Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3398 Extra Story Zhou Yin 14

Zhou Yin was shocked by their shamelessness, his eyes widened, and he pointed at them and was about to dismiss them, but Xia Yan pressed his hand, he smiled and nodded and said: "This is very good, I don't want brothers in the clan to worry about me, In the future, please don't spread the matter of my Xia family to the outside world."

Until entering the house, Zhou Yin was still shocked by Xia Yan's generosity, "Mr. Xia, are you not angry at all?"

Xia Yan turned his head to look at him and said: "Angry, do you think I'm generous if I don't care?"

"Is not it?"

"No," Xia Yan said: "This is forbearance, forbearance and generosity are different."

Xia Yan paused and then asked, "Xiaoyin, have you ever read a book?"

Zhou Yin was stunned for a moment and then said: "It's not counted as having read it, but just knowing some characters."

Xia Yan smiled and waved at him, "Then follow me."

Xia Yan casually dug out a copy of "The Analects of Confucius" and handed it to him, "Read it."

Zhou Yin took it, he knew "The Analects of Confucius", and Xiaopang showed it to him. Apart from "Thousand Characters", he also read "The Analects of Confucius", but he didn't know some characters.

Zhou Yin opened "The Analects of Confucius" and read it according to the words on it. As he read and read, he found the feeling he used to squat aside listening to Xiaopang read and memorize silently...

Xia Yan watched from the side, reached out and took out the book in his hand, Zhou Yin was taken aback, Xia Yan said: "Continue."

Zhou Yin could only recite it with his eyes wide open, but he didn't recite it in order. He recited whichever chapter came to mind, mainly because he was not coherent when he listened to Xiaopang read it.

Xia Yan didn't interrupt him, as long as he didn't make a mistake, he would let him recite it.

After Zhou Yin finished reciting, seeing Xia Yan remained silent, he was a little nervous.

It was the first time for him to memorize in front of his husband. He had only memorized it in front of Xiaopang before. It was a little friend, and the feeling was completely different.

Zhou Yin swallowed, Xia Yan saw this, poured him a cup of tea, and asked, "How many years have you been studying?"

Zhou Yin hesitated for a moment, but still told the truth, "Sir, I never went to school, I just eavesdropped outside the school window for a while, and then I studied with a friend for a few years, so I can only recognize some characters."

Xia Yan asked him carefully how he learned from others, but he remained silent for a long time after asking.

Knowing that Xia Yan is also a teacher, Zhou Yin thought that he minded his eavesdropping on the class, so he lowered his head and said, "Mr. Xia, if you allow me a few more days, I can find a job and move out."

The pensive Xia Yan came back to his senses, "You want to move out?"

Zhou Yin had considered this matter seriously, and said: "It's not good for you to live here forever, I know that Mr and Mrs are good people, and it will be convenient for me to move out when I find a place to stay..."

Xia Yan stopped his words, "Don't be so anxious, my family is small, and you have helped me a lot during this time. If you don't mind, you can stay at home and help me take care of the house at ordinary times."

Before Zhou Yin could speak, Xia Yan said again: "Aren't you literate? Have you thought about continuing to study?"

He said: "If you want to, why not stay with me and continue studying."

Zhou Yin was dumbfounded, and it took him a while to find his own voice, "Here, what can you do, kid?"

Xia Yan smiled and said, "I lack a disciple to serve me. You are very capable and just what I want."

Zhou Yin knelt down immediately, "Sir, if you don't dare to be a disciple, just leave me as a long-term worker."

His life was saved by others, how can he be a disciple, he must be a long-term worker, no wages, just food and housing.

Xia Yan hurriedly helped him up, "What kind of long-term worker, if you say that you are a disciple, you are a disciple."

Zhou Yin shook his head again and again, "Boy can't come up with Shu Xiu now."

"I don't want your Shu Xiu."

"Sir, sir, don't want it, but I have to give it to you," Zhou Yin insisted. How can you not learn Shu Xiu as a teacher? Is that still a mentor? "Boy, do a long-term job now, and come to pay homage to Mr. when you earn Shuxiu."

Xia Yan: ...

Seeing Zhou Yin's insistence, Xia Yan could only agree.

Zhou Yin was very excited to be the long-term worker of the Xia family. He got up early the next morning to perform his duties as a long-term worker. He went out to buy breakfast first, and then began to boil hot water for them to wash.

After the family had finished their breakfast, he picked up a bucket and went out to fetch water. When he came back, he went out and bought two loads of firewood, and then started chopping firewood...

After a whole morning, everyone in the alley knew that the Xia family had an extra long-term worker, and he was the kid rescued by their family.

Seeing Zhou Yin's diligence, many people murmured in private, "The Xia family's business is doing very well. I heard that such a capable long-term worker is not paid for nothing."

"That's great, isn't it, this kid is as diligent as two long-term workers."

"Isn't it? How much effort and money have been saved."

Xia's mother felt guilty when she saw it, and hurriedly said to Xia Yan: "Master, I think Zhou Xiaolang is very good, it's not good to cheat him, let's count some wages for him."

Xia Xin nodded again and again, "Yes, yes, now he even took over the yard work, very diligent."

Xia Yan said: "He only has board and lodging in our house, no wages."

Mother Xia frowned, "When have you been so mean?"

Xia Yan smiled slightly, and called Zhou Yin, who was busy everywhere, "Don't rush to do all the work, let them do the work that should be done by the wife and young lady, and come to the study to find me after you finish chopping firewood."

Zhou Yin should go down.

Xia Yan officially taught Zhou Yin to read.

Although Zhou Yin was smart and could memorize both "The Analects of Confucius" and "Thousand-Character Essay", in fact, there were many dialogues and words in which he could not understand the meaning, but he just read it with a hazy feeling.

And what Xia Yan is doing now is to push away the mist covering his eyes, so that he can see what is behind the mist.

As well as his handwriting that looks like a dog crawling, Xia Yan gave him a lot of draft paper and said: "Words, you must practice more, this can't be learned by being smart, you have to practice hard."

Zhou Yin complied respectfully.

He didn't have pens, inks, papers and inkstones before, but now he has pens, inks, papers and inkstones, he is still subconsciously frugal, and he has to rehearse every word in his heart before writing.

Occasionally, Xia Xin would come to the study to look for books. When she saw the words he wrote, she couldn't help but pursed her lips and smiled, "Your word... my father said that you have already memorized "The Analects of Confucius", how can you return this word?" Will it be so?"

Zhou Yin said embarrassingly: "I used to only write on the ground with branches, but the branches are hard, and the ground is also hard. It takes a lot of force to write down the words, which is different from using a pen."

He held up the pen in his hand and said, "This paper is soft, and the tip of the pen is also soft. If I apply a little force, the ink will smudge."

Not to mention things like the trend of the pen, he only has the word "Zhou Yin" written better.

But even with these two words, Mr. Xia didn't like them very much.

"Don't reveal your word in the academy, or people will laugh at you."

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