Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 326 Lively

There are only two times when Luojiang County is the most lively, one is after the autumn harvest, and the other is before the New Year.

In previous years, the excitement after the autumn harvest may be postponed until the Double Ninth Festival. After all, after the grain is harvested, it is necessary to prepare for the tax increase.

But there is no tax this year, and the adjustment has been moderately reduced, so everyone has been idle before the Mid-Autumn Festival.

There are villages that have decided to plant winter wheat like Qili Village, and they have to take advantage of the gap in the middle to walk around the county town.

Therefore, the street was very lively, and it was not bad compared to when they came here a few years ago, so Friday Lang and Saturday Lang walked forward with Man Bao in the middle.

As for the others, of course, it is their own parents.

On Tuesday, Lang knew that today was the Mid-Autumn Festival, and business must be very good. How could he be willing to give up this opportunity to make money?

Zhou Dalang didn't want to, so last night they soaked twice as many beans, and they got up in the early morning and ground the beans to make tofu. Tofu is good. Mr. Feng and the others also pulled out the vegetables for sale today and prepared them.

Because of the large number of people entering the city, the old Zhou family brought three times the usual amount of goods into the city today.

In a rare and generous manner, the magistrate Fu informed the city gate that the city entrance fee will be waived today, and anyone entering the city can enter as long as they do not carry a weapon. It is free!

There are a lot of people entering the city today, and naturally there are a lot of people selling things. Fortunately, the gangster who has been patrolling the streets and collecting protection fees deliberately left the place he often occupied after eating the countless tofu from Tuesday.

He was delighted that Tuesday Lang, who came late because of the large number of things he brought with him, directly picked up three or four large pieces of tofu for the other party, and of course, there was a protection fee.

Putting the things on the booth one by one, when Zhou Lang looked up and saw that his family had filled the booth in front of him, he immediately waved his hands in disgust and said, "What are you going to do? I'll just come here."

Zhou Dalang said: "I'll go with you and let the third child take the children to play."

Xiao Qian said to Zhou Zhou Lang: "It's rare for my younger brother and sister to come to the county town once. You bring four heads and go to Ji Shi Tang to have a look. It's only a matter of ten pennies."

Ever since Mr. He saw Mrs. Chen's dystocia, she has been feeling a little uneasy, and Mrs. Qian also knew about her mental illness. It is rare to come to the county town once, so it is better to go to the doctor to have a look.

Zhou Lang naturally complied, and hugged the four heads in his arms, protecting He to the pharmacy.

Xiao Qian and Feng decided to take the rest of the children to go around together. They didn't want to buy anything particularly expensive, but the needles and threads in their house had to be replenished.

It would be even better if you could get some rags that the other party didn't want in the cloth village.

Zhou Xi is naturally with them.

They have many children, but Datou Da Ya and Er Tou Er Ya often come to the county town, and they are more familiar than their own mothers.

In addition, they can also help to look after the younger siblings, so the older ones will take care of the younger ones, and the adults will stare at them again, and they will basically be fine.

Everyone discussed it properly and walked away.

Xiao Qian and the three of them took away a bunch of children in one move, and the front of the booth was quite empty.

Customers attracted by the traffic here immediately leaned in and asked, "What are you selling so lively?"

Tuesday Lang immediately greeted warmly, "All kinds of vegetables, as well as tofu, live fish and fried small fish."

On Tuesday, Lang carried a wooden barrel, motioned customers to look at the live fish inside, and said cheerfully, "They were all fished from the river yesterday and raised for a night. The smell of the dirt has gone away, but they are very fresh. But for the Mid-Autumn Festival, buy one and go back and try it?"

The customer who just wanted to buy some vegetables hesitated and asked, "How much is a pound?"

"It's not expensive, it's not expensive, ten cents a pound, it's cheaper than pork, and you will live longer if you eat fish often!"

"Is there any basis for this?"

"Of course there is, a person who is very capable and has read a lot of books said." - His youngest sister Man Bao.

When Chuu Lang found that he couldn't get in, he looked at Man Bao and saw that she was stealthily picking small fish from a pot to eat, so he silently took Fang's hand and said, "Go, let's go shopping by ourselves. "

Mr. Fang hesitated, "Aren't we staying to help?"

"Big brother and second brother will do. Don't worry, my second brother has set up a stall for so many years, and there are not enough guests to greet him."

Man Bao not only ate it himself, but also cut it out for the fifth and sixth brothers to eat.

Friday Lang and Saturday Lang looked around, and they ate one when Manbao fed one, and then paid attention to them when Zhou Dalang and Tuesday Lang sent off two more groups of guests.

On Tuesday, Lang reached out and patted Manbao's hand, took a small dried leaf, wrapped some small fish, and handed it to her: "Let's go and play, we have to go back early today."

Man Bao happily took it, and left with the fifth and sixth brothers contentedly.

They didn't immediately go to Miss Fu Er to play, but first went shopping on the street.

Early this morning, Man Bao took out 20 cents each from the savings of the fifth and sixth brothers, and then she decided to follow them to eat the big household.

They came out in a hurry in the morning, and each of them only ate a bowl of porridge and bean curd.

After walking all the way, Man Bao felt hungry, not to mention Friday Lang and Saturday Lang, otherwise they wouldn't steal the little fish and eat them.

So Man Bao stopped walking as soon as he walked to a wonton stand.

Friday Lang also swallowed his saliva, then stepped forward and asked the price, "How much is a bowl of wontons?"

It wasn't noon yet, and there were not many people eating in front of the wonton stall, so the stall owner glanced at the three children when he had time, and said with a smile, "Six cents per bowl."

Saturday Lang lowered his voice and said, "It's so expensive, it used to be Wuwen."

Although he has never eaten it, he often comes to the county town to sell candy, and he always sees people eating it, and he wants to eat it more than once.

When the stall owner heard it, he explained: "This is cheap, in May and June, you can get ten cents a bowl. Now although the autumn harvest is over, the price of food is still rising. We don't earn six cents a bowl. something."

Man Bao thought about it too. Recently, their food has been selling a little more expensive than usual.

Of course Wuwu Lang and Saturday Lang also knew, so they only hesitated and said, "Give us three bowls, no, two bowls."

Friday Lang said to Man Bao, "Let's eat less, what if we see something delicious again later?"

Man Bao felt that Fifth Brother was right, so he nodded.

*** As usual, he smiled and cooked two bowls of wontons for them, and gave them an extra bowl.

Man Bao happily thanked him, took the empty bowl and sat aside, waiting for the two brothers to share the food for her.

Fu Wenyun pushed open the window facing the street, looked down and saw her.

No way, Man Bao is white, tender, and round, especially when sitting among a group of black countrymen.

Fu Wenyun couldn't help smiling, turned her head and said to Qiuyue, "Go and invite Man Bao to come up."

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