Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3320 Lively

When all the old men and women heard it, they thought that Old Zhou could go to the palace every year to see the emperor and eat at the same table with him.

"Majesty," said the old Zhoutou, "I don't even dare to look at him. They said that I can't look directly at Shengyan."

"Uncle Jin, what are your clothes made of? I feel so thin, and the patterns on them look good."

"It's fine cotton. It's made in some place. The price is a bit more expensive than our own fine cotton in Mianzhou, but it's cool and breathable. It's just right to wear in this weather. After the Mid-Autumn Festival, our cotton is better to wear." The old Zhoutou generously let them touch, "Man Bao got it from the palace, and he also made a few clothes for me and her mother. Alas, it's like this when you're old, you can't be cold or hot."

"It's still full of filial piety..."

"It turned out to be something from the palace, no wonder it is so good. In the palace, do the emperor and the others also wear such clothes?"

Old Zhou Tou said complacently: "It should be almost the same."

People are envious.

After talking about food and clothing, everyone was still more concerned about the children's future, "Uncle Jin, I remember Li Wei no longer going to school, but I heard Erlang say that he is also an official now, how did he become?"

"Thanks to his uncle's blessing, he originally followed his uncle to be a steward. He did a good job, so he was promoted, but his rank was very small, and he was only promoted to seventh-rank after two promotions."

"Isn't that the same as the magistrate? It's amazing!"

"Yes, yes, Li Zhong is also an official. I really didn't expect to be an official in farming. Brother Jin, do you think we can go to farming?"

Old Zhoutou said complacently: "That's not anyone who is good at farming can be an official. My family Lizhong has planted new rice seeds. If you can plant new seeds, you should be able to."

He paused and said, "Man Bao said that if you have merit, you will be rewarded. It's the same thing anyway."

"That's not easy. We have been planting the land for so many years, and we choose the best grain seeds every year, so that the second year's yield can be a little higher. It seems that so many rice seeds have grown in this way. Except for your family, who has planted them? "

"The new wheat seeds were also planted by your family, so this is still the blessing of the ancestors. Alas, they are all from the Zhou family. Why did the ancestors bless your house?"

"I suspect it is the ancestor of their house."

"I think so too. If it wasn't for the blessing of Uncle Yin, it would be Uncle and Grandmother."

"Yes, yes, Uncle Jin, when is your family planning to build a grave? We'll all go to a stick of incense."

"Yes, you can't repair it secretly."

Zhou Jin: "Building a grave is a good thing, why should I do it secretly?"

"There are more and more people studying in our village, and there are a lot of little ladies who are arguing about going to study. Uncle Jin, I heard Erlang say that there is still a girl studying in the capital, and your family should send all your great-granddaughters to study. ?"

"Yeah," Lao Zhou nodded and said, "It's just that the child is still young, and he has to grow up. Now he can learn a little bit at home by himself, and when he is old, he will send it to a women's school. That's when the princess and the princess will start together. The school is amazing."

The villagers were amazed and hurriedly asked: "When you go to study inside, can you see the princess and the princess every day?"

God, just thinking about it is enough for them to be excited. Such two big people, they never talked about before, but now they may see each other every day.

There was bragging here, and Chuu Lang, who had pulled two slaughtered sheep from Dali Village, was also stopped by someone.

They were all young and middle-aged people in the village, "Shiro, did that kid from my family cause you trouble outside?"

"No, no," said Thursday with a smile, "I'm diligent, it's just too good to drink. Apart from sending the money back, most of the rest of the money is sent to him to drink. Brother Dayong, you have to talk about him, less Drink, save more money, and marry a wife in two years."

"Shiro, do you think I can do it? I also want to follow you to the business."

"You?" Thursday Lang looked up and down and shook his head, "No way."


"You are an only son. Let's wait until you have more sons, and the sons will grow up and become the masters of the family," said Thursday, "Going in business is much more dangerous than farming, whether it's the route to the Western Regions or the sea trade route. If you are unlucky and die outside, where can I find someone for you to explain to your aunt and sister-in-law?"

Thursday Lang suggested: "Your son, please go out with me when your son grows up."

The villagers laughed and shouted, "Yes Eryi, your husband and son."

Eryi was not convinced, "I will sign a life and death certificate with you. If I die outside, my parents and daughter-in-law will definitely not trouble you."

"That doesn't work either," said Thursday Lang, "Even if there is a life-and-death situation, a villager in the village, if something happened to you, can I be at peace?"

He paused and patted his shoulder and said, "It's not me, don't always think about going out to make a lot of money, we seem to make more money when we go to business, but the cost is also big, you ask the village to follow out. People who don’t eat well, don’t sleep well, either run or carry bags every day, and they’re even more tiring than farming.”

"Now it's not as good as before. In the past, the fields produced less, and if you want to make more money, you have to go outside. But now, the wheat and rice are both high-yielding. If you plant the fields in your home well, your life will not be bad. If you have more income from medicinal materials, you can earn more money. No less than when we ran outside."

"Yes, yes," said Dayong, "The reason why I let my son go out is because there are many people in my family. There is not much more of him in the field, and one less of him is not much, but you are different, Eryi, you You are an adult male at home, if you go out, who will do the heavy work at home?"

"Life is much better now than before, Shiro, what is the price of Ligustrum this year? The price of food is getting cheaper every year, isn't this medicinal material also getting cheaper every year?"

"Not yet, but I can't guarantee what will happen in the future," said Thursday.

Although the price of food is decreasing, the price of medicine has not changed much. This is because in recent years, more and more medical offices have been opened in various places. Slightly up.

If it hadn't been for the Imperial Physician's Office in cooperation with the county government to promote the sowing of medicinal materials over the years, the price of medicines would certainly have risen more than a little.

However, now that the yield of grains per mu is increasing, the quantity and quality of the fields used to grow medicinal materials will definitely increase, the medicinal materials will only increase, and the price of medicines will also drop in the future.

However, Man Bao said that this is not something that can be achieved in three or two years, not to mention the time required for promotion, it takes at least two years for a single medicinal material to grow and achieve success, so the price of medicine will not drop without five or six years.

There is no need to tell the villagers about such a complicated thing, "Anyway, the price of privet should not be reduced this year."

The villagers breathed a sigh of relief and became happy. "What about the old ginger? Our family has also had a lot of sun this year."

After answering their various price questions, Thursday Lang finally squeezed out of the crowd and went home in a sweat.

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