Farmer’s Blessed Girl

3506. Chapter 3506 Extra Story: Lying Winning Life 2

He didn't figure it out himself, how did he get together to play with them step by step, it probably started with tossing about the small farm together?

Maybe earlier, they ran away from home together to watch the military service start?

As he grew older, his friends would go home to do farm work after school and holidays, and he was left alone, very bored, so he couldn't help but look at what Bai Shan was doing.

Bai Shan is reading a book!

Bai Erlang felt bored after peeking at it, and turned his head to leave, but he saw Bai Shan holding the book and smiled, he couldn't help looking back, saw that his eyes were narrowed when he laughed, but he was still staring at the book in his hand. book to read.

Bai Erlang leaned over curiously, and he recognized at a glance that it was the book Zhou Man was holding in his hand a few days ago, "What kind of book is this?"

Bai Shan closed the book with a swipe. Seeing that it was him, he felt relieved, opened the book again and said, "Why did you come to my house? Aren't you going to play with your friends?"

Bai Erlang sat beside him familiarly, and squeezed over to read along with him, "They have to go to work in the fields, so they can play with me later. What kind of book is this? Is there a story in it? Why are you laughing?" So happy?"

Like a little old man, Bai Shan seldom knows how to laugh, let alone laugh like he is now.

Bai Erlang squeezed beside Bai Shan and read dozens of books in a daze, and was immediately fascinated.

It was Bai Shan who felt that it was time for lunch, so he put away the book, and Bai Erlang came back to his senses.

He hurriedly pulled him back, "Show me."

Bai Shan said: "I've seen too much, it's time to rest, and it's time to have lunch."

"I'm not tired or hungry, go rest and eat, and show me the book first."


Bai Erlang was a little annoyed, "Why are you so stingy? I gave you my favorite dim sum last time."

Bai Shan said with a serious face: "We have to rest and eat first, otherwise if my uncle and the others know that we don't eat or take a nap, they will definitely guess that we are reading miscellaneous books. Do you know what is a long stream of water?"

He also needs a lot of willpower to control it, okay?

Although Bai Erlang really wanted to watch it now, but Bai Shansu was smarter than him, maybe what he said was right, so he reluctantly agreed.

Bai Shan really did what he said, and took him back to the study after the break, took out the book and read it with Bai Erlang.

There were friends reading miscellaneous books together, Bai Shan was very happy, and excitedly discussed with Bai Erlang.

Bai Erlang instantly forgot to go to play with his little friends, and ran to Bai Shan to play (read books) every morning after eating breakfast, and most of the time he would meet Zhou Man who came to read books together.

So in the study, Bai Shan and Bai Erlang read the miscellaneous books brought by Zhou Man, while Zhou Man rummaged through various books related to medical skills in the study of the Bai family.

There were too many books accumulated in Zhou Man's hands, so Bai Shan and Bai Erlang read them alternately without interfering with each other.

It's a pity that Zhou Man said that she doesn't have much money, and she needs to save money for a big event, so she can't always buy books, he can only read a book over and over again, alas, it's so boring, he can only do homework and work together with them. Endorsed.

In fact, he really wanted to give Zhou Man his pocket money to buy books for her, or if she told him where the bookseller was, he could buy it himself.

But she said that it was a bookseller who could only meet by chance, and what people used was not their copper and silver, only she had that kind of money, so she couldn't buy it.

When Bai Erlang was young, he believed it foolishly. When he grew up, out of habit, he never doubted it.

After getting married with Ming, when he talked about all kinds of miscellaneous books he had read since he was a child, he was very excited, but Ming Da was very puzzled and asked: "Although I don't know many books, I have also read the books in the palace. Quite a few, every year a batch of books printed by outside bookstores will be sent in, including a lot of miscellaneous books, from your description, these miscellaneous books are all good, why haven't I seen any of them?"

Bai Erlang was about to say that Zhou Man and a powerful bookseller bought it...

But when the words came to his mouth, Bai Erlang realized belatedly. After so many years, he really didn't see similar miscellaneous books in bookstores outside, let alone the names of the authors on the miscellaneous books. He didn't see any of them. Pass.

It is impossible for such a powerful author to write only one book in his life, and those books are of good quality, so they should not only exist in the hands of "destined booksellers". There are no bookstores in a small place like Luojiang County. In a large bookstore, it is impossible to see no shadow at all.

Bai Erlang swallowed his words, and laughed with Mingda: "I told you nonsense, maybe I remembered it wrong."

Mingda looked at him and smiled, and didn't ask about it again.

Bai Erlang didn't ask Zhou Man where those books came from, but just found the miscellaneous books that got mixed up in his house at some time and put them on the top of the bookshelf. Those who are destined will see them naturally, and if they are not destined, they will be dusted on it. Bar.

The three of them grew up together, and their belongings were all mixed together, even if they wanted to divide them, I'm afraid they couldn't tell them apart.

Books and homework are the most mixed things, Bai Erlang can still find out the homework booklets left by Bai Shan and Zhou Man at his place.

Now that he found those books, Bai Erlang simply found out those homework and textbooks that they accidentally took notes on, and stuffed them on the top of the bookshelf.

The books he wrote are placed in the middle of the bookshelf, so that people who enter the study to look for books can see them at a glance.

Mingda quietly watched him toss back and forth, and motioned for the people to help without saying a word.

But Bai Erlang seriously refused, the books in the study are all treasures, how can I let them get them?

He had to put them up one by one.

Having been with Mr. Zhuang for many years, Bai Erlang may have a mediocre talent in reading, but he has learned to love books perfectly.

