Farmer’s Blessed Girl

Chapter 3257 marvel

Zhou Man sat down, and the little novice next to him poured tea that had just been brewed for the two of them.

Master Na Luo Er picked up the tea bowl and took a sip, "When I was in Tianzhu, I often heard that the Jin country in the east produced good tea, and some merchants from the Jin country from the east brought tea, and only a box can be sold for sky-high prices. I'm here. Only then did the state of Jin know that the so-called excellent teas that were drank in Tianzhu in the past are nothing here."

Zhou Man smiled and said: "The value of the commodity will naturally increase after the risk reaches its purpose, not to mention that the rare thing is the most expensive. If Master Luo Er likes to drink tea, I have some succulent flowers in my family, which are fresh and tender, rich and sweet. Whether it is made with green onion and ginger, or brewed, the taste is excellent."

Master Na Luo Er: "I heard that this tea is a tribute, and it is not available on the market."

Zhou Man nodded, "My Majesty's reward is the one in my family."

Master Luo Er smiled slightly, "Your Excellency is indeed extremely favored."

"Where, where, not as much as Master," Zhou Man said with a smile: "I heard that Master has been able to accompany him from time to time after entering the imperial city, and discuss the technique of longevity with His Majesty. In this regard, our academy is still far behind, let alone me?"

Master Na Luo Er didn't want to talk about this with Zhou Man, but Zhou Man said quickly: "Master, I still have a lot of unanswered questions about the medicine pill and the technique of longevity in the palace yesterday. to discuss the matter.”

Master Na Luo Er said plainly: "Regarding the refining of medicinal herbs, I am sorry that I cannot answer it because it involves the secrets of my Tianzhu Buddhism."

"I don't ask about the refining method, I only ask about the preparation," Zhou Man said. "Master also knows that your Majesty's body is of concern to the world. Normally, all medicines imported by Your Majesty must be tested by our imperial hospital."

Zhou Man raised his eyes, stared at Master Na Luo Er and said, "I also ask Master to cooperate and fill in all the missing information."

Master Na Luo Er smiled slightly and said, "Changsheng Temple is not within the jurisdiction of the Imperial Hospital."

"But the medicinal pills sent to the palace belong," Zhou Man insisted. "Not only will the medicinal medicinal herbs sent to the palace in the future be tested by our imperial hospital, but the materials that were missing in the past should also be supplemented."

Master Luo Er was displeased, "Master Zhou is deliberately targeting me?"

"No," Zhou Man softened his expression and said to him, "Master, although I don't know the difference between Tianzhu Buddha and my Jin country's Buddha, I think they are of the same lineage and have many similarities. Many masters in Jin Kingdom have been wanting to go to the source of Buddha to get the true scriptures and bring them back to study Buddhism. I have become friends with Master Zhiren of Huguo Temple, and I have a relationship with the Buddhist family.”

Master Naluo Er: ...This change is a bit sudden.

"That's why I believe in the master very much," Zhou Man said, "but the rules are the rules, and it's useless for me to believe. The possibility of framing and framing us is actually a kind of protection for us."

Master Luo Er frowned: "What's the difference between giving a prescription and giving a prescription?"

"Of course there is a difference. I only need the medicine list, I don't need the master to give a specific ratio, let alone the refining method. I will never inquire." Zhou Man said: "I just want to know whether the medicine used is poisonous. Whether there will be poison in the time, only then can enter the file."

Zhou Man smiled and said: "Master, you don't have to suspect that we coveted your elixir. Although I have never made a Buddhist or Taoist elixir, I have made a lot of pills, and I have seen others refining elixir. Shaodan recipes, real recipes, when to put what herbs and how to put them are all very particular, only the prescription is given, I can't study your medicines."

Master Luo Er was silent for a while and then said, "Okay."

He got up and left, returned to the meditation room and took a piece of paper to Zhou Man, with words she didn't understand on it, she smiled slightly, and turned to look at Daji not far behind.

Daji immediately brought up the medicine box, Zhou Man took out a pen and paper from it, traced their words against the medicine list, and asked, "Master, how do you say this first medicine name in our Central Plains dialect?"

Master Naro'er: "...Water."

Zhou Man stared at the string of words for a long time, and looked suspicious, "Your words for Tianzhu are so difficult? A word for water is such a long string."

"This water is not ordinary water."

Zhou Man sat up straight, staring at Na Luo Er with bright eyes, "Did your majesty say that the tea is going to water?"

Master Na Luo Er nodded: "Yes."

Zhou Man was very interested, "Yesterday was a short time, so His Majesty only mentioned one thing, I wonder what's so strange about this water?"

Master Luo Er glanced at Zhou Man. They left the palace after lunch yesterday, while the emperor left Zhou Man behind. I heard that Zhou Man didn't leave the palace until sunset. Is such a long time too short?

Recalling the attitude of the emperor and the courtiers who always found fault with him yesterday, Master Na Luo Er couldn't help but be more cautious, and introduced in a succinct manner: "This kind of water is only produced in our Tianzhu, and it is extremely rare, only in a mountain. In the mortar, it can melt metals and plants."

"Wow—" It sounds amazing, but can it melt metal, but not the human body?

Zhou Man asked curiously, "Will it not corrode the human body?"

Na Luo Er Sapo paused and said: "It can melt the impurities in the human body, so that the human body slowly returns to the purest time, as if it was just born from the mother's body."

Zhou Man:  …

I saw Master Na Luo Er said solemnly: "When Your Majesty can remove all impurities in the body, and then strengthen the foundation, you will be able to live forever."

Zhou Man swallowed his saliva, remembered these words after the string of medicine names, and asked, "Okay, what is the name of this second medicine?"

"I don't know how to say it in Jin dialect. Lord Zhou can temporarily call it Zui Lai Luo. This medicine is a magic medicine."

Zhou Man got excited when he heard it, and asked Keke in his heart, "Have you heard of it?"

Keke: "No."

Zhou Man asked, "Is there anything magical about this medicine?"

Master Na Luo Er said: "Naturally, how can it be called a magic medicine? It is a medicine that can consolidate the foundation, and this medicine is very rare and difficult to pick."

He said: "It grows in a snake cave, guarded by a large poisonous snake, and there are countless small snakes circling under the tree."

Zhou Man shivered, she was most afraid of snakes.

"Every time you pick a tree, you must shoot the leaves with arrows. There are crows waiting on the tree. When they see the big leaves falling, they will fly away with the leaves. This leaf is the magic medicine."

Zhou Man looked puzzled, "Why did the crow fly away with the fallen leaves?"

"It is also very beneficial for animals to take the magic medicine. If you take it for a long time, you can live long."

"Isn't it living in a tree? It can sting with its mouth."

Master Luo Er said with a serious face: "That is the divine tree, how dare the beasts offend? They can only wait and cannot snatch the leaves on the divine tree."

Zhou Man opened his mouth for a long time and was speechless, and finally gave a thumbs up and said, "Awesome, Master Luo Er got these leaves, oh, no, it's a magic medicine, right?"

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