Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3504 Extra Story Old Zhou Tou 3

But old Zhou Tou refused to stop there, and continued: "Anyway, the house can still be lived in now, so let's live in it first. It's good luck. When I built this house, I was willing to use materials. They are all good things. These years The second and third children are well taken care of, and the house doesn't look old at all."

"It's you, I came back and saw that you later built a big brick house similar to my house. Your family also made a lot of money at that time, so why didn't you build a yard like Master Bai's house?"

All the old men and old ladies: ... who would think of building such a courtyard if they have nothing to do? They are already very proud of being able to build a big brick house.

The old Zhou continued to attack, "The house you built later was also built according to my house? But the quality is not as good as my house. I saw it when I passed by Dayuan's house. The corners of the house were covered with moss, which grew thicker. The floor is so wet, and if you don’t take care of it, the moisture will not seep in from the corner of the wall in the future?”

"Dayuan, although you are a generation younger than me, we are all about the same age. When we get old, we have to be careful. Not to mention that it is not good for us to live in a wet place. If we pass by, we accidentally slip and fall What should we do? People of our age can't fall."

Zhou Dayuan: ...the mossy wall seems to be in the back where the chickens are raised, and it's far away. The weeds there are more lush than the wheat in the field. Who can go there if it's okay.

But it was still a shock, and so were other old men and old ladies, so when they got home, they started nagging the children at home, asking them to take care of the front and back of the house, even the small wild flowers that grew well on the walls. Gone.

The old Zhou looked at it with disgust, and quietly said to Qian: "They are so stupid, the little wild chrysanthemum grows so well on the wall, before Manbao wanted to paste mud on the wall, and stuff the flowers and plants into it. Well, it’s so pretty.”

Qian Shi: "...the whole house is blooming with flowers, can it not look good, even if it will be broken soon, didn't you agree?"

Old Zhou Tou muttered: "That's not my house..."

At this moment, Mrs. Qian no longer had a headache when she heard such words, but asked curiously: "What have you told them? Why is the village so lively recently? I hear them yelling at and beating their children every day."

"It's nothing, I just said that the house they built later is not as good as ours."

Qian Shi stopped talking.

The old Zhou Tou won the battle again, and when he went out again, he was valiant and full of vigor.

The young and middle-aged people in the village watched him walk to the big banyan tree at the entrance of the village, feeling their hearts tremble and want to cry, but they couldn't.

The old men and women in the village also slowly came to their senses, and in private they often attacked the old Zhou for sowing discord, but when he came again, he still welcomed him warmly.

Not only because of their decades of relationship, but also because Lao Zhoutou has seen many places and things that they haven't seen before. They can listen to things in the capital every day, not to mention that he has been to other places.

And regardless of his ability, there is one thing in Lao Zhoutou that is recognized by all the old men and women in Qili Village-blessing.

In terms of luck, no one in the village can compare with Lao Zhoutou.

He is so blessed. He was an only child since he was a child, and he was pampered by his grandparents and parents. Which child in the village didn't start planting rice seedlings at the age of six or seven, and began to carry water for cooking?

But when he was six or seven years old, he could only stand on the edge of the field and hand out seedlings to his parents. If he needed to go to the field a little further away, he would still be unwilling to go down because he was afraid of the leeches in the field. Let him get off.

At that time, they were around his age, and they were in the field next to them. They had already been thrown into the field by their parents to plant rice seedlings. If they were slow, they would be scolded and beaten.

A little older, although he has also learned how to work in the field, he is lazy and coquettish. The fourteen or fifteen-year-old boy can already help the family pull the plow and plow the land, but he has never done such a job. The old Zhou family only has this son , and also reluctant for him to do such a heavy job, either to rent the oxen to pull the plow, or the parents pull the plow by themselves.

Among the fourteen or fifteen-year-old boys in the village, who is not as thin as a bamboo pole and as black as charcoal?

Only he is different, white and tender, clean, except for some light work every day, he runs around with those unattended bums in the village, goes up the mountain to catch birds, goes down the river to fish...

At that time, all the little daughters-in-law and big girls in ten miles and eight villages liked to look at his face, but they just liked to look at it. The parents of the little girls didn't look down on Zhou Jin, and they didn't have the courage to marry him.

Although it looks good.

But marrying a man, marrying a man, dressing and eating, the old Zhou's family is not very rich, and there is no brother to help him, he is so lazy, how will he live in the future?

But Zhou Jin just married a good wife, how capable and powerful Qian is.

Therefore, Lao Zhoutou is the most blessed one in the eyes of many old men and women of the same age and older.

Even if there was a drought later, Lao Zhoutou was definitely one of the lucky ones.

At that time, there were about seventy households in the whole village, and which one did not die?

Later, everyone fled abroad. Up to now, there are still a dozen or so households whose whereabouts are unknown. It is not known whether they settled outside or died on the way to escape.

For the rest of the family, people died in every household, and the old Zhou's family was the only exception.

With so many children, Qian was so hungry that he had only one breath left. Zhou Yin sold himself to save the whole family and found a way out for the village.

After Zhou Yin left, all the blessings he left behind were repaid to Zhou Jin in the end, so how blessed he is.

Although Zhou Yin died later, the Man Bao left behind was the reincarnation of the little fairy in the sky. People outside said that she was the reincarnation of Taibai Jinxing in the sky.

How lucky Zhou Jin is to have the opportunity to raise Manbao. Sure enough, she brought blessings to the old Zhou family along the way, pulling the old Zhou family better and better. Even their village was honored because Taibai Jinxing lived there.

Master Bai was right when he chose to settle in Qili Village. Their Fengshui in Qili Village is good, otherwise Taibai Jinxing would not have been reborn in their village.

So even if they are arguing with Lao Zhou, they will always be stimulated by Lao Zhou, and envy him very much, but everyone still likes to play with him, like to sit with him, like to touch him As soon as he touched it, he wanted to touch his blessing.

Old Zhou Tou quickly reintegrated into the circle of old men and women in Qili Village, and he didn't feel unfamiliar with them at all because he lived in the capital all year round.

His life became more and more smooth, and occasionally he took Qian to chat with people under the banyan tree. Every day when his grandson came back from school, he took the two of them home when he passed the banyan tree.

The old Zhoutou and Qian Shi walked in front, and the little grandson followed behind with a schoolbag on his back. Seeing the two shadows cuddling together, he became interested, and stepped forward with joy. Incredible.

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