Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3380 Extravagant Powerful Sister 35

Bai Jingxing did not retreat, but insisted: "Acupuncture can help reduce fever quickly."

She grabbed the medicine and gave it to the little girl's family to boil, and took out the needle bag.

Li Han and the others took a step back when they saw the needles she took out, Bai Jingxing raised his eyes and glanced at them, "It's not for you to pierce."

Several people laughed dryly, and remained silent.

Mr. Wei also stepped forward to take a look, and saw that Bai Jingxing touched the little girl's back shoulder and pierced the Jianjing point...

Bai Jingxing pierced six needles, although the little girl's mother covered her eyes and did not let her see the needles, she still groaned and cried.

Because of the high fever, the crying was a little weak.

It was the first time that Bai Jingxing gave such a small child a needle, and she was actually a little nervous. She twisted the needle, estimated the time, and pulled the needle as soon as it arrived.

When the needle was pulled out, there was a thin drop of blood on the child's skin. Bai Ruoyu shook her body and took two steps back.

Bai Jingxing wiped away the blood bead, touched her forehead, and said uncertainly, "Did you go down a bit?"

The child's mother said happily: "It's time to go down, thank you little lady, thank you little lady."

Bai Jingxing glanced at the clothes on the mother and daughter, then turned to Qian Xiaoyang and said, "Go and carry our suitcases in, get them a quilt, wrap her up, and it will be warm to sweat."

The box with the quilt was still in the car, wrapped in tarpaulin, and placed under the straw shed that was leaking everywhere.

Because they disliked the trouble, they didn't carry them into the temple last night, they just spent the night wearing capes and coats.

Hearing that Bai Jingxing wanted a quilt, the guards went out to untie the rope, carried a box in, and Qian Xiaoyang took out a quilt for them.

In a farmer's house, the quilt is considered a valuable item. The other party took the quilt in a daze and dared not spread it out. "This, how good is this, the temple is so messy, what if it gets dirty..."

Bai Jingxing waved his hand generously and said, "This quilt will be given to you, cover it, promise, the medicine is ready, let her sweat after taking the medicine, if she doesn't cool down after half an hour, she has to think of other ways. ."

However, this little girl was lucky. Not long after she drank the medicine, she began to sweat under the quilt.

Her mother wrapped her in a quilt and held her in her arms, Bai Jingxing came over to see the little girl sweating, and brought another cloth towel to her, “Wipe her sweat, don’t let her absorb the sweat again. ."

When she was almost wiped here, and seeing that the little girl's lips were dry, she went back and brought a teapot and a teacup, poured water and handed it to her, "Nuo, warm water, you can drink it directly, children can't drink cold water. , let alone drink raw water.”

Yang Zezhi couldn't help shaking his head and laughing.

After sweating, the temperature dropped, and the rain outside gradually stopped. A guard went to the path to explore, and came back and said, "Lang Jun, the path can be walked, but the road is slippery, so you must walk slowly."

Li Han looked up at the clouds in the sky: "Look at the sky, I'm afraid it will still rain, we have to go when the rain stops."

Bai Ruoyu, "But we have so much luggage, we can't take it out without a carriage, right?"

After thinking about it, Yang Zezhi said: "Bring the important things, leave the rest here temporarily, leave two guards to guard, wait until the road is cleared before leaving."

Li Han is right, the weather is changeable, if it rains again, it will be bad, and you must seize the opportunity when you can go out.

Yang Zezhi made a decision, and the others bowed and responded with a "yes", then turned around to pack up valuables that could be taken away.

Bai Jingxing glanced at the mother and daughter who were sitting by the fire, and after thinking about it, he grabbed three medicines and came over, "This medicine is to keep out the cold, I think you all got wet yesterday, although you are not sick now, but I'd better boil some soup to prevent it."

"Boil a set of medicine twice, this is the amount for four people, a small half bowl for the children is enough, and it's almost the same after eating a set of medicine," Bai Jingxing raised the medicine bag on the other hand and said: "These two are for her. Don't throw away the dregs from the previous medicine. The same medicine is boiled twice for three days... Judging from her current pulse, it should be fine."

No, they can also go to the county town to find a doctor for better medicine.

There are not many medicines here, so she can only grab these medicines and make up a few prescriptions.

The little girl's family thanked Dade for picking up,

Mr. Wei stroked his beard, then turned his head and instructed the servant, "Go and unload the ox cart, we will also take the path down the mountain."

The middle-aged man immediately persuaded him: "Sir, the road is slippery after the rain, and the small road is even more dangerous. Why don't we wait for two days before the road is cleared and we can go before it is too late."

Mr. Wei waved his hand and said: "No, no, I have always been stable on a donkey. When the road is cleared, who knows when it will be?"

"Looking at the gloomy day, I'm afraid it will rain at night." He said: "Time after time, tomorrow after tomorrow, where is the end?"

Middle-aged man: ... as if the rain won't stop.

He asked, "So much luggage..."

"I have very little luggage," Mr. Wei said with a smile, "it can be tied on the back of the cow and I can go."

As soon as they said they would leave, Yang Zezhi and the others packed their important luggage and put them on the horse. When they led the horse out, Mr. Wei also took his servants out of the Temple of the City God.

The middle-aged man gritted his teeth, and brought his niece and servant with important things, leaving two guard servants to chase Mr. Wei.

When the other tourists resting in the Temple of the City God saw it, they also brought their luggage to follow.

They have little luggage, no carriages and horses, and there is no need to take the road.

Dalu didn't know when it would be cleared out. They didn't bring much dry food, so they couldn't stay here forever.

Yang Zezhi also intends to wait for them. When everyone who wants to leave leaves the Temple of the City God, he turns around and salutes everyone. He smiled and said, "Since everyone has to enter the county, it's better to go together, and there is someone to take care of them on the way."

The crowd hurriedly responded.

Yang Zezhi asked, "Is there anyone who recognizes this path?"

"I, I walked by."

"I went too."

Yang Zezhi asked them to lead the way, "The two guards in my family are very skilled, how about letting them go ahead and explore the way?"

They complied, and the group began to head towards the path.

The little girl's family stayed in the Temple of the City God, planning to wait until she was cured before leaving, or until the road was cleared before leaving.

Yang Zezhi sent them some dry food, save a little, enough for three days.

The mountain road was hard to find. Although there were horses, Bai Jingxing still did not dare to ride them, so she gave the horses to the guards to lead, and she carried her skirts and walked carefully behind.

Yang Zezhi walked beside her and helped her from time to time. It was really raining for a long time. This kind of mountain path was slippery and soft, and if you were not careful, you might step into the air.

Yang Zezhi grabbed her arm and walked in, "walking on the grass, it's not easy to slip."

He turned his head and said to the man behind him, "Be careful before moving your feet."

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