With the play, the eyes of the three children naturally fell on the food.

Mr. Bai didn't let the three children eat at the stalls on the street, but led them to the restaurant, and said with a smile: "We'll go back after lunch, where else do you want to play?"

They all came from childhood. Of course, Master Bai knew why the three children came to the county seat.

There are not many places to play in the county town, but there are not many.

Man Bao used to come to the county town to do things, and few of them could play freely, not to mention Bai Shanbao and Bai Erlang. They came to the county town less often than Man Bao.

There was nothing to do today, and Master Bai was with him again, so the three of them let go of playing.

Even Bai Erlang is not very worried, and his father has always loved him.

After the three children finished their lunch, they played happily in the county town. It was not until almost evening that Master Bai took the three children into the carriage.

I didn't take a nap, and I went crazy again. The three children fell into a drowsy sleep shortly after getting on the carriage, and fell asleep before they left the city gate.

Master Bai could only resign them to his fate, protect their little heads, and let the driver slow down.

After leaving the official road and turning into the mountain road, the road is not easy to walk. Fortunately, the carriage is slow, and although it is wobbly, it is not very bumpy.

The three children slept all the way back to Qili Village.

The carriage took Manbao to Lao Zhou's house first, and then turned around and crossed the river back to Bai's house.

Man Bao held the toy in his arms and happily went to share it with his nephews and nieces.

Lao Zhoutou sat on the threshold and watched them play, and asked Man Bao, "Mr. Bai bought these for you?"

Man Bao nodded, "Everyone has it."

Old Zhoutou didn't say anything, and instead asked, "Did the lady of the county magistrate's family say anything?"

Man Bao almost forgot about her good friend leaving, but Lao Zhou only remembered it when she mentioned it. She took out a box from her cloth bag and opened it to her father, "This is what Second Sister Fu gave me. of."

Old Zhou Tou glanced at it and saw that it was a handkerchief, he slapped it and said, "It's a good thing, but you're still young, so you don't need it. Put it away first, and use it when you grow up."

Daya glanced at it and said enviously, "It's so beautiful, little aunt, isn't this the legendary satin?"

Man Bao stretched out her hand and took out a piece to look at, feeling soft and slippery, she hesitated: "It should be a handkerchief, right? Isn't it called a handkerchief?"

Old Zhou Tou nodded in agreement, "That's right, otherwise why is it called a handkerchief?"

Da Ya doubts, is this really the case?

But Old Zhoutou was right, Man Bao couldn't use this thing now, so she put the box on her bookshelf.

It is said to be a bookshelf, but now there are various things on it besides books, so it might as well be called a shelf.

Man Bao put it at the top, and decided to take it out to take a look when she thought about Fu Wenyun.

However, Man Bao, who is still young, is obviously not so worried. She and Fu Wenyun have more correspondence with each other by letters, so she won't miss them too much if they don't see each other for a while.

No better than Bai Shanbao, they met every day, so they missed each other after a period of time apart.

Seeing that Man Bao hardly mentioned Fu Wenyun, nor was he worried, Bai Shanbao felt relieved, and then discussed many issues with her.

Originally, I was worried that she would be sad, and I didn't want her to worry too much, but today it seems that it is unnecessary.

The farm steward that Liu's found for them has arrived.

Yes, the Liu family transferred a steward from the Bai family's village to help them manage the 120 acres of fields and the mountain.

Even Master Bai felt that the Liu family was a little too fussy. The land was just over 100 mu, and it was in Qili Village. You could just hand it over to a long-term worker or a servant.

However, it was said before that the manpower and material resources would be provided by the Liu family, so Master Bai didn't say anything.

After the people arrived, Liu sent the three children to the house to see the steward.

The three children are all taller than before, but in front of Liu Shi and others, they are still children.

The invited steward stood aside with his hands down, and when he heard the movement, he raised his head slightly to look at them.

The three of them were also looking at this steward curiously, seeing that his temples were slightly frosted, his face was old, with a smile on his face, and his fingers were thick, obviously he often did farm work.

Mrs Liu said, "This is Bai Zhong, and he will be your boss from now on. If you have anything to do, just tell him to do it."

Man Bao politely called out Uncle Bai, because Bai Zhuangtou looked a little older than her father.

Bai Shanbao glanced at her and said, "It should be called Grandpa Bai."

Bai Erlang nodded in agreement.

Man Bao frowned in distress.

Liu Shi looked funny, touched their heads and smiled: "You can call him Bai Zhuangtou in the future."

Bai Zhong, who was a little uneasy, nodded again and again, bowed and said, "Master, Master Tang, if Miss Man has something to do in the future, just instruct the younger."

Before the three children came, Liu Shi told Bai Zhong that this little Zhuangzi had all three children, so all three of them were his masters.

Although Man Bao and the others are ambitious, it is impossible for them to spend too much time on farming, especially since they are still young and uncertain, and their main task is to study.

In fact, during this period of time, they were also very slack. Every day when they came back from the school and finished their homework, they couldn't help but get together to play together. Two days ago, because of the Chu Lang and the others, they were going up the mountain to catch bamboo rats, and the three children were still with them. Go join in the fun.

Although the long-term workers in the fields were ploughed and composted under orders, no one took care of them, and they were very slack in their work.

It is impossible for the three children to go to the field to supervise every day, and Liu cannot let them spend too much time on this, so they have to find Zhuangtou for them a long time ago.

Now that Zhuangtou has come, many things can be done.

Man Bao and the others just need to hide behind Zhuangtou and instruct Zhuangtou, as for the following things, they will naturally leave it to Zhuangtou to do.

Therefore, the most important thing for this Zhuangtou is not ability, but obedience and loyalty.

Especially if you are obedient, otherwise the three children can instigate and immobilize people, then this Zhuangzi will have no meaning to exist.

One hundred and twenty acres of fields plus a lush mountain, it is really a very small village.

And the 120 acres of fields are not fertile, most of them are very barren sandy land, but Bai Zhong did not dare to neglect.

Because although he is honest, he can see that the old lady values ​​this land very much. No, it should be said that he values ​​the three little masters. This little Zhuangzi seems to be used to train and test the little masters.

So the old lady may not look at the output, she looks at the three little masters, or the young master's ability to manage.

Also because he knew this, Bai Zhong was very obedient. Even if the three little masters gave wrong instructions, he would obey them without saying a word. Here, he just needs to be the hands and feet of the three little masters. own thoughts.

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