Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3477 Extra Kochu 3

In this world, there are few selfless people and many selfish people. In the eyes of many people, who should be the emperor?

Why do you have to have someone who hates you and you hate yourself sit in that position?

It's fine if you don't have a chance, but if you have a chance, you will naturally pull it out, maybe you will really pull him down?

When the old and the new are changing, all kinds of grievances and hatreds come out at once, and Gu Zhong is regarded as the leader because of his bad luck, and because of his careless handling of things in the past.

So Gu Zhong advised Zhou Man: "Master Zhou, in this palace, don't make the same mistakes as me."

Zhou Man thought back seriously, she didn't seem to have accepted bribes in the past two years, right?

Looking back, she seems to have eaten the tea and fruit snacks given by the concubines, maids and servants in the palace, and even took the purse handkerchiefs they gave...

Although there are basically no such things as gold and silver, but...

Zhou Man wiped the sweat from his forehead and asked Gu Zhong, "Master Gu, have I offended you in these years?"

Gu Zhong just laughed, and didn't answer Zhou Man's question, but said: "Even gold, silver and jewelry are annoying, let alone human beings? Master Zhou is fine now."

She is capable and compassionate. Most people in the palace rely on her. Even if they don't like her, they will not deliberately frame her. This time Zhou Man will be implicated, and most of them come from the front court.

The filth in the court hall is not less than that in the harem, even worse. This is what Zhou Man couldn't understand, "Why not clean up the government, so as to avoid such frame-ups from happening again in the future?"

Gu Zhongdao: "His Royal Highness the Crown Prince has not ascended the throne yet. If he gets involved in this matter, it will attract people's hatred even more. After the Crown Prince ascends the throne, it will be more difficult to administer."

Gu Zhong has been with the emperor all his life, even without the emperor's wisdom and heart, he can still see something deeper.

He said: "Why do you think the Empress has been silent all this time? Someone is taking advantage of His Majesty's sleepiness to stir up trouble in the court and frame His Highness the Crown Prince. Isn't she angry?"

"She tolerated this only for the smooth succession of the throne for His Highness the Crown Prince, so that the Great Jin can proceed to the next dynasty without instability. Let's see after His Highness ascends the throne."

Gu Zhong said: "The filth has always existed, but because His Majesty was in charge before, that layer of filth was submerged under the water, and all the lotus flowers emerged, making the water appear clear and clean, but now that His Majesty is seriously ill, the slightest trace The black mud just wants to emerge from the water to stir up the wind and rain. You and Mr. Tang wanted to grab the black mud and pull it out to clean it up, but you never thought that you might bring out a large piece of dirt. mud?"

Gu Zhong said: "As long as you don't pull out these black mud, when the monarch is wise, they can only lie dormant under the water even if they are ready to move, but once you pull it out, they can mess up the world for their own benefit. Prince, this is the place where His Majesty will take a shot at them."

"So Master Zhou, when you are in the court, you can bear it when you can, and you can't bear it," Gu Zhong said with a slight smile, "With your lord's ability, even if you leave the court, you can do a lot, and we don't have to worry about it. "

This can be regarded as a heartfelt statement, especially for an old oily person like Gu Zhong who has been living in the palace.

At this time, the emperor was also confiding in his heart to the prince, and the father and son fell asleep, "I taught you to love the people before, but you also need to know that the people are dull and easy to be provoked, not to mention that you only have one person." , the king is the one at the helm, and the courtier is the helmsman, if the helmsman doesn't obey the orders, it's useless for you to be in the right direction."

"A good government order needs to be completed by the subjects. If you can't win people's hearts and have people available, then all the evil things in the world will be blamed on you." The emperor said: "Don't think that you can do whatever you want when you become an emperor. , have you seen what happened this time?"

"Why didn't I know that you were framed and wronged? Don't you want to pull out these troublemakers and deal with them?" The emperor sighed: "It's not difficult to find them, the difficulty is how to deal with them." , after processing it?"

The prince asked, "If I endured it this time, will I continue to endure it and not deal with them in the future?"

"Take it slowly," said the emperor, "Impatience is the most taboo thing for a king. It's impossible to eradicate them all at once, but you can pull them out a little this year and some next year."

He paused and said: "You have to remember, once the emperor is the courtier."

The prince was thoughtful.

He took this sentence to heart.

Gu Zhong also said to Zhou Man: "One emperor and one courtier, Mr. Zhou, your good time has just come."

Zhou Man leaned on the foot of the bed thoughtfully.

She stayed in the epidemic prevention center for one night, and after showing it to Gu Zhong the next day, she returned to the Tai Hospital with the medicine box. She told Gu Cai, "I will prescribe two medicines for your godfather, and you can go to the Tai Hospital to get them later. "

Gu Cai agreed happily.

Zhou Man went back to the imperial hospital to wash, but Xiao Yuanzheng didn't know that she didn't leave the palace last night, but was stranded in the palace, and came back beating her back. When she saw her in the imperial hospital, she was pleasantly surprised, "Master Zhou is hardworking, you entered so early. palace?"

Without waiting for Zhou Man to speak, he immediately said: "Your Majesty has already woken up, and I will have an injection and medicine after breakfast, and I will entrust it to you."

Xiao Yuan was about to leave after giving instructions, but Zhou Man grabbed him, "I'm still on duty today? Shouldn't it be Doctor Lu's turn?"

Xiao Yuanzheng: "Emperor Physician Lu has something to do at the Imperial Medical Office, so I can't even enter the palace today."

He sighed and said: "One day in the palace, ten years old, Mr. Zhou is young, so you should take care of it."

I didn't think it was so difficult to work in the palace before, but now that I am getting older, coupled with the various turmoil caused by the emperor's serious illness, Xiao Yuanzheng feels that life is difficult.

Zhou Man could only go to the Taiji Hall to be on duty. When he arrived, the crown prince had just left, and the emperor was sitting on a deck chair basking in the sun.

He opened his eyes when he heard footsteps, closed them again when he saw her, and said without waiting for her to salute, "Excuse me, sit down and talk."

Immediately, the clever servant moved a chair over, Zhou Man grabbed his hand, felt his pulse, and asked, "How is Your Majesty feeling today?"

"Be more energetic." The emperor already felt that the end was approaching, so he didn't care much about this, and asked carelessly, "Can I eat melon?"

Zhou Man thought for a while and said, "Eat what you want."

The emperor opened his eyes and looked at her, and smiled after a while, "You are much more cheerful than Xiao Aiqing, and he won't let me eat."

Zhou Man smiled, at this point, the most important thing is to feel at ease, what difference does it make if it is sooner or later?

The emperor thought so too.

The two monarchs and ministers reached a consensus, so when the queen came over, she saw the two sitting face to face eating melons.

Queen: ...

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