Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3461 Extra Prince 1

The prince knew from a young age that he was the eldest brother and wanted to help his mother take care of the younger siblings.

As soon as he ascended the throne, he was established as a prince, which can be said to be justifiable and extremely noble.

He himself is also high-spirited. Although it is difficult to study, he still studies seriously in order to manage the country well.

Aye is strict with him, but favors the third child and Mingda. He didn't think there was anything wrong with him before. He was the eldest brother, and he will inherit the family business and take care of his younger brothers and sisters in the future.

So he has no opinion. Within a reasonable range, he will also condone his younger brothers and sisters, but occasionally help his mother to discipline them.

He thought that he would always be high-spirited and ascend the throne smoothly in the future. Like his father, he could even become a wise man better than his father.

But life will not be so smooth. When he grew up, he began to talk about relatives, and he encountered the first setback.

Aye, who was full of confidence to find a good wife for him, chose several daughters from aristocratic families, and personally wrote letters to discuss marriage with those aristocratic families.

As a result, they were rejected one by one.

This not only hurt the emperor's face, but also made the prince fall from the sky into the air. He began to know that the royal family is not omnipotent. In the eyes of some aristocratic families, they are nothing.

He was a little embarrassed, and secretly had a fighting heart, so he fully supported his father's emphasis on imperial examinations and supported the poor.

Hmph, they can't fight against these noble families now. Twenty, thirty, and fifty years from now, when enough poor families and commoners stand in this court, can't they still fight against noble families?

It is also because of this that the emperor deliberately handed over the Ministry of Rites to the Crown Prince. The Ministry of Rites is in charge of the Imperial Academy, the official and private schools in the world. With the students in the world as the bottom line, the crown prince can do a lot of things in the future.

Until this time, the prince thought that his whole life was spent in building the country, continuing the glory of the Li family, and fighting against the family.

Until he married the Crown Princess, for two years, the Crown Princess had nothing, and he took Liang Di and several concubines, and for another two years, no one was seen.

So the prince concubine and concubines who had been taking medicine stopped taking medicine and replaced it with the prince taking medicine.

No one dared to mention this in front of him, even the emperor, who was concerned about one or two, quietly signaled the imperial physician to visit him in the East Palace.

Several of his younger brothers married later than him and had children one after another, but he was the only one without a single child.

And as the younger brothers grew older and began to fief out, the father's preference for the third child became more obvious.

He would not have seen this in the past. The third child was his direct brother. They were siblings of the same mother. It was normal for the royal father to prefer him. Even him, he would also prefer the younger brothers and sisters of the same mother.

But it's different now.

Because of the preference of the father and the emperor, some ministers in the court began to favor the third child, and the third child also robbed him of several errands and credits.

Although the crown prince is smooth sailing, he is also from the royal family. Of course, he knows what the third child's move means.

It is impossible to say that you are not sad, but the throne is the place for those who are capable. If you have the ability, you will come to grab it?

The prince is not afraid. He feels that his body is fine and his glory is still the same. It's just that the time has not come, so the child has not come.

He was waiting, feeling that God would always be on his side.

But I don't know since when, everyone looked at him in the wrong way. When he was in court, as long as he mentioned the son, everyone would glance at him secretly;

Some of the government affairs that should be handed over to him were also scrambled by the courtiers to give to the third child, and even to other princes.

Even the queen had to search for famous doctors for him in private.

Then he knew that he thought he was okay but not really okay. Although the doctors said it vaguely, he also understood that his kidney water was deficient and it was difficult for a woman to get pregnant.

There can be princes without children in the world, but there can never be princes without children.

The prince has no heirs, which means that the future emperor has no heirs, which means that the country is unstable and will fight for the succession in the future.

Even he himself felt that instead of letting Da Jin be precarious in the future, it would be better to abolish him now and re-establish the prince.

He felt that Aye must think the same way, otherwise, why would he spoil the third child more and more, and would not let him go to the fief and stay in Beijing.

The crown prince broke and fell, thinking, you can scold you if you want to.

But the emperor did not agree, this is his eldest son, he can scold him, how can others despise him so much?

So when the prince gave up on himself, the emperor just held on to him tightly, no matter who mentioned the abolition of the prince, he would never give up.

And there are quite a few ministers in the DPRK who insist on orthodoxy. If the prince does not make a big mistake, he can't abolish the prince. Otherwise, what if the descendants have a lesson?

The emperor's right to the throne is inherently inappropriate. If the next generation is like this, will the inheritance of the Great Jin Dynasty be good in the future?

Therefore, a series of important ministers such as Wei Zhi, Lao Tang, and Li Shangshu insisted on maintaining orthodoxy, and also supported the emperor not to abolish the prince.

The prince was pushed forward by them like this, and before he knew it, he had been competing with the third child for a long time, almost to the point where the king could not see the king.

But even at this moment, the prince still feels that he can live, it depends on when his father abolishes him and establishes the third child as the prince.

He didn't think that the third child would kill him after he succeeded to the throne. If he had no children, what would it matter if he was killed or not?

And there are mothers and queens, they are a mother compatriot.

Until a concubine in his house became pregnant.

The prince and the princess checked and checked again and again, and after confirming that the child was his, the couple went crazy with joy.

Can be the emperor, who wants to be a waste prince?

So the prince thinks he can do it again.

The Crown Princess was even happier, she chose the child's name directly, and she was already worried about the child's future education.

Moreover, the prince can make a concubine pregnant, and maybe he can make others pregnant in the future. They may have more than one child, although the time span in between is a bit large.

But as long as there is one child, they feel like they can go on.

As a result, the child died within two months.

The concubine also hanged herself because of self-blame and guilt.

At that moment, not only the light in the eyes of the crown princess was gone, but also the prince.

At that moment, what he lost was not only a child, but also his younger brother and his father, including himself.

After the old third broke him, it was obvious that he had murderous intentions. He always thought that there was still room for turning around, but it turned out that there was no more.

At that moment, the prince clearly realized that he and the third child were no longer brothers, but enemies, and they were enemies of life and death.

The father emperor clearly knew what the third child's move meant, but he still chose to protect the other party. Obviously, even the father who had always defended him gave up on him.

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