Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3286 busy spring

After the Chinese New Year, not only Zhou Man, but Ming Da was also busy, so he didn't have time to take the children.

Zhou Man found a vacant yard in his home and called all the children of Zhou's family who were under age to go to school to study with the two children, Bai Jingxing and Bai Ruoyu.

Speaking of reading, three of the four hours a day are playing.

Every morning, Mrs. Qian brought the Zhou family’s children, and in the evening, Mrs. Zheng taught them some poems, and occasionally painted and played the piano for them.

The palace maids given by the province in the palace are of great use. They are not only full of etiquette, but also literate. They are led by them. According to Xiao Qian, the old Zhou Tou has been brought back a lot by the children.

When the spring ploughing day arrived, and the imperial court put the fields on holiday, Zhou Man sorted out today's pulse case and sealed it up.

There are quite a few busy imperial physicians in the imperial hospital. Seeing this, they asked, "Master Zhou has gone to the yamen?"

Zhou Man nodded, "My work is done."

Everyone looked at her enviously.

"Don't look at it, if you can check all the official documents in your hands like her in one hour, you can also go to the office on time." Imperial Physician Lu floated past them, slapped a note on one's table, and said: "Doctor He, you are on duty in the palace tonight."

He Guangbai immediately got up and responded, "Yes."

When an imperial doctor heard it, he immediately went to him with the official documents in his hand, "He imperial doctor, the long night in the palace, sitting idle is boring, why don't you help me deal with these official documents?"

Others also went to him with the official documents in their hands. He Guangbai resigned helplessly, "I don't dare to accept it. What if there is a delay in seeking a doctor in the palace?"

Imperial Physician Lu frowned and looked at them displeasedly, "I've dealt with my own affairs, what's the point of pushing it to someone who has only been in the Imperial Physician for a few years?"

"Doctor Lu, don't you suffer from it too? We used to only need to see a doctor and prescribe it. It's not difficult to write pulse records and organize case data, but now I have to wait for the cost of applying for the list of medicinal materials in various places. Not a clerk of the household department, calculating an account is more tiring than seeing a hundred patients."

"Yeah, we are all old. We can't compare to Taiyi He and the others. They are young and smart. The able ones work harder. We can share their patients."

"You... Imperial Physician Zhou..." Imperial Physician Lu looked behind them, and everyone turned their heads. Seeing Zhou Man who had left and returned, they immediately lowered their heads and took back the official documents in their hands.

Imperial Physician Lu stared, when did Zhou Man gain such prestige in the Imperial Hospital?

Isn't everyone more afraid of him before?

He Guangbai's expression changed slightly, and he stood with his head down, "Sir."

The students who came out of the Imperial Physician's Office, especially the classes that Zhou Man had taken, were more accustomed to being called Mr. Zhou Man rather than Lord Zhou.

"I forgot to bring some documents, come back and get them," Zhou Man glanced at the documents in their hands, frowning slightly, "What are these documents?"

Seeing her stretch out her hand, an older imperial doctor next to her put the official document in her hand and complained in a low voice, "This is the official document of the Tangzhou Medical Office's consumption of medicinal materials last year, as well as the list of medicinal materials and budget that I applied for this year. Let the lower officials check the amount that should be given this year according to the consumption of the previous year, Zhou imperial doctor, this, I am this age, and I am not a household clerk, how do you know how to calculate this?"

Zhou Man flipped through it and closed it, "Who gave it to you? This is the job of the Imperial Physician's Office, not within the scope of the Imperial Physician's responsibilities, and this thing has already been done."

It was all done this year, and in the spring, it only needs to be checked and then distributed to the state medical offices to buy the money.

The other imperial physicians looked at each other, stepped forward and saluted, "Xiao Yuan is asking us to check."

As soon as Zhou Man heard it, he returned the official document to him, "Then check it out."

Physicians:  …

Zhou Man went to the office to get the information he wanted, and left with the medicine box.

Everyone watched her off again. This time, an imperial doctor went to the door to see her. She turned around and said, "Let's go."

"Oh, I thought Lord Zhou would help us get ahead."

"Don't think about it, Master Zhou and the court are just fit enough to wear a pair of pants, how can they go against the court's words?"

Zhou Man really wouldn't go against Xiao Yuanzheng's words, but she was also curious about why Xiao Yuanzheng did this, so she didn't leave after leaving the palace, but went to the Imperial Physician's Office.

The officials in the Imperial Physician's Office were even busier. Even though it was time for the Xia Ya, the officials were still too busy to touch the ground. Zhou Man went all the way into his office, and next door was Lord Luo's office. He accumulated a lot of money on his desk. The official document, the door was open, and occasionally when he looked up, he saw Zhou Man passing by his door. He immediately chased out with a pen in his hand, "Master Zhou, can the medical department of Hedong Road deliver it?"

Zhou Man nodded and said: "It's delivered, I have asked someone to check it, it has been put into storage, and it can be sent out after the field holiday."

"It's this time of year, what field leave is there?" Master Luo said: "I think the weather is good today. If Master Zhou is free, send it today, so that the states and counties can just receive it after the field holiday ends."

Zhou Man glanced at the time and frowned: "In such a hurry?"

"Don't be in a hurry, I just received the Huainan Dao Zhezi from Zhongshu Province, saying that the epidemic situation in Huainan is very serious, there are many people with typhoid fever, and the mortality rate is still high. I asked the Imperial Physician’s Office to send a senior imperial physician to check it out, and be sure to bring a batch of medicinal materials for relief there, it’s very busy.”

"It was a cold spring some time ago, and it is indeed easy to catch the cold. I know it, and I will go to send silver in a while." Zhou Man glanced at the pen in his hand and reminded: "Master Luo, the ink on your pen is about to dry."

It was only then that Master Luo remembered that he was still holding a pen in his hand, and he hurriedly turned around and went back.

Zhou Man thought for a while, but still went to Xiao Yuanzheng.

Xiao Yuanzheng was also busy, so he took the time to look up at her and then lowered his head, "If you have something to say, just say it."

"Why did the hospital hand over the official documents that have been processed to the imperial physicians of the Imperial Hospital to be processed again?"

"Choose a person," Xiao Yuanzheng said: "There is a shortage of people in the Imperial Physician's Office."

Zhou Man touched his chin and said, "The jinshi exam has passed, and it won't be long before the civil service exam. Did the academy think about selecting some talented people?"

Xiao Yuanzheng: "They don't understand medical and medicinal materials. We don't care about the price of medicines. The prescription must be checked, and non-medical people can't do it."

Zhou Mandao: "The drug list can be fixed. We will work harder in the early stage to determine the applicable and free drug list for each program, and they will not make mistakes."

Xiao Yuanzheng: "If there is an increase or decrease..."

"Approval for a fixed period of time, or one year, or two years, to reformulate the drug list."

Xiao Yuanzheng: "...In this way, the workload will be piled up on the few of us."

Zhou Mandao: "It's a waste of manpower to select people from the Taiyuan Hospital like this now. Isn't the extra work allocated to us in the end?"

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