Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3404 Extra Story Zhou Yin 20

The food bought by the county magistrate lasted for a while, and the relief food given by the court finally arrived in Luojiang County.

In addition to relief food, the court also allocated wheat seeds.

The villagers of Qili Village all went to pick them up, and began to revive. The unharvested rice in the field was cut off, and then they began to prepare for planting winter wheat.

Zhou Jin took the opportunity to go to the county seat to inquire about the caravan, but he heard that the caravan stopped passing through Luojiang County after selling all the goods.

After the new year, he finally asked someone to inquire about the caravan situation in Mianzhou, but he heard that their trade route had changed their chief steward, and now this chief steward was no longer the same as before.

I heard that the former chief executive was fined and sent to the Northwest trade route for selling the buyer's goods privately.

It has been two years since Zhou Jin finally got together the money to get in touch with the big manager.

It is said that Zhou Yin went out for the first time, and was hungry and empty at that time, so he fell seriously ill on the way and was left in Shangzhou by the caravan.

When Zhou Jin heard this echo, he squatted on the ground without speaking for a long time, and finally had to get up and leave when it was getting dark.

He didn't stay in a hotel, but went out of the city overnight, stayed in the Town God's Temple outside the city for one night, and hurried back to the village the next day.

Walking back to Qili Village from Mianzhou City, Zhou Jin took Zhou Dalang for two days and two nights, and when he returned to Qili Village, he fell down when he saw the door of his house.

When she woke up, Qian was sitting beside the bed crying softly.

Zhou Jin lay silently on the bed, and it took him a long time to get up and said, "Don't cry, save more money in the past few years, and let Dalang and Erlang go to Shangzhou to look for it when you save enough travel expenses."

Qian Shi silently wiped away tears and nodded.

From that day on, Zhou Jin, who had only been working hard for two years, had another stingy problem.

In the past, as long as they had money in their hands, people who spent money and spent money without batting an eyelid now have to haggle back and forth even to buy vegetables worth five cents. Immediately, he became one of the most unpopular people in the bazaar.

Zhou Jin and Qian's have been saving money all the time, but the only source of money for rural people is farming, and they receive twice a year, which seems to have two big incomes.

But it costs more.

There are many children in the old Zhou family, and a few young ones are waiting to be fed. Only one, two, three or four sons can help, and the others are all lagging behind.

Especially the sixth child who was just born, his birth made the old Zhou's family worse.

Qian's body broke down after giving birth to him, and he collapsed after less than half a year of persistence, and then he could only raise him at home.

She didn't believe in evil, and wanted to fight hard, but every time her body became more dilapidated, the old doctor who came to see her said to her directly: "You were exhausted in the early years, and you were hungry a few years ago." Plus, with too much childbirth and fatigue, this body is already riddled with holes."

He said: "If you take good care of it, you may be able to live for a few more years. If you still try to be brave, your family will send you away within half a year at most."

Zhou Jin didn't expect it to be so serious, he was taken aback for a moment and immediately said: "We will raise it!"

Qian: "What are you raising? It's like this. Living is not only a drag on you, but I also suffer."

"You don't want to see Xiaoyin?" Zhou Jin said, "The family has already saved a lot of money. After this year's harvest is over, I will ask Erlang to follow the caravan to Shangzhou to find someone."

Qian was a little hesitant in his heart, he wanted to see Zhou Yin again, but he was afraid that his family would suffer if he lived.

"That's it," Zhou Jin said, "there are fifth and sixth children, they are still young, and you still need to take care of them, and the fourth child can also go to the field."

Hearing this, the thin and thin Zhou Zhou raised his smiling face and grinned at his mother.

He was still young, so he didn't know what his parents were talking about. Anyway, his father mentioned him and didn't reach out to beat him, so it was right to just laugh.

Zhou Jin comforted Qian Shi, coaxed her to take the medicine, and when the autumn harvest was over, he personally sent Zhou Zhoulang away, but not to Mianzhou City, but to Luojiang County.

Tuesday Lang went to Luojiang County to do carpentry. This was a job that Zhou Jintuo found for him with great difficulty. People's money..."

Zhou Zhoulang: "Father, is it really okay for us to lie to mother like this?"

"Then what should I do? You have almost spent all your money on medical treatment, and you still plan to go to Shangzhou for begging?" Zhou Jin said, "I have asked a passing caravan to go to Shangzhou to inquire about the news, and I should receive the news at the latest in the twelfth lunar month of next year. Well, anyway, you have been more honest recently."

Zhou Zhoulang muttered: "Aren't I afraid that you will be cheated? That's because there is not much money left in the family."

"I won't be deceived. I've made inquiries. The caravan is from Mianzhou, and they come back every year for the New Year."

But the caravan still failed to bring back the news of Zhou Yin. It is said that they did not find it. Shangzhou is so big, and Zhou Jin does not have an exact address, only a name and place of origin. They really have nowhere to look.

Zhou Jin went back to Luojiang County in disappointment, took home Tuesday Lang, who had been working as a carpenter for almost two months, and told Qian, "I didn't find it. It's almost Chinese New Year, and Erlang came back with the caravan. Let's save money first. I will go to inquire again in two years."

This time, Mrs. Qian was unusually silent and didn't respond.

Zhou Jin didn't say anything, but asked the three daughters-in-law to keep a close eye on Qian, fearing that something might happen to her.

They didn't know that at this time Zhou Yin had just married Xia Xin and was just getting married.

They originally planned to go back to Mianzhou after the Chinese New Year, but due to delays due to family matters, Zhou Yin could only press the matter and manage the properties under the name of the Xia family first.

In addition to the yard where his family lives now, Xia Yan also has a shop, which is rented out to others, and two other pieces of land, both in Hongtian Village.

Because Zhou Yin is a married man, the family has a lot of opinions on the ownership of these two lands, but Xia Yan is strong and the most promising person in the Xia family, so we will not talk about it for now.

Zhou Yin seemed to know what they were thinking, and had been working hard to make money, and finally bought another piece of land outside Hongtian Village, and it was not small...

No matter when the property is purchased, it is very important for a family. Through this matter, Zhou Yin let the Xia family in Hongtian Village see that he is not easy to bully, and that he has the ability to make the Xia family live better.

For capable people, the world always respects and fears them, so Zhou Yin gradually gained a firm foothold, and Xia Yan was still there.

So some elders in the clan still don't like Zhou Yin very much, and even don't agree with him, but they dare not deny him.

However, they still had a glimmer of hope in their hearts, because after Zhou Yin and Xia Xin got married, there was no movement for two years.

Xia's mother was also very anxious, and couldn't help finding many folk remedies and came back, but Zhou Yin didn't allow Xia Xin to take it, so he just took her to the medical clinic to find a famous old doctor to see, and finally ran back and told Xia's mother, "The doctor said it was my former doctor. After years of starvation, my body is now weak, so I need to have another child in two years."

Xia's mother glanced at her daughter who lowered her head, her eyes were weak and red-eyed, what else did she not understand?

Good night

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