Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3372 Extra Story Powerful Sister 27

Princess Mingda did not object, and she was very generous. Bai Shan and Zhou Man only sent a set of books for the official school within the range, but she went to the Ministry of Rites and the National Children's School to ask for the number of female students in the official school, and then sent the middle school girls to the school. List the official schools with less than five students, and let the Ministry of Rites inform these official schools that she will donate a batch of books to the past, and the book list will be attached to the past.

She pointed out that she wanted to donate to female students. Therefore, local government schools began to increase their efforts to recruit female students.

And those official schools that have not recruited female students have also relaxed their conditions and began to recruit female students.

If there is no one in the county to apply for the exam, they still have to go everywhere to persuade the girls who are able to enter the school, which is really busy.

They also worked very hard to get the books on the list.

However, Princess Mingda only communicated with them through the Ministry of Rites, and the book has not yet been printed. It is estimated that it will take a year or two to wait for them to print and send it to the officials.

Princess Mingda still found Zhou Man for this, knowing that she was busy, so she went directly to the Imperial Physician's Office to block people.

Zhou Man just came back from Huangzhuang Village where the vaccine was vaccinated in the suburbs of Beijing, and when he saw her, he stood a little further away and talked to her, "Although I have washed and changed my whole body, but you haven't had acne, so don't get too close to me. ."

Mingda stood away and spoke to her, "The bookstore has already started printing according to the books on the book list. They will print your batch first, but..."

"Just what?"

"It's just that I found that my bookstore is still a little small. It is not only the business of the bookstore and various booksellers, but also printing books for these official schools. The bookstore is simply too busy."

"Don't the books on the book list all have ready-made editions? One print is enough."

"But there is a loss in engraving printing too much," Mingda said: "I did a careful calculation last night. After printing this way, I'm afraid I have to replace all the plates. This is not the most important thing, the most important thing is , My staff is printing donated books, and the books printed for bookstores and booksellers will not be released in time."

Zhou Man understood, "Do you want to open a new bookstore?"

Princess Mingda nodded her head, her eyes sparkling, "I thought about it a long time ago, but I've never made up my mind. This time Jing Xing and Ruoyu let me make a decision."

She said: "Since our paper mill has been constantly researching new paper, the price of paper has been decreasing year by year, but the price of books has not been much lower."

Zhou Man did the math and said, "It's still low. A copy of The Analects of Confucius is two cents cheaper than before."

It doesn't look like much, but for a bookstore with a large output, the gross profit of a book of two cents is also a lot.

"But compared with the price reduction of paper, it is still very high, and the price of ink on the market has also dropped a lot," Mingda said: "The emperor mentioned to me privately that it is still difficult for the poor and the common people to study, and one of the important The reason is that books are expensive.”

"I've always wanted to push the price of books down even further."

Zhou Man asked, "Are the bookstores from the Ministry of Rites and the royal family agree?"

"We can't be the masters of the bookstores over the Ministry of Rites, but the largest and most bookstores in Dajin are in the hands of the royal family. That's what the emperor has to say." Those bookstores were still taken from the hands of the Ministry of Rites by the late emperor in the early years. It is convenient for them to come out and hand over to the royal family, and they don't have to be influenced by the wealthy and aristocratic families in the court.

Zhou Man pondered, "Do you want to send books to various officials and academies first, and then let bookstores and booksellers lower their prices when they all get the books?"

"Yes, through this donation of books, I can also be considered to be in contact with impoverished county offices and government schools in various places," Mingda said: "As long as they are willing to sell, the price of the books will definitely be reduced."

The price reduction of books in one place will inevitably affect the surrounding area, not to mention so many places together.

In the past, Mingda didn't think of this, and there was no suitable reason to donate books, and the county government and government schools would not contact her as a princess, let alone listen to her.

But this time, thanks to Bai Ruoyu and Bai Jingxing's donations from famous companies, the yamen and official schools in these localities are arrogant and soft-hearted, and it will be much easier to give a small opinion at that time.

Not to mention, the price reduction of books is also a good thing for these impoverished counties and government schools.

Some people have little control over these places.

Zhou Man was stunned when he heard Mingda's grand and lofty goal, "Is this your intention, or your majesty's intention?"

"All," Mingda looked around, seeing that no one was coming and the surroundings were empty, so he lowered his voice and said, "You also know that there are some contradictions between the imperial brother and the aristocratic family, although the two sides have been in harmony over the years, on weekdays Not too much cooperation, but…”

Zhou Man realized, "I know that some conflicts are not between His Majesty and individual courtiers, but between the royal family and the noble family, the Great Jin and the noble family, and the Great Jin and the royal family, which cannot be controlled by individuals."

She said: "It exists objectively and does not depend on human will. It is not your majesty, it will be another emperor, not to mention a certain clan in the world."

"Sometimes the situation is not what they want. It's just involuntarily. For the sake of the people behind and the family, they have to adapt to it and move forward." A person who can break his wrist with the same courage as Yang Heshu and put the country and the people above the family. Not much.

This time Mingda was surprised. After thinking about her words for a while, she said: "You are right, these contradictions exist objectively, so even if the emperor likes Bai Shan and Lord Yang again, he will not give up because of them. Family fights."

Zhou Man: "...Bai Shan hardly considers himself a clan."

"I know, you have seen it, most of the officials in the court now come from the clans listed in the clan, and very few of the poor and the sects are in the early stage, especially the sects, they sometimes even the small officials in the yamen. We can't compete." Mingda said: "The emperor needs helpers, and the future crown prince also needs helpers, so we must do it about the price of books."

Zhou Man: "So you came to me..."

"I want to hear your opinion. I remember you and Bai Shan mentioned that there seems to be an easier way to print books, but you said that today's ink workers can't do it, so I never asked." Mingda said : "I didn't really need it at the time, but now, I want to ask."

"I've already asked the people from the Ministry of Industry to help find the folk Mohist disciples, and I'll ask them to study it, maybe they'll be able to do it."

Zhou Man: ...Oh, it was a Mid-Autumn Festival banquet. She drank too much. When it comes to printing books, she thinks of the printing function in the encyclopedia. It took her so many years to barely understand how it works. .


How should I tell Minda?

Zhou Man's mind was blank for a moment, and Keke reminded her kindly, "Host, the content of contemporary printing technology is much higher than yours, and it involves cultural transmission. If you buy such items, the technology tax you have to pay is not enough. few."

Zhou Man clapped his hands and said, "I remember, movable type!"

Minda: "What?"

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