Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3360 Extra Story, Powerful Sister 15

Yang Qi rolled downhill all the way, and hit a tree in one fell swoop. The force was so strong that he groaned, covered his chest and rolled up.

Bai Jingxing and the guards ran down, reached out and turned the person over, seeing that his head was sweating and his face was pale, they did not dare to move him, "Call the doctor!"

The guard walked away in response, Bai Jingxing crouched down to check on him, "Where did you hit?"

She touched his head, "Does it hurt?"

Yang Qi pressed the pain and said, "It doesn't hurt."

Bai Jingxing pressed it all the way, and when he pressed it on his chest, seeing that his face turned pale, he grunted and asked, "It hurts here?"

Yang Qi made a sound of "en", Bai Jingxing was a little worried, and went down to touch, "Where is the waist, does it hurt? Does the leg hurt?"

After Bai Jingxing checked, the doctor also arrived.

There are doctors in the racecourse, and they are good at bruises and injuries. After all, the racecourse is full of extreme sports, which is very dangerous.

Since Zhao Yiling's horse was frightened, people from the horse farm went to inform the doctor.

When Yang Qi rolled down the hillside, the doctor was already halfway up the hillside, so he came down very fast.

The two doctors brought a group of guards down with a stretcher. Because they didn't know how injured Yang Qi was, they didn't dare to move for a while.

Bai Jingxing said: "He was injured in the chest. It is suspected that the fracture injured the lungs. The left leg was fractured, but it was not serious. The rest were contusions."

The doctor hurriedly said: "There is no obvious bleeding, first fix the chest and left leg, and lift the person down."

Yang Qi's status is not low, and she will definitely invite doctors from the Beijing Medical Office for treatment, and may even invite an imperial doctor, but the two of them should not go there.

"Doctor, Young Master Yang fainted!"

In just a few words, Yang Qi's consciousness became more and more blurred, her breathing became more and more short, and her face turned blue, which was not good at all.

"This, this," the doctor was shocked, "this is internal bleeding!"

Another doctor hurriedly opened the medicine box and took out a pill to feed Yang Qi, "This is a hemostatic medicine."

Yang Qi had difficulty breathing, how could she take the medicine, her whole body became confused.

Bai Jingxing looked very anxious, "Prick the needle first to expel the blood and gas from the chest, otherwise he will die."

"This, Miss Bai, we won't."

"What should I do, Dalangjun, please hold on, our master and his wife are in Songzhou, and before leaving, give us the master..."

Bai Jingxing saw that Yang Qi's eyes were tightly closed, lying weakly on the ground, her face was as white as if there was only one color in the world.

She gritted her teeth, reached out to look through the doctor's medicine box, and quickly found a hollow needle inside. She quickly connected the intestinal tube, and first stuffed the thing to the doctor. The doctor took it in a panic, and stammered: "White Little lady, I, although we have heard of this kind of case in the Imperial Physician's Office, but we haven't done it, and we don't even remember the main points of it, we really don't know it."

"I'm coming," she took the scissors and said to the guards, "help him sit up."

The guards quickly helped him up, Bai Jingxing went down with scissors and cut the clothes on his chest, took the needle and touched his chest, swallowed and said nervously: "I, I think my mother has done it. , between the seventh and eighth ribs, let me try, if... you don't hate me too much."

Anyway, if you don’t try, you will definitely die. If you try, you may still be alive.

"Yes, yes, Mrs. Bai, you are Lord Zhou's daughter, you can definitely... ah-"

Before the doctor could finish his sentence, Bai Jingxing stabbed him with a needle, and blood spurted out of the intestines instantly. Because the intestines were not long, the blood rushed out into a straight line, which was very scary to watch.

The students of the academies who were driven down from the mountain saw their feet softened. Zhao Yiling knelt on the ground and cried, "Young Master Yang, he is dead!"

The Guozijian students who were with Yang Qi ran over with pale faces, "So, so..."

Bai Jingxing breathed a sigh of relief and stretched out his hand to them, "Don't come here, it's already dirty enough, if you come here again, what should you do if you get infected after the operation?"

The two doctors also returned to their senses and congratulated the servants of the Yang family and Bai Jingxing, "Success, Yang Langjun Jiren has a natural appearance."

He also praised Bai Jingxing, "Little Lady Bai is indeed the daughter of Lord Zhou!"

The Yang family's servant Dongfang looked down, and saw that their son's face softened a little, his breathing became smoother, and then he looked at the blood flowing out, his face was blank.

This, this, this has so much blood, how can it be better?

Bai Jingxing steadied the needle and said, "Quickly send the person to the hospital, no, no, send it to the doctor's office. My mother has a class in the doctor's office this afternoon. She must be in the doctor's office."

"I don't know how his internal bleeding is. I must let my mother come to the rescue."

Everyone responded and hurriedly carried Yang Qi onto the stretcher. In a daze, he opened his eyes and faced Bai Jingxing, who was holding the needle for him, and said vaguely, "Thank you..."

Bai Jingxing didn't pay attention at all, it was the first time she pierced someone with such a needle, she didn't feel that her hands were shaking a little at the moment, and she couldn't help but feel a little scared.

Tang Yu came forward, held the other end of the stretcher, waved in front of her, and asked, "Sister Bai, are you alright?"

Bai Jingxing shook his head and calmly said, "I'm fine, I can do anything, it's the elder brother of the Yang family."

Tang Yu exhaled and said, "Thank you for this matter. When he is healed, I will definitely ask him to prepare a generous gift for you."

With Bai Jingxing, his own daughter, the group went directly through the back door and entered the Imperial Physician's Office.

Zhou Man was only halfway through his class when he was called out, and when he saw the handsome young man on the stretcher, he was startled, "So what's the matter?"

Bai Jingxing said: "The horse is crazy. He jumped off the horse and rolled down the hillside. He was hit by a tree in the chest. There was blood in the chest cavity, and his left leg was broken. Mother, save him."

"Send him to the clinic of the Imperial Physician's Office." Zhou Man checked him, touched his pulse, turned around and ordered, "Go and boil the medicine."

She read a series of prescriptions, glanced at the needle in his chest and asked, "Who put this needle in?"

Bai Jingxing stretched out his hand tremblingly.

Zhou Man nodded slightly and said to her, "Come here together."

Bai Jingxing witnessed how her mother treated a patient with hemopneumothorax. When she came out of the clinic, she was in a trance, with red blood in front of her eyes, and finally turned her head to look at Yang Qi's face to feel better. .

"He can't move right now, he needs to stay in the Imperial Physician's Office for a few days. Fortunately, we have everything here." Zhou Man turned around and saw a lot of students in the office lying on the windows and doors looking in, he couldn't help but stare, "What are you doing? what?"

Most of the students dispersed in an instant, and only a few daring female students remained, whispering: "Deputy order, Young Master Yang needs someone to take care of him, why don't I stay and take care of him."

"And me, and me, and I can take care of him too."

The female students who were still outside were instantly excited and offered themselves.

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