Later generations did not know that Bai Erlang allocated the bookshelves in this way to hide some books and show off the books he wrote. When they found the books on the top shelf, they thought of the deep friendship between their ancestors and those two, and they were all moved. The ancestors are cherishing the books and precious manuscripts given by those two.

It's a pity that later generations didn't pay attention, which caused the pearl to be dusty, and these books and manuscripts have been hidden on it.

Sure enough, their grandfather/father is not reliable at all, not as good as them.

The filial children and grandchildren wrote down this incident to promote the deep friendship between the ancestors and his two senior sisters and brothers, and indirectly explained their filial piety, intelligence and diligence.

Otherwise, just like their parents and grandparents, who would have discovered such precious books and manuscripts on the top of the bookshelf?

Most of these books and manuscripts were later lost during the war, but because there were enough of them, many of them survived.

Later generations speculated on the thoughts of Bai Shan, Zhou Man and Bai Cheng according to these annotations and manuscripts, as well as their respective growth processes.

Bai Erlang was considered to be the most outstanding writer of miscellaneous stories of that era. He created as many as 38 volumes of Zhiguaizao in his life. These were still printed and sold. Who knows how many manuscripts have not been made public?

Because of the discovery of unpublished manuscripts, there have been many authors in history who published under the guise of Bai Erlang's name, all of which were later cracked down by the descendants of the Bai family.

From the book annotations and manuscripts they left behind, it is not difficult to see that Bai Erlang is a very confident person. He once stated that he is not as smart as Zhou Man and Bai Shan, and he is not as talented in reading as his elder brother.

Standing at the back of time and looking forward, even he himself was surprised that he would come to this point, because his goal from the beginning was to read and write, not to be deceived by others, to inherit the family property in the future, and to be a wealthy man like his father squire.

After his father confirmed that he did not have the talent for reading, nor did he have the self-discipline and fighting spirit of his brother, he told him clearly that in the future, his elder brother would be an official outside and he would take care of the family business at home.

Even his elder brother said that he was willing to give him most of the land except the ancestral property.

His grandmother and mother had already made a clear calculation for him. After removing the ancestral property, they would give Bai Dalang part of the land and shop, and give him the rest.

His grandmother said that even if he only got half of it, he would still be the richest person in Baimaguan Town, Qili Village.

In the future, he will be able to live a good life lying down, and he can eat a plate of snacks and throw away a plate...

So Bai Erlang knew from a young age that he didn't need to work hard, and at worst he could live a good life. Anyway, his family is not bad. As long as he doesn't go whoring and gambling, he can not only live happily, but also leave a good life for his children and grandchildren. Big fortune.

In the end, it was possible to get to this point, partly because of Mr. Zhuang, and partly because of Bai Shan and Zhou Man being on the sidelines.

Mr. Zhuang's teaching ability is naturally beyond doubt. Even Bai Erlang, a child with ADHD, can listen to many courses.

Bai Erlang really doesn't like reading very much, and he gets a headache just reading those difficult words and sentences.

He only likes to read miscellaneous books and story books with strong stories, which are simple and easy to understand. If it weren't for Mr. Zhuang who could tell the complicated and difficult textbooks as stories, and there were Bai Shan and Zhou Man who were thinking about too many things in comparison, he would Neither want to learn.

But after studying and studying, he also learned something interesting.

There are indeed many interesting things in the book.

Although he failed to get into Yizhou Prefecture School, his studies in Yizhou Academy were not bad. As long as he was not compared with Bai Shan Zhouman, he was confident that he was no worse than others.

So in Yizhou, everyone gave way to Ji Hao, who was not easy to talk to. He didn't give in, and he didn't love the Yizhou palace. At worst, he would go home and inherit the property. What was he afraid of them doing?

This kind of self-confidence lasted until a long, long time after he entered the capital.

I didn't feel deeply when I entered the Imperial College. Although he was not a descendant of an official, his family was also a descendant of the Bai family. Don't talk about distant branches. If you count the same algebra forward, who is not the same ancestor?

It's just that the eldest family has always inherited more property, and the status is more noble. All the ancestors counted forward to the very beginning, who was not born by the same father and mother?

So he didn't feel that he was inferior to the direct branch, and naturally he didn't feel that he was inferior to his classmates.

until entering the palace.

The imperial palace is the most noble and humble place in the whole world.

The most honorable people in the world live in it, and the most humble people in the world live in it. It's normal to praise the high and trample the low. , Even if you have never been treated like that, you can still see it.

What's more, it is the closest place to the imperial power.

It was only then that Bai Erlang gradually realized that there are still differences among people, whether he is willing to admit it or not, it exists objectively.

Since it exists, instead of justifying and avoiding it, it is better to face it calmly.

My husband said that the roads in this world are muddy and full of thorns. We don't want to avoid them. There is no road in the world that is completely flat. It is better to step on it calmly than to hide.

Whether it is muddy feet or thorns, what we have to do is to keep our heart and step forward bravely all the way.

So even if he knew that his cognition had been wrong since he was a child, but his husband never said he was wrong, and Bai Shan and Zhou Man never said he was wrong, then his heart was right.

That being the case, he will not change his mind.

But he also knew how to restrain himself, and faced this deviation calmly.

He knew that compared with Princess Mingda, his status was not high. If he was said to be high, he was a distant offshoot of the Bai family;

But my husband said that the most important thing in life is to feel comfortable in the heart. He confidently felt that Mingda's thinking was the same as his, and Mingda's thinking was indeed the same as his.

Later people commented that Bai Cheng was able to achieve such achievements because firstly, his happy family environment formed his frank and straightforward character; secondly, he was taught by his good teacher Mr. Zhuang; supervision.

His success is not accidental, which shows the importance of the educational environment.

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