Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3323 Uninvited guests

It's not government affairs, it's just a private meeting. They belong to the high-ranking group, and it's still very easy to meet the county magistrate.

It's just that Zhou Man is from Luojiang County after all, so he is very concerned about the development of his hometown, so he can't help but ask in more detail.

The county magistrate never thought that it was not his wife who talked to Zhou Man the most, but him.

The county magistrate's wife has never been able to intervene, so she sat and drank tea with her hands. After lunch, men and women sat at two tables. She and Princess Zhou Man were enjoying the scenery and eating in the garden, and then they could talk. .

After saying this, Zhou Mancai realized that she was a wonderful person, "Shangzhou really came to Gongwen to move the grave? Why didn't I know?"

The county magistrate's wife said, "Of course they don't dare to disturb the lady of the county. Who doesn't know that the lady of the county grew up in our Luojiang County, and her heart is naturally towards our Luojiang County. How could she go to Shangzhou?"

She said: "It's just because Ling Zun once went to the Xia family in Shangzhou, so he came to our county to give it a try. Even if the grave could not be moved there, rumors spread, it seems that they also have the merits of Shangzhou. similar."

Zhou Man: "But I haven't heard anything from my brother about this..."

"No one of our masters told us, otherwise your family didn't have the mind, but after listening to it, you have the mind to move the grave, what should you do?"

Zhou Man looked at the proud county magistrate's wife, and couldn't help laughing out loud. Tears were about to come out, "My lady is so sincere."

Ming Da covered the smile at the corner of his mouth with a handkerchief, nodded slightly, raised his hand and said, "My lady, try this braised vinegar fish? It's the fish caught in the river nearby. I eat it very delicious."

Pulled off the topic.

When the county magistrate and his wife were sent away, Zhou Man couldn't hold back and laughed out loud on the spot.

Bai Shan was still watching the magistrate's carriage when he heard the sound and turned to look at her, "What are you laughing at?"

Zhou Man shook his head and looked at the carriageway that went away: "I just think that our Luojiang County is really outstanding, and there are many interesting people."

Bai Shan smiled slightly and reached out to hold her, "I think so too."

Bai Shan squeezed the hand in the palm of his hand and said with a smile: "Let's go, go home, prepare some things, and go to the Taoist Temple tomorrow, and we have to find out what Dao and Daoxu asked us to bring back."

The county magistrate lowered the curtains, turned around and sat upright, exclaiming in admiration, "I didn't expect Master Bai and Master Zhou to be so benevolent that they actually sent us to the entrance of the village in person."

He went to Mianzhou to visit the governor, let alone let the governor send him out, even if he had sons and nephews by his side, he wouldn't let them send him.

And Bai Shan and Zhou Man actually sent them to the entrance of the village, and the magistrate of Luojiang County was very grateful.

Bai Shan was leading Zhou Mancai to the bridge when he heard a sudden cry from the village behind him.

But the houses and trees were hidden, and they couldn't see what was going on. The two looked at each other, pricked up their ears to listen, and only sporadically said: "Now that I'm developed, I don't recognize my uncle..."

"...Without our family, you would have been gone long ago. Where did you get the wealth?"

Bai Shan was curious, "Whose house is this? It's making such a fuss?"

"I don't know," Zhou Man shook his hand and yawned, feeling a little sleepy, "It's hard to watch this kind of fun, I want to go back to sleep."

"It's already past the time of Shen, and it won't be long before you eat dinner. If you go to bed at this time, can you still sleep at night?"

"But I'm sleepy in autumn, so I'll go back and take a nap."

"Okay," Bai Shan hugged her, "Okay, let's go back and take a nap."

The two of them lifted their feet, and the cries behind them became clearer and clearer, and an old male voice shouted: "Zhou Jin, if you have the kind, you will kick me out today, and tomorrow I will take your old Zhou family's ungrateful people out. The matter spread throughout Luojiang County!"

Zhou Man and Bai Shan immediately stopped and turned around in shock.

Zhou Man: "Did you hear, who was that person called just now?"

Bai Shan was also a little unsure, "It seems like his father-in-law?"

Zhou Man immediately woke up and was no longer sleepy, and dragged Bai Shan away, "Go and have a look."

The two of them trotted, and when they walked around the school, they saw a lot of people blocking the road. Some of them were watching the excitement. Zhou Dalang was taking a few younger brothers to push people out of the village. There were persuading people on both sides. lively.

Seeing that the people on the other side pushed away the onlookers, Bai Shan rushed to a nearby house and took out a thick wooden stick. He hurriedly pulled Zhou Man behind him, "Stop, what are you doing?"

Seeing that the other party was holding a stick, Chuu Lang was furious, "Zhang San, you dare to take a stick and be our Zhou family's eater!"

After that, he turned around and was about to go back to get the knife, but was pulled by someone, "Calm down, calm down!"

Seeing that they were pushing and shoving together, Bai Shan had a headache, so he could only shout loudly, "Stop, let's all separate!"

When the young people of Qili Village saw Bai Shan's words, they started to move forward and pulled the people away.

When the Zhou family saw Bai Shan and Zhou Man, they finally didn't struggle much, so the villagers onlookers only needed to separate the Zhang family.

Bai Shan pulled Zhou Man to stand on one side, and when the two sides finally separated, he stood in the middle, frowning at the group of strangers on the left, "Who are you and why are you making a fuss here?"

"It's none of your business, it's our family's and the Zhou family's business."

Bai Shandao: "Unfortunately, the next one is the son-in-law of the Zhou family, so it can still be related."

"Hey, are you my cousin-in-law?"

"Bah," Thursday Lang broke free from the person who was pulling him, stood beside Bai Shan and said, "Who is your cousin-in-law, do you know my sister?"

They looked directly at Zhou Man who was blocked by Bai Shan, with bright eyes, "You are cousin Man, right? I'm the cousin of your great-grandfather's family, cousin, you can't forget your roots when you are rich."

Zhou Man has a better memory than the average person. After looking at the other person up and down, he asked, "When my father was at the funeral, I once beat a person. Is that person you?"

The young man was silent, and after a while he said, "No."

Another fat young man next to him said, "It's me!"

It was only then that Thursday Lang whispered to Zhou Man Bai Shan: "It's the Zhang family, this is Zhang Saburo, the same generation as us, the one you fought when you were a child is younger than us."

He was too lazy to say anything about his cousin and nephew, he didn't want to recognize it anyway.

Zhou Man looked at Bai Shan, and Bai Shan took out the style of being an official and asked, "What are you doing here?"

"It's nothing expensive, but I heard that my cousins ​​and cousins ​​are back, so we came to visit our relatives. Who would have known that the cousins ​​and cousins ​​would not recognize poor relatives when they were prosperous, and they would be ungrateful..."

With such a straightforward accusation, Bai Shan did not stop this case when he was the county magistrate, but it was the first time that it fell on his own head.

However, he quickly got used to it, looked at the Zhang family, then looked at the Zhou family, and smiled slightly: "I can't fight, this is in Qili Village, if you really do it, you can't get a good deal from a few of you. In this case, everyone. Why don't you just sit down and talk?"

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