Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3351 Extravagant Powerful Sister 6

Bai Jingxing looked puzzled, "But didn't Daddy say that the food production in various places is high, the country is safe and the people are safe? How can she still eat badly?"

Zhou Man got up and put on his clothes and said, "Eating well and being full are two different things. Moreover, although the grain yields in various places are high, it is indeed a country that is prosperous and safe, but who says there will be no poor people in this world?"

"It has only been nine years since the introduction of new rice seeds. If we want to truly achieve a world without hunger, I'm afraid it will take another nine years."

"How come, the eldest cousin clearly said that the yield per mu of the experimental fields in Jingzhou area now exceeds nine stones. Is such a high yield per mu not enough for a family to feed?" Bai Jingxing doubted, "Are they lazy?"

Zhou Man: "There are naturally lazy people in the world, but in addition to being lazy, accidents and illnesses can also lead to poverty. Also, some people have no land, so they are born poor; Difficulty, poverty of all kinds is too much."

Zhou Man got dressed and called outside, and a girl brought warm water to wash her face. She asked her, "Are you interested in this," while washing her face with water.

"It's just strange, if a diligent person, how can he still be poor when the food is so high-yield and so cheap?"

Every year, Bai Shan would do a summary of food prices in various places. Bai Jingxing and Xia Mu often got into trouble. In addition to copying books, they would also be called by Bai Shan to transcribe and summarize these data from time to time.

In fact, it is to copy the food prices of previous years and this year into a table, so that Bai Shan can see at a glance.

Therefore, Bai Jingxing knew how the price of grain had dropped little by little in recent years. Now, when the price of grain in Beijing is low, the price of grain has dropped to two cents a bucket, and the price of rice is three cents a bucket, which is higher than her father's. Mother said that when there was a flood when I was young, the price of rice was much cheaper at 30 cents a bucket.

She can't get enough to eat, so if she leaves her parents alone, she can't starve to death?

Bai Jingxing looked unconvinced, Zhou Man said: "If you are really curious, when you follow me to the clinic and deliver medicine, you can ask those poor people what they do every year, what their harvest is, what they do every day, and what they eat. what……"

Bai Jingxing: "Isn't this a waste of time?"

"If you don't pay attention and insist on your own prejudice, that's a waste of time," Zhou Man said. "If you don't know the truth when you should know it, it's not just your own time wasted."

Zhou Man wiped his hands and said generously: "Okay, let's go, I can let you do less work today."

When Bai Jingxing really asked, he realized that there are many ways for people to be happy, but there are more reasons for people to be unhappy.

She was simply stunned.

A little lady who was brought in in the wooden shed on No. 7 was the same size as her, and she was also ten years old.

She also had an older brother, thirteen years old, who was also ill and was placed in another wooden shed, while her parents had died a few days earlier.

The life of their brothers and sisters is afraid that they will have a difficult time in the future.

But before the epidemic, their family's life was not very good.

Their family has land, which is her father's Yongye Field. Although it is only divided into twelve acres, it is not enough, but there are four acres of paddy fields. It is enough to feed a family of four.

Bai Jingxing asked her what she had to do every day, and found that she would sweep the floor every morning when she woke up, then go to the river to wash her clothes, and when she came back, she would go out to hunt hogweed and cook pig food...

Her mother cooks, feeds pigs, hoes and grows vegetables, and waters...

In the second half, she can go out and play with her friends. As for what to eat, she eats gruel in the morning, multigrain porridge for lunch, and steamed buns in the evening...

According to her, such days are much better than before. When she was very young, their family only ate two meals a day, porridge in the morning and porridge in the evening. It was not the day when she went to the ground, and the porridge was especially thin. , the steamed bread is also made of wheat bran...

Her father and brother are not lazy, but they just can't save money. The food they sell every year doesn't make much money. I heard that there is no shortage of food outside, so their family is reluctant to sell a lot of food, so that they can eat a day. Three meals, and one in the evening is particularly good.

She felt that it was a very good life to eat white rice or steamed buns with white noodles at night.

Because they can't save money, their family has decided to marry her. When she is thirteen years old, her brother will get married when she is sixteen, and then take the dowry money to give her brother a daughter-in-law back...

The little lady had a look of sadness and regret, "Unfortunately, both my parents are dead. I'm afraid no one will kiss me, and my brother will not be able to marry a wife."

Bai Jingxing was silent and speechless.

In the evening, the mother and daughter had a heart-to-heart talk, Bai Jingxing told her story and was very puzzled, "Why is the price of food so low? They can't save money."

Zhou Mandao: "There is more grain in the world, and the price of grain will naturally be low. This is a good thing."

"But they can't make any money."

"Then ask her, is life better now than before?"

Bai Jingxing: "No need to ask, she has already said it."

"That's it, their family couldn't save money before, but in the future, they will have the opportunity to save money."

"How to save?" Bai Jingxing couldn't help sitting up and asked with bright eyes, "Mother, are the food prices going to go up?"

"Silly children, if the price of food rises to the point where they can make money, ordinary people will suffer in the end," Zhou Man said, "Don't always stare at food prices, you want to make money from food prices."

She said: "There are so many things that can make money in this world, haven't you thought? With such low food prices, it is actually better for them to make money."

Bai Jingxing looked confused.

Zhou Mandao: "Human, after you have eaten your fill, you will think of a good meal. As I said, it is different to eat well when you are full. If you touch your head and your well-proportioned body, you are eating for nothing. Can rice and white steamed buns be raised?"

"Because my father is tall?"

Zhou Man: "...Because your mother, I give you goat milk, mutton, chicken, and eggs every day. You can count with your fingers. How many good things did you eat at home every day?"

"This is the reason why you can do so well," she said. "People in this world are like this. The yield per mu of grain has increased, and they finally don't have to use all the land for growing food, and they don't have to put all their manpower on planting. In terms of food, the final harvest is not enough to satisfy one’s stomach.”

"They can grow and farm other things on the land, and they have the manpower to do other things, and the income is money."

Bai Jingxing straightened the logic with his fingers, and finally realized, "The basis of all this is the increase in yield per mu and the high yield of grain?"

Zhou Man nodded.

Bai Jingxing was speechless, "It turns out that the eldest cousin is so powerful, he did such a big thing."

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