Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3459 Fu Literature

In the eyes of many people, Fu Wenyun's life was smooth and prosperous. She was born in a family of officials. There are still two servants, and there is no shortage of food and clothing.

Although the father and mother prefer younger brothers and older sisters, they also love her very much. She has everything from younger sisters to younger brothers. After her father became a county magistrate, their family even followed the example of those officials' families to send their children. Yueyin's style.

She is a little lady who has no strength to restrain a chicken and has never worked, and her monthly silver can be compared to a mature man's monthly income.

Later, she married into the even more noble family of Master Yushi. Her husband’s family was no worse than hers. She gave birth to a son in the first birth.

But this is her in the eyes of outsiders. Only she knows that her life has not been smooth.

She has been struggling to live, constantly affirming herself in the negation, trying to find a way to make her feel better.

My mother said that because she read too much, she committed left sex, and her life was easier than many people in the world, so she insisted on worrying about what she had and what she didn't have.

The Yue family is noble, and Yue Dalang doesn't take concubines. He is a good student, has a good future, and is gentle. What else is she dissatisfied with?

Fu Wenyun often asks herself when she is quiet, and finally comes to the conclusion that she thinks so much because she has read a lot of books, but she is not guilty of leftism.

What Man Bao said is right, reading is to open up the mind, and she is not "satisfied" not because she has committed left sex, but because she has opened up the mind.

She once doubted whether she was really too proud as her mother said, that's why she was always dissatisfied.

She couldn't be sure, so she also asked Zhou Man.

Zhou Man only asked her, "Looking back at this juncture, do you regret reading and understanding?"

Fu Wenyun didn't say anything at the time, but she gave the answer in her heart, and she didn't regret it!

One life, and only one life!

It's rare for her to come to this world for a while, so is she going to spend her whole life in a daze?

It's fine if she doesn't have a chance to "know", since she has the opportunity to read and understand, why does she put herself back in the bag and pretend that she doesn't "know" anything?

Fu Wenyun was not reconciled.

So she didn't listen to her mother's advice, but studied harder. Even though she was bound by her parents, siblings and sons, she had missed the opportunity to go broader. She still insisted on studying, not for anything else, just When you find the "reason".

People come to this world for a while, even if they can't leave anything behind, they should know something.

No one can understand Fu Wenyun's stubbornness except Zhou Man, not even her mother who thinks she loves her the most.

Zhou Man was as optimistic as ever, "Just be happy in your heart."

Fu Wenyun said casually: "Although there are times of joy, there are more times of pain and entanglement."

Zhou Man said: "Then I hope you will not be confused or regret it."

It was this sentence that gave Fu Wenyun the courage to stick to her own world, and then she felt more and more happy.

When her husband's official position became higher and he couldn't do without her more and more, and when everyone around her envied her, she looked back and rejoiced once again for the carriage that had stopped back then, and thanked Zhou Man's hawking voice for being so nice. The one who poked his head out to buy flower baskets and candy.

In her life, Zhou Man's influence should be the greatest.

It was she who let her know that women should not only read the Four Books for Women, but also read "The Analects", "Great Learning", "Book of Rites", and even "Spring and Autumn" and "Zuo Zhuan". read;

As long as it is the truth in this world, they can understand it.

She is no better than Zhou Man, she can not only stand in the court by herself, let the world see the demeanor of women, but also let more women stand in the court, let more women know the truth of the world.

Whenever she thinks of this, Fu Wenyun is very proud.

It's a pity that they are one in the south and the other in the north. Since Yue Lan passed the Mingjing test and was released, they seldom get together and can only communicate by letter.

Qiuyue came in happily holding a letter, "Ma'am, Miss Man has written again."

Fu Wenyun put her granddaughter on the ground and took it happily, "Did it come from Lingnan?"

She opened it, and first glanced at ten lines, her eyes suddenly brightened, "She is coming to Yangzhou."

Only then did Fu Wenyun look at it carefully, and exclaimed: "They went to the Liaozi Department, April 18th..."

She pinched her fingers and counted, and she was pleasantly surprised, "Calculate the days, if there is no delay on their way, they should arrive in Yangzhou in these two days."

When Qiuyue heard it, she became happy, "Then do you want to clean up the guest house?"

Fu Wenyun shook her head after thinking for a while, "Princess is with them, and they have always been at home, leaving them to live in the mansion is somewhat restrained."

She smiled and said: "Go and clean up the other courtyard at home, let them live in the other courtyard, only clean up, don't need to leave servants to serve, and then send two purchasing stewards from the house to help them buy Vegetables and rice noodles will do.”

Qiuyue responded, turned around and left.

Miss Yue, who was obediently standing aside, asked in a childish voice, "Grandmother, who is here?"

Fu Wenyun nodded her nose and said, "He is a very powerful person, and also a good friend of your grandmother."

"I know, it's Lord Zhou!"

Fu Wenyun looked at her in surprise, "How do you know?"

"Mammy said, Grandma said that grandma's best friend is surnamed Zhou, and he is the most famous Mr. Zhou in Dajin." Miss Yue said: "Grandmother is very happy every time she receives a letter from Mr. Zhou. Mother said, When discussing important matters with grandma, you must choose the time when Mr. Zhou writes."

Fu Wenyun was annoyed and funny, "You're a big kid, you can't call her Master Zhou, you should call her..."

Fu Wenyun smiled after thinking for a while, "We should call her Grandmother Zhou."

So when Zhou Man and the others managed to reach the outside of Yangzhou city, they were successfully seen by the servants of the Yue family guarding the gate of the city, and immediately ran back to report.

When Fu Wenyun came to pick them up with her family, Zhou Man heard a childish voice shouting: "Grandma Zhou!"

Zhou Man was stunned, she became a grandmother?

Seeing her stunned look, Fu Wenyun couldn't help but burst out laughing, took the little girl on her hand and said to her, "This is my granddaughter."

Zhou Man looked dazed, "That should really be my grandmother, but I was a little stunned when I was called so suddenly."

Bai Erlang on the side made trouble, "At Zhou's house, there are many people around you who call you aunt. Don't pretend, you are already from the grandmother's generation."

Zhou Man ignored him, pulled Fu Wenyun and asked, "How is Second Sister Fu doing all these years?"

Fu Wenyun smiled and said: "Very good, let's go, I will take you to another hospital to settle down first, and then go to my house for dinner."

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