Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3443 Extra Story 23

When Bai Erlang left, he couldn't help muttering, "This is too rude. After all, it's a doctor who came to see a doctor for his wife, and he was so rude."

Mingda frowned and said, "Either the lady's status is low and the chief doesn't care about her, or she's seriously ill and Chief Li doesn't care about housekeeping, and she's in a hurry to go to the doctor. There are too many people who recommend themselves."

Yin He: "It should be the latter, otherwise the shopkeeper wouldn't say that a large number of doctors have come to Annan City recently."

Zhou Man and Bai Shan walked side by side with the servants. Annan is located in southern Xinjiang. Spring comes early and there are many plants. This is the time when a hundred flowers bloom, so the mansion is full of flowers. There are many flowers, and butterflies circle around the flowers.

If he hadn't come to see the patient, Zhou Man would definitely want to appreciate it.

But even so, she didn't hold back from looking again and again. Just now, Keke rang three times, and there were three plants that she hadn't recorded before hidden under the colorful flowers.

The buildings here are very different from those in the Central Plains. Each house is independent, and there is a large yard in front, surrounded by walls, flowers and trees are planted in the yard, and climbing vines cover the walls. Some flowers It is in full bloom, and the entire courtyard wall is dotted with colorful flowers.

Coupled with the bright sunshine, the whole mansion is full of spring. In such an environment, even if he came to see a doctor, Zhou Man couldn't help but relax a bit.

When they entered a courtyard, they finally saw the servants except the servant who led the way. Their faces were serious, and they carried things in and out, hardly making a sound.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was solemn, and the servants only looked up when they saw new people coming.

Zhou Man and Bai Shan looked at each other, and followed the servant quietly into the house.

"Boss, it's here."

The middle-aged man sitting on the first seat on the left side of the main hall put down his teacup, raised his eyelids and looked at Zhou Man and Bai Shan.

After turning his eyes around the two of them, he looked at Bai Shan, saw that his face was white and handsome, his figure was loose and his temperament was cool, his face looked better, he stood up and cupped his hands and asked, "Are you two former doctors from the middle school? I don't know who to learn from, what disease is good at?"

Although they were asking the question, the words were directed at Bai Shan.

Bai Shan couldn't help but glanced at Zhou Man, and then said with a smile: "I'm just proficient in medical theory, and it's my wife who is proficient in medical skills."

The head manager looked at Zhou Man in surprise.

Zhou Man smiled at him, and before he could speak, he saw the other party frown, "Don't you two think that it is our wife who is sick and think that we are in urgent need of a female doctor?"

He said: "Our Liaozi Department is not like the Central Plains area. It doesn't pay much attention to the defense of men and women. Your method doesn't work here."

Zhou Man: "...Could it be that a female doctor lied to you?"

The general manager said: "The diseases they are good at are not suitable for our wife's disease, this doctor, please go."

Because of Zhou Man, there are a lot of female doctors in Dajin now, and because of the convenience of their gender, many female doctors are more proficient in women's diseases.

The chief manager said this, which means that Mrs. Li's illness is not a woman's disease.

Zhou Man hurriedly said: "I'm actually better at internal medicine, and I also have research on some difficult and miscellaneous diseases." She said: "You have also seen that our husband and wife often walk outside, so we have seen many diseases, although we don't know yet. Mrs. Li's illness, but maybe I have seen it before, can I help you?"

Seeing that the chief executive frowned, Zhou Man continued, "I'm from the Imperial Medical Office."

The chief manager looked her up and down, frowned, "Are you a student of the Imperial Medical Office?"

Zhou Man didn't object, and smiled at the Chief Manager.

"Then why are you here?"

Zhou Man: "I'm not young, I've already served as an official."

The students of the Imperial Medical Administration must accept the appointment of the Imperial Medical Administration, and they must serve at least ten years. After ten years, it is up to them whether to continue to be an official doctor under the Imperial Medical Administration system, or to resign and practice medicine freely.

In these years, not all the students are willing to work in the Imperial Medical Office and the medical office. Some of them leave after completing the ten-year agreement, or return to the family to inherit the family business, or start their own business;

There are also some who would rather pay high liquidated damages and directly break away from the Imperial Medical Office.

No matter which one it is, Zhou Man will bless them as a decree.

Anyway, after they left, they would either continue to practice medicine in the world, or do medical-related work, all of which contributed to Dajin's medical career.

Moreover, regardless of the former and the latter, the Tai Medical Department will not lose money.

Zhou Man now portrays himself as the first type of student.

A student who left the Imperial Medical Office after completing the ten-year period to travel and practice medicine.

The chief manager finally stopped doubting, and after thinking for a while, he said: "You can go to see our wife, but I have something to say, after you read it, you can't leave the chief's mansion regardless of whether you can cure it or not. You can only leave after our wife is well. .”

Zhou Man raised his eyebrows and turned to look at Bai Shan.

Bai Shan was also surprised and frowned slightly. Is this a contagious disease? Otherwise why so secret?

He also watched Zhou Man.

Zhou Man felt itchy, and was really curious about what kind of disease it was, so he nodded immediately. Bai Shan had no choice but to talk to the chief executive: "Yes, but I have to tell my companions, and I have to ask them to send some daily necessities. something here."

The chief manager stopped and said with a smile: "Then write a letter now, come here, and bring up the pen and ink."

It's because they didn't give any chance to reveal the chief's wife's illness.

Bai Shan didn't mind either, he took the pen and thought about it, then wrote a letter to Yin or the three of them, nothing more than asking the three of them to wait in the inn, if they are not used to living in the inn, they can find a house here to rent Well, the chief's wife's illness may not be cured, and they estimate that it will take a long time before they can go out.

What Bai Shan didn’t write down is that if the wife of the chief’s illness can’t be cured, it will take a long time from the illness to the funeral and the dust settles, so they have to wait for a long time, so it’s better to let them live Get comfortable.

He told Bai Erlang emphatically, let him take good care of his wife, listen to Yin He's words, don't cause trouble, and if there is a conflict with the locals, then send someone to the chief's mansion to find them.

Anyway, they are treating the chief's wife, so there will be some preferential treatment.

He only mentioned at the end of the letter that Xibing should be packed and delivered to them.

Bai Shan dried the ink and handed it to the head manager without folding it.

The head manager didn't take it, but handed over an envelope and said with a smile: "You two haven't seen our wife yet, so there will be no problem with this letter."

Bai Shan smiled, folded the letter and put it in an envelope, but didn't seal it, and handed it to him instead, saying, "I'm here to serve as chief supervisor."

The Chief Manager stepped aside, stretched out his hand and said, "You two, please follow me."

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