Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 346 Good Book

Man Bao put the booklet in the bookcase, and then carried the bookcase to the courtyard.

In the old Zhou family, except for the youngest, everyone else got up.

Since Qian's good health, he has also woken up early every day. Now the weather is very cold, there are fewer and fewer vegetables in the field, and the tofu is getting better and better.

Tuesday Lang does not sell vegetables now, but only sells the bamboo baskets he woven every day. He can also make a lot of money from yam and ginger pieces from the fourth and the others, but the most popular is actually tofu.

No matter how much he takes to the county every day, he can sell them all.

According to him, recently, in addition to the residents of the county who like to buy tofu to eat back home, even some restaurants and restaurants have come to buy it with him, and every time they buy it in half a barrel and half a barrel.

Therefore, the biggest income of the old Zhou family now is tofu.

Of course, the ginger and yam from Chuu Lang and the others were more valuable, but they were produced in wasteland, and the Qian family didn't take all of them, they just had to hand them over to the public.

Since the last time Lao Zhoutou announced that all the things produced in the family and the business where the whole family works are all handed over to the public, there has been no private money in the tofu business.

Because of the large amount of demand in the county now, the Qian family divided the family into two groups, one led by Xiao Qian and the other led by her.

Xiao Qian got up in the early morning, made two plates of tofu with Zhou Dalang, and asked Zhou Dalang to take him to the county town; after eating too early, Xiao Qian took a rest, while Qian began to take Zhou Dalang to make a second trip of tofu, also making two plates. , After finishing it, Zhou Lang will send it to the county seat, just in time to catch up with people coming out to buy vegetables in the afternoon.

It is said that now restaurants and restaurants also like to buy tofu in two batches with them, buy tofu in the morning for lunch, and buy in the afternoon for dinner - more fresh!

Seeing that the little girl came over with a bookcase on her back, Mrs. Qian took a spoon into the kitchen, spooned out a bowl of tender beancurd in a wooden bucket, sprinkled a handful of sugar, and asked Mrs. Feng to take it with the steamed eggs. Full treasure.

A thin pancake, a bowl of steamed eggs, and a bowl of bean curd are Man Bao's breakfast.

This is her newly changed breakfast menu after Qian Shihao, because the quantity is more than before, and it is also more delicious. Recently, Man Bao's face has become more and more round, and even her height, which has not changed much, has grown. A bit.

Douhua was accidentally made by Qian's family.

The first time she and Xiao Qian learned to order tofu, they didn't order it very well. If they didn't order tofu, it turned into a beancurd that was too tender to form.

Douhua was named by Keke, but in the eyes of the old Zhou family, the name was given by Man Bao.

Man Bao grabbed a handful of candy and threw it down. They tasted it and thought it was pretty good. The key is that the bean curd can make you hungry even if you eat it.

It's just that sugar is too expensive, otherwise everyone just eats bean curd and doesn't know how much food they can save.

Beans are not valuable, and a pound of beans can make about four pounds of bean curd.

Yes, a pound of beans can make more beancurd than tofu, and Qian Shi and Xiao Qian thought about it and quickly made a better beancurd.

Now the old Zhou family eats a bucket of beancurd every day, everyone has it, and that's enough.

After Man Bao finished eating, he ran to school, and when he reached the intersection, he happened to see Bai Shanbao coming over with a bookcase on his back with a tired face.

Man Bao stopped and waited for him.

Bai Shanbao also saw her, but did not speed up, but continued to walk slowly.

He lazily raised his paws and greeted the other party. He couldn't help yawning. He complained a little, "Why does school go to school at this time in summer, and also in winter?"

"Because you are asleep in summer, and you are asleep in winter."

When Bai Shanbao thinks about it, it's true. It's almost the same, but what if he just wants to sleep more in winter?

Like Bai Shanbao, there are many students who feel sleepy, especially the students from non-Qili Village. They get up earlier than Manbao and the others, at least two quarters of an hour earlier, so that they can catch up to school.

After entering the classroom, the light came in from outside, Bai Shanbao yawned again in the morning light, making Manbao feel sleepy.

She thought about the time she fell asleep last night, and said with certainty, "You must not have been asleep last night."

Tears welled up in Bai Shanbao's eyes, he glanced out quietly, and whispered to Man Bao, "I have a very beautiful book, I read it so late last night, and I fell asleep before I knew it. "

Man Bao became happy and said in a low voice, "I also have a nice book."

The two looked at each other and made a decision in an instant, "I'll show you when I'm done watching."

Man Bao nodded fiercely, "I'll show you when I'm done reading it."

The two laughed like thieves who stole a snack to eat.

Bai Shanbao took out his textbook, glanced left and right, and then quietly took the book out of the bookcase and put it under the book to read quietly.

Man Bao also lowered his head to look for his own book, put the textbook to be read on the table first, and then took out the printed paper from the undergraduate course.

But she was different from Bai Shanbao, she just spread out the book on the table and read it generously.

She also gave Bai Shanbao a puzzled look. She didn't understand why he was reading so hard.

Man Bao turned to the page he saw last night and continued to look down.

Although it is a thesis written by a master of biology, it is very easy to understand, mainly because it is not esoteric. After all, it is a primitive agricultural research.

While reading, Man Bao thought about how her eldest brother and second brother changed this, changed that, and then cultivated, from spring planting to autumn harvest, and then their family had a great harvest...

On the other side, Bai Shanbao was immersed in the blood and turmoil of the rivers and lakes, and his eyes were bright and his face was red...

When Mr. Zhuang walked in with his hands behind his back, he could see that something was wrong with him at a glance, so he walked gently beside him and looked down at the book he hid under the textbook.

Although Man Bao is very interested in the thesis in his hand, it is true, but he is not too fascinated. After all, it is not a story book, is it?

So when her husband came over, she looked up, then continued to look down at her book. Seeing that her husband was standing behind Bai Shanbao and didn't leave, she looked up again and continued to look down at her book...

After watching for a while, seeing the two of them watching with relish, Man Bao couldn't bear it any longer, and leaned in to look curiously.

Man Bao grabbed Bai Shanbao's hand and almost knocked him down. He steadied his body nervously and whispered, "Be careful."

Then he looked left and right, and opened the textbook a little for Man Bao to read.

The classmates sitting behind couldn't help coughing heavily when they saw it.

Bai Shanbao didn't hear it, or didn't pay attention to it. He pushed the book towards Manbao and asked, "Do you want to read it again, or read it with me?"

"How can you read a book from the middle? Naturally, you read it from the beginning." A familiar voice sounded from behind.

Bai Shanbao raised his head stiffly and looked back, only to realize that Mr. Zhuang was standing behind him at some point.

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