Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3457 Extra Story 37

Peacocks and elephants are owned by the Liaozi Ministry, and peacocks were even presented to the royal family. Although these two things are rare, they still exist.

They must have seen each other after they came to the Liaozi Department. She didn't expect them to choose these as gifts.

With their kindness to the Liaozi Department, they can ask for more, and it is not difficult to even directly ask her for a promise.

Li Si got up and saluted them, "I'll get ready right now."

Bai Shan added: "A couple."

He looked at Zhou Man and said, "It doesn't have to be an adult elephant or an adult peacock, but it shouldn't be too small either."

Li Si nodded suspiciously.

After the people left, Mingda asked curiously, "What do you want elephants and peacocks for? Do you want to open a zoo?"

Bai Shan said nonsense in a serious manner: "Release life."

"What?" Not only Mingda, but also Yin You and Bai Erlang looked over.

Bai Shan said with a serious face: "Take it and release it."

Bai Erlang was the first to find a reason for them, "Are you using it to make a wish with Master Tianzun? What wish do you want to make?"

Bai Shandao: "Pray for my father and Man Bao's parents."

Mingda hesitated, "Elephants are fine, but for peacocks, will releasing them be detrimental to its survival?"

"No," Zhou Man said, "Peacocks are also very capable of survival, and they are wild in the first place."

Before coming, she and Bai Shan had made a plan. If they couldn't buy it, they would find someone to catch it in the wild.

After all, they didn't think about contacting the leader of the Liaozi Department at first.

Li Si made preparations very quickly, and her daughter quietly left the Liaozi Department for the capital as soon as the people from Yizhou and Liuzhou arrived.

Calculating the time, they have already crossed Liuzhou to go north, and they will reach the capital in a short time. By then, her daughter will be completely in the hands of Bai Shanhe and the court.

Although she sent a lot of people by her daughter's side, she was still worried, so in order to deepen the relationship between the two parties, Li Si devoted herself to Bai Shan's request.

We specially chose two strong elephants and beautiful peacocks, one male and one female.

In addition to elephants and peacocks, Li Si also asked people to prepare a lot of unique and rare medicinal materials for Zhou Man.

Although these medicinal materials could not be collected for a full week, she still happily accepted them.

These medicinal materials are really precious, Zhou Man decided to take them with him, if he encounters a suitable disease later on, he won't have no medicinal materials like this time.

Having got the purpose of this trip, Bai Shan decided to return, so he asked people to pack up.

Zhou Man sorted out the pulse and prescriptions of the epidemic, and gave a copy to the Liuzhou and Yizhou medical departments, "There are many miasmas in Lingnan, and there are many mosquitoes, and malaria occurs from time to time. I got five good prescriptions, two of which are new prescriptions, you all copy a copy and take it back, so that if similar diseases occur in your jurisdiction in the future, it will be easy to treat.”

Doctors from Liuzhou and Yizhou bowed and said "yes".

Although Zhou Man has resigned from office, doctors all over the world regard her as their teacher, not to mention the doctors in the medical department system.

"I'm leaving tomorrow. The imperial court will share part of the medicinal materials you support the Liaozi Department this time, and the rest will be counted in the account of the Medical Department. It is regarded as the support of the Liaozi Department from the two states."

The people from the medical offices of the two places hurriedly said: "Before we came, our official decree said that the Liaozi Department is also the territory of our Dajin. If the brother is in trouble, we should help, so all the medicinal materials brought in under escort will not count the cost."

They paused and continued: "Moreover, the medicinal materials that were escorted this time, in addition to those from our medical department, some were prepared by local drug dealers and gentry."

Zhou Man nodded in satisfaction, and said: "Chief Li said that in two days the tribe's shaman society will set up a medicine market, you can go and have a look, if there are suitable medicines, you can choose some to take back."

There are differences between the two places. There are always some medicinal materials that are not available in Yizhou and Liuzhou, and some medicinal materials are especially abundant here.

Sometimes when Zhou Man walks in the mountains and forests, he needs a lot of willpower to control himself not to dig.

Otherwise, if she saw a medicinal plant and dug it up, she might not be able to get out of the Liaozi Department for the rest of her life.

Zhou Man also sent a copy of the tested prescription to the imperial medical office, and sent a pulse record, and then she began to take out her own booklet to record it, and planned to send it back to the capital for publication after collecting enough books.

Because there are many follow-up matters, she is the busiest of the five. When Bai Shan and the others went to bid farewell to the friends they met recently, she was sorting out pulse cases and prescriptions;

Bai Shan and the others went out to play, and when they took advantage of the last time to appreciate the beautiful scenery of southern Xinjiang, she was sorting out pulse cases and prescriptions;

When Bai Shan and the others went out to buy souvenirs, she was still sorting out pulse cases and prescriptions.

When Yin Yu came back and saw it, he couldn't help but pursed his lips and smiled, "In the future, anyone's prescriptions may be lost, but yours is impossible. They must have a long history of energy, and no one can match you."

Bai Shan: "After all, not everyone can be like her. The Liaozi Department keeps a copy of the prescription, Yizhou and Liuzhou each take a copy, and the Imperial Medical Office also gives a copy. In the end, I have to make a book and print it out."

There are so many books, there are always spreads, right?

Why are the medical books of the ancestors always lost?

In addition to the chaos caused by the war, the lack of circulation of books is another major reason.

Zhou Man said: "These prescriptions are piled up with human lives and tested. Naturally, they have to be advertised widely so that all doctors in the world know that they can save more people in the future. In this way, their deaths are not in vain, right?"

Bai Shan nodded, "Yes."

Mingda asked, "How much do you have?"

"It's all sorted out," Zhou Man picked up a thin stack of manuscript paper and said, "I will be able to publish another book if I collect some more symptoms."

Speaking of this, she became complacent, and proudly said to Bai Erlang: "The manuscript fee I earn is quite a lot now."

Bai Erlang said unconvinced: "That's because when you publish a book, the Imperial Medical Office will collect some. Chongwen Museum, Hanlin Academy, and prefectural and county medical offices will collect at least two volumes. My book But free trade."

"You two, one is writing a medical book, and the other is writing a biography and a storybook, what's the comparison?" The types are different, Bai Shan didn't know what they were arguing about, so he pulled Zhou Man and said, "Now that it's finished, let's go out." Let's play, it's the last night, we will leave tomorrow morning."

Li Sisi wants to practice for them, but they feel that practicing is also sitting together to eat and drink, which is very boring, and they might as well go out shopping to find food by themselves.

All the patients in Annan City were cured. Although many people died, more people survived. Compared with the historical records, the consequences of almost exterminating the city every time malaria appeared were much better.

So the people in the city quickly recovered from their grief, and then began to celebrate sending away the plague.

The smell of food was wafting all over the city, Bai Shan covered her eyes and pulled her to a stall, sending the smell to her nose with one hand, and asked with a smile, "How about it, do you want to eat?"

Zhou Man swallowed his saliva and nodded, "I smell meat!"

Bai Shan suppressed his smile and said, "That's right, it's meat."

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