness, so that when they grow up, they can marry a daughter-in-law." Man Bao said: "My parents were worried before. , I'm afraid that my fourth brother won't be able to marry a daughter-in-law, my family's conditions are so good, you have no land and no house, if you don't clean up yourselves a little more, and work harder, how can other girls like you?"

The long-term workers said: "Miss Man, we don't expect a girl to like us, as long as a widow can like us."

Chang Gong Er said: "Yes, and Miss Man, the reason why your parents are afraid that your fourth brother will not be able to marry a wife is not because your fourth brother is not clean, but because your fourth brother has a bad reputation?"

Chang Gong San said: "That is, although we didn't save money, we didn't gamble."

Man Bao looked at the faces of the three of them one by one, shook his head and said, "If you think so, then you are finished. I am afraid that you will never be able to marry a wife in your life, even a widow."


"Because you are ugly, look at my fourth brother, how handsome!"

The three long-term workers turned their heads to look at Shirou, who was chatting happily on the stone not far away, and they all withdrew their gazes.

Man Bao continued: "Although my fourth brother made a mistake, he is handsome and doesn't like to be clean, but at least his clothes are clean and tidy, and his face is clean, otherwise how could my fourth sister-in-law like him? Yourselves Look at yourself. Oh, you can't look at yourself, then look at each other, you three look alike now."

The three of them looked at each other and turned away in disgust.

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