Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3514 Extra Story 47

There were even people who came to him directly with boats in their hands. As long as he said a word, those boats would be returned to the Zhou family, and the other party would not even take 10% of their generosity and give them away for nothing.

Zhou Zhoulang was very moved, but he also knew that there is no free meat pie in this world. The benefits are really good, but if you take the benefits of others, you must give back something equally important, or even more important.

At that time, Bai Shan was the left chancellor of the Great Jin Dynasty, Zhou Man was the order of the Imperial Medical Office and the director of the Imperial Hospital, both of them were under one person and above ten thousand people, no matter how tempted Zhou Zhou Lang was, he did not dare to stretch out his hand.

So he simply cut off his thoughts, preferring to work harder every year, renting people's boats to go to sea everywhere, and spending money to buy space, and decided not to mention shipbuilding anymore.

Only then did the caring people stop slowly, no longer thinking about starting with Zhou Zhoulang to catch up with Bai Shan and Zhou Man.

Naturally, Lu's firm also had this idea, but seeing so many people falling into the sand, they also took a break and handled it cautiously.

Another confidant said: "It is understandable for Master Zhou to be cautious, but this time Mr. Bai personally came to take our boat, if we can directly cooperate with him..."

"But now Mr. Bai is no longer the prime minister."

The eldest son lowered his head and turned the wine glass in his hand. After a long while, he drank it all in one gulp, and put the wine glass on the table with a bang, "Even if he is no longer the prime minister, his words are better than us running for a month. Try it, if you can succeed , it will be much cheaper for the fleet to go to sea again in the future.”

"Do you want to mention Zhou Mianzhou Mu?"

"Let's not do it. It's not a good thing that my father sold himself as a slave. I don't know if Mr. Zhou minds it. Don't show favors, but make enemies instead."

"Master Zhou doesn't look like that kind of person."

The eldest son said: "Whether it looks like it or not, let's not mention this matter again. Bringing it up is just to repay your kindness."

Only then did the confidantes of the left and right respond, "Yes."

The fleet set sail. This was the first time that Zhou Man and the others had traveled on the sea for such a long time. Sometimes it took ten and a half months to see a piece of land.

It doesn't matter whether there are people or people on the land, as long as the boat can dock, they all run to the land.

When their feet were on the ground, they felt comfortable, but they still felt shaking.

Zhou Man put on his small back basket, took western cakes and a few guards, and went to the depths of the island. The eldest son was only a step behind, and hurried to find Bai Shandao: "Bai Xianggong, there are savages on the island. Distress."

Bai Shan knew that Zhou Man would not be able to hide it from someone nearby, and she also brought cakes and guards, so she smiled and said, "It doesn't matter, she won't go deep, she just wants to pick some herbs and wild vegetables."

Not to mention the medicinal materials, they prepared a lot when they boarded the ship, but they had already consumed them along the way. Although the crew members would grow bean sprouts on board, they were already tired of eating them.

Not to mention them, but the crew now saw green leaves as if they saw anything.


Bai Shan still took a few guards to find Zhou Man together.

When Bai Erlang saw this, he wanted to go, Ming Da also slowed down, and followed after seeing the situation, Yin Ru took a look, and brought Changshou and Xu An to follow slowly...

The eldest son: ...

He wanted to stop Zhou Man from taking risks, not want them to follow them.

Zhou Man didn't go very far, because she just walked a little further, and she came across a clump of black nightshade, each of which was very big, and it grew in a large area, all of which were green and tender.

Seeing Xinxi, Zhou Man hurried forward with western cakes, waved his hand, and said to the guards: "Pinch the tender leaves, and cook them with eggs to clear away heat and detoxify."

So when Bai Shan and the others found it, they were surrounded by a black nightshade, and each of them pinched a handful.

Bai Shan stepped forward to take a look, then looked left and right, and recognized several kinds of wild vegetables in the vicinity, he was happy, "There are quite a lot of wild vegetables on this island, much better than the island we visited last time."

The island they landed on last time was mostly rocky, and they only found some fresh water on it and left.

Zhou Man said: "This island is not small, there should be quite a lot of things on it."

Yin or they followed Zhou Man and knew a lot of wild vegetables and medicinal materials, and they also searched around, but when they found them, the group couldn't help but look up at the sky——the tree that fell.

Bai Erlang's neck was sore, "The fruit on it is so big, won't it kill people if it falls?"

Zhou Man pushed the tree, but he didn't push it, and was even more greedy, "I heard that the juice of the fruit is sweet."

Bai Erlang: "Who told you that he has eaten it?"

Zhou Man didn't answer her, and was already looking for a place to climb.

Bai Shan had already touched around and felt that he could not climb up, so he asked the guards, "Which one of you can climb up?"

Guards: ...

Although the master's request was unreliable, the guards still selected two guards who were better at climbing trees. After taking off their shoes, they climbed up with a dagger.

The tree is very big, and they carefully cut only a small opening to make their feet less slippery...

When they climbed to the top, they cut a fruit and threw it down, which happened to land not far from Yin.

Zhou Man and Bai Erlang ran forward to hug, but Yin Ru had already stepped on him. He squatted down to look at it, and even knocked on it, curiously, "How do you eat this?"

When the group returned, they not only carried a lot of wild vegetables, but also large fruits. Facing Lu Zongzi's curious gaze, Zhou Man said, "This is called Xu Yu, and it's delicious."

As the eldest son, Lu Zongzi has to strategize and rarely go to sea. He will know that there are savages on this island because the family has sent an experienced steward to follow him, but this fruit...

He laughed and said, "This is the first time I've heard of such a fruit. Is this... really edible?"

Bai Shandao: "In "Shanglin Fu", the Xu Yu in "Leave Xu Yu behind, benevolent and frequent" refers to it."

Lu Zongzi: ...Although he also reads, he can't memorize "Shanglin Fu". Since the bosses say so, it is true.

As the number one doctor in the world, Zhou Man should not admit his mistake.

Zhou Man happily chopped off a lot of fruit shells, dug a small hole, and poured out the juice inside...

Smelling a fragrance, she cautiously stretched out the tip of her tongue and tasted it. Bai Shan saw how funny it was, and thought she was so confident when she saw what she said so firmly.

Zhou Man drew back the tip of his tongue, savored it carefully, his eyes lit up slightly, and hurriedly said to the others: "It's delicious!"

Upon hearing this, several people quickly asked the guards to split the fruit for them and pour out the juice to taste.

After drinking the water, Bai Shan squinted his eyes curiously and looked in. Seeing that it was white inside, he couldn't help but pick a piece with his fingers and put it in his mouth to taste.

He raised his eyebrows slightly, "This is...fruit pulp?"

Although Xu Yu is mentioned in "Shanglin Fu", there is no description of how Xu Yu eats, and Bai Shan is rarely described in detail in books.

It seems that their knowledge is too shallow and they haven't read enough books. He turned his head and said to Bai Erlang: "This can be written more, so that people who have never been out at sea can see and see."

What Mingda thought was, "Should I bring some to Brother Huang on the return journey?"

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