Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3280 Provocation

Zhou Man thought about it, but he didn't hide it from him, "I checked your age with the blood of the master, and deduced that you should be between eighty-two and eighty-seven this year."

Luo Er thought about many possibilities, but I didn't think of this one. How can blood calculate age?

He has only heard of the Central Plains' medical skills that can estimate the age by touching the bones.

He thought they were really alchemy, or cursed with blood...

Zhou Man stared at him and asked, "Master Luo Er, I wonder if my guess is correct?"

Luo Er did not answer this question, but asked, "How can you tell your age from blood?"

Zhou Man smiled and did not answer the question.

Even when Xiao Yuan asked her, she didn't say anything, let alone Na Luo Er.

Na Luo Er finally sighed, got up and walked to the window, pushed open the window to see the vast whiteness outside, "I will leave Chang'an in two days to return to my hometown, although it is not my original wish to leave, nor is it very happy, but I It's a pleasure to meet someone like Mr. Zhou."

He turned his head to look at Zhou Man, his eyes fell on her belly, his hands were folded together, he bowed and saluted, and after saying the Buddha's name, he said, "May my Buddha bless Master Zhou, mother and child, and have a smooth life."

Zhou Man hurriedly got up and returned the salute, "Thank you, Master."

"Although this is the first time I have come to Dajin, I know a lot about Dajin. The ministers in the court are all men, like Master Zhou, you are the only one," Na Luo Er said: "You are very worthy of admiration. It is admirable that Your Majesty can make you a female official, but in a hundred years from His Majesty, the next king will still use you, will you treat you like this?"

The warm smile on Zhou Man's face faded, and he sighed: "What does the master mean?"

"I don't mean anything else, I just feel sorry for the future of Lord Zhou. After all, there are very few people with skills like you," Na Luo Er said: "Even in Dajin, there are very few talents like Lord Zhou. Bar?"

Zhou Man nodded, "Indeed."

Then Luo Er paused and said, "Don't you worry about the future, Lord Zhou?"

Zhou Man shook his head, "Don't worry, I have an official title now. If the next emperor doesn't let me be an official, then I will feel at ease as my county master. It's not my intention to worship the minister, and the landscape is more comfortable."

Zhou Man is now not poor, very rich, and has medical skills. Even if he is not an official one day, his income will not be less.

As for the dignity, she has been sealed as the princess now, does she still lack status?

Naro:  …

Zhou Man already knew what Na Luo Er meant, and said goodbye: "Master Luo Er, it's getting late, today is a farewell, I'm afraid I won't be able to see you off when you leave the city."

Na Luo Er Sao sent Zhou Man to the door, and the warrior monk who followed behind couldn't help but said, "She really doesn't seem to care."

Na Luo Er turned the Buddha beads and said: "It was just a try, it's natural to be good, and we have no loss if it doesn't work."

Daji helped Zhou Man to the carriage, and waited for the carriage to go out for a while before saying, "Madam, is this monk trying to sow discord?"

Zhou Man gave a "hmm" and said indifferently: "Don't worry, it's just a foreign monk. His Majesty sent him back to the country, and he has no power in Dajin."

She turned her head to look at Chang'an, who was wrapped in silver clothes outside the window, and said in a daze: "And with such a heavy snow and such a cold day, it is a question whether he can return to Tianzhu alive."

Na Luo Er Sapo quietly left Chang'an. No one went to see him off that day. The carriages and horses of Honglu Temple left the city in a low-key manner, and went north in a low-key manner.

The Zhou family was busy with the housewarming, and Zhou Man was also busy, so when he heard this, he just nodded and glanced north.

The county house has been repaired, the stripped pillars and doors have been repainted, carved, and the roof has been overhauled.

The furniture was added to her by the Dianzhong Province and the Ministry of Industry in accordance with the regulations of the county master. Because of Gu Zhong's relationship, the things that the Dianzhong Province gave to Zhou Man were the best within the regulations.

For example, in a carriage, there are four shires and four princesses, but there is a big difference between horses and horses.

The four horses given to Zhou Man in the hall are not only similar in color, but also very tall and spirited. The frame looks the same size, but the material used is different. Shaoyingluo and bead strings are engraved with the name of Yueyang on both sides and the front and rear of the carriage.

Not to mention the inside, which is padded with fine fur, and can hold a lot of things under the belly of the car. There are hidden drawers on both sides, and the wood is very thick. The provincial waiter who came to deliver the car bent over and smiled Said: "The princess of the county, with such a thick car wall, ordinary bows and arrows cannot be shot through. It is a good car to prevent assassination."

Zhou Man: "...a long experience."

In addition to the car, there are some furniture in the house. According to the rules, there are not many of these things, but as long as there are, it is the best part of the regulations that the palace can come up with.

Not to mention Zhou Man, even Mrs. Liu couldn't help but praise: "These woods are very good."

The rest have to be purchased by themselves, such as bookshelves, Bogu shelves and the like.

Mrs. Liu took the Zheng family all over the capital to find suitable furniture for Zhou Man. If she couldn't find it, she ordered someone to make it. They used high-quality wood and carpentry, and it cost a lot.

Zhou Man gave Mrs. Liu a box of money.

Mrs. Liu looked at it with a funny look, "You can take the money yourself, the family has money."

She pulled Zhou Man and said with a smile: "There is no child who is more worry-free than you. Except for the first two years in Qingzhou, you will ask your family for some money, and then you will no longer ask your family for money. Those industries in your family. All the proceeds are collected by you, so why don't you wait for it at this time?"

Zhou Man smiled embarrassedly: "Grandma, we have been working for so many years, and we haven't handed it over to the house yet, and we still ask grandma for money from time to time."

"Stupid boy, all the money in the family is earned for you. I also dislike that you use less."

In addition to furniture, there are ornaments, and when all these are done, Zhou Man starts to move some things in an orderly manner.

Like things in the library.

These things are extremely important, not only books, but also a lot of Zhou Man and Bai Shan's various notes, so Zhou Man doesn't let anyone interfere, she packs it up by herself, and has people move it one by one, and then another one Put the volumes on the bookshelf.

The Zhou family helped organize other things. They accepted Zhou Man's move to the county master's mansion well, mainly because they heard that living in the county master's mansion was very honorable, and his status had risen a lot, so although they were reluctant, they still I think it's a good thing that Zhou Man lives in the county master's mansion.

Not all things have been moved, Zhou Man still left a lot of things in the main courtyard of Zhou's house, and he can come back from time to time to live for a while.

Mrs. Liu went to Xuandu Guanli to count a good day for housewarming. On the ninth day of December, it happened to be a holiday, and Zhou Manguang sent an invitation.

